Class PplSequentialPlanAdaptor

  extended by ai.planning.propositional.PplSequentialPlanAdaptor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PplSequentialPlanAdaptor
extends java.lang.Object
implements inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>

This class is an adaptor between the ai.planning.propositional.SequentialPlan class that can be used as an internal representation for plans and its external form as defined by the PPL (Propositional Planning Language) syntax as described below.


The syntax used here is a Lisp-like syntax in which every expression is a list that is enclosed in brackets. For example, the definition of a plan is a list consisting of the symbol plan followed by three keywords and values. First comes the keyword :domain and a Symbol giving the domain name. Next is the keyword :actions and a list defining the actions in the plan. Finally, there are the keywords :ordering and :sequential indicating that the order is given by the list of actions. Each action is itself a list consisting of two symbols where the first is interpreted as a unique label and the second must be the name of an ActionType. This syntax can be described more formally as follows:

 <SequentialPlan> ::= '(' plan 
                          :domain <name>
                          :actions '(' <ActionRef>* ')' 
                          :ordering :sequential ')'
 <ActionRef>      ::= '(' <name> <name> ')'


A number of properties can be used modify the behaviour of this SyntaxAdaptor. Symbols are case-sensitive by default, which can be changed by setting the property case-sensitive to false. Similarly the property namespace-aware determines whether symbols are expected to belong to namespaces.

The remaining properties can be used to set the string used for a single indent (two spaces by default) and the maximal line width. Both of these properties are used for pretty-printing only.

property possible values default
case-sensitive true, false true
namespace-aware true, false true
indent-string any string "  "
line-width positive int 80

Gerhard Wickler
See Also:
PplDomainAdaptor, PplProblemAdaptor

Field Summary
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType actionsTT
          the token types used
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType closebracketTT
          the token types used
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType domainTT
          the token types used
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType ignorableTT
          the token types used
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType openbracketTT
          the token types used
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType orderingTT
          the token types used
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType planTT
          the token types used
protected  java.util.Properties props
          the properties used for reading and writing
protected  inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner
          the lexical analyzer used for tokenizing the input
protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType sequentialTT
          the token types used
Constructor Summary
           This constructor creates a SyntaxAdaptor that can be used to read a propositional sequential plan in the PPL syntax and create a SequentialPlan for it, or it can be used to write out a SequentialPlan in the PPL syntax.
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.Object clone()
           This class does not support cloning and an Exception will be thrown if this method is called.
 java.lang.Class<SequentialPlan> getInternalClass()
           This function returns the Class that holds the internal representation this adaptor translates to and from.
 java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String key)
           This function gets the property that is associated with the given key.
 java.lang.String getSyntaxName()
           This function returns the name that should identify the syntactical language that this adaptor translates to and from.
protected static SequentialPlan parseSequentialPlan(inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner, java.util.Properties props)
           This function reads tokens from the given LexicalAnalyzer and attempts to create a SequentialPlan that corresponds to the parsed tokens.
 void prettyPrint(int indent, SequentialPlan plan, w)
           This function takes a SequentialPlan which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the PPL syntax.
protected static void prettyPrintSequentialPlan(int indent, SequentialPlan plan, w, java.util.Properties props)
           This function writes the given SequentialPlan to the given Writer, using the given Properties.
 SequentialPlan read( r)
           This function attempts to parse characters from the given Reader until a SequentialPlan that represents an object in the internal representation has been parsed.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
           This function sets the property associated with the given key to the given value.
 void write(SequentialPlan plan, w)
           This function takes a SequentialPlan which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the PPL syntax.
protected static void writeSequentialPlan(SequentialPlan plan, w, java.util.Properties props)
           This function writes the given SequentialPlan to the given Writer, using the given Properties.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType ignorableTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType openbracketTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType closebracketTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType planTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType domainTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType actionsTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType orderingTT
the token types used


protected static inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer.TokenType sequentialTT
the token types used


protected inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner
the lexical analyzer used for tokenizing the input


protected java.util.Properties props
the properties used for reading and writing

Constructor Detail


public PplSequentialPlanAdaptor()

This constructor creates a SyntaxAdaptor that can be used to read a propositional sequential plan in the PPL syntax and create a SequentialPlan for it, or it can be used to write out a SequentialPlan in the PPL syntax.

