Class Purpose

Notes for Purpose:

Slots on class Purpose:

Arity: 1
a State-Of-Affairs that is either 1) the Intended-Purpose of some Plan, or 2) in a Hold-Purpose relationship with some Actor
Instance-Of: Class, Relation, Set
Subclass-Of: Qua-Entity, State-Of-Affairs, Eo-Entity, Individual-Thing, Thing ...
Superclass-Of: Critical-Success-Factor, Goal, Mission, Strategic-Purpose, Vision ...

Slots on instances of Purpose:

Implication Axioms for Purpose:

(=> (Purpose ?Purpose)
    (Or (Exists (?Plan) (Intended-Purpose ?Plan ?Purpose))
        (Exists (?Actor) (Hold-Purpose ?Actor ?Purpose))))

Equivalence Axioms for Purpose:

(<=> (Purpose ?Purpose)
     (And (State-Of-Affairs ?Purpose)
          (Qua-Entity ?Purpose)
          (Or (Exists (?Plan) (Intended-Purpose ?Plan ?Purpose))
              (Exists (?Actor) (Hold-Purpose ?Actor ?Purpose)))))

Other Related Implication Axioms for Purpose:

(=> (Holds-Stake-In ?Stakeholder ?Organisational-Unit)
    (And (Or (Legal-Entity ?Stakeholder)
             (Organisational-Unit ?Stakeholder))
         (Exists (?Purpose)
                 (And (Purpose ?Purpose)
                      (Hold-Purpose ?Organisational-Unit ?Purpose)
                      (In-Scope-Of-Interest ?Stakeholder ?Purpose)))))