Method Detail


protected java.lang.Object clone()
                          throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException

This class does not support cloning and an Exception will be thrown if this method is called.

clone in class java.lang.Object
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - will be thrown


public java.lang.Class<SequentialPlan> getInternalClass()

This function returns the Class that holds the internal representation this adaptor translates to and from.

Specified by:
getInternalClass in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
the internal representation Class adapted to


public java.lang.String getSyntaxName()

This function returns the name that should identify the syntactical language that this adaptor translates to and from.

Specified by:
getSyntaxName in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
the name of the language adapted to


public void write(SequentialPlan plan,
           throws inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException,

This function takes a SequentialPlan which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the PPL syntax.

Specified by:
write in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
plan - the SequentialPlan to be written
w - the Writer to which the syntactical translation is written
inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException - if the syntactical language cannot represent the given statement - if writing to the given Writer fails


public void prettyPrint(int indent,
                        SequentialPlan plan,
                 throws inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException,

This function takes a SequentialPlan which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the PPL syntax. Additional whitespace is added to increase readability.

Specified by:
prettyPrint in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
indent - the amount of indentation for the first line
plan - the SequentialPlan to be written
w - the Writer to which the syntactical translation is written
inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException - if the syntactical language cannot represent the given statement - if writing to the given Writer fails


public SequentialPlan read( r)
                    throws inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException,

This function attempts to parse characters from the given Reader until a SequentialPlan that represents an object in the internal representation has been parsed.

Specified by:
read in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
r - the Reader from which the representation is to be parsed
the target internal representation
inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException - if the internal representation class is not expressive enough for the given statement
java.text.ParseException - if there is a syntax error in the given string - if reading from the Reader fails


public java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String key)

This function gets the property that is associated with the given key. Note that the key should not be null.

Specified by:
getProperty in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
the property for the given key (or null if undefined)


public void setProperty(java.lang.String key,
                        java.lang.String value)

This function sets the property associated with the given key to the given value. The given key must not be null, but the value may be.

Specified by:
setProperty in interface inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<SequentialPlan>
key - the key with which the value is associated
value - the associated value


protected static void writeSequentialPlan(SequentialPlan plan,
                                          java.util.Properties props)
                                   throws inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException,

This function writes the given SequentialPlan to the given Writer, using the given Properties. Note that this requires labels to be assigned to all the Actions in the plan. The syntax used is as follows:

 <SequentialPlan> ::= '(' plan 
                          :domain <name>
                          :actions '(' <ActionRef>* ')' 
                          :ordering :sequential ')'
 <ActionRef>      ::= '(' <name> <name> ')'

plan - the SequentialPlan to be written
w - the Writer to which the character representation is written
props - the Properties determining the exact syntax
inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException - if the syntactical language cannot represent the given Problem - if writing to the given Writer fails


protected static void prettyPrintSequentialPlan(int indent,
                                                SequentialPlan plan,
                                                java.util.Properties props)
                                         throws inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException,

This function writes the given SequentialPlan to the given Writer, using the given Properties. The syntax is the same as for writing.

indent - the amount of indentation for the first line
plan - the SequentialPlan to be written
w - the Writer to which the character representation is written
props - the Properties determining the exact syntax
inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException - if the syntactical language cannot represent the given Problem - if writing to the given Writer fails


protected static SequentialPlan parseSequentialPlan(inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner,
                                                    java.util.Properties props)
                                             throws inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException,

This function reads tokens from the given LexicalAnalyzer and attempts to create a SequentialPlan that corresponds to the parsed tokens. The given properties determine the exact syntax.

 <SequentialPlan> ::= '(' plan 
                          :domain <name>
                          :actions '(' <ActionRef>* ')' 
                          :ordering :sequential ')'
 <ActionRef>      ::= '(' <name> <name> ')'

scanner - the LexicalAnalyzer from which tokens are parsed
props - the properties for parsing
the Problem that represents the parsed input
inf.compilers.ExpressivenessException - if the syntactical language uses features not supported by the internal representation
java.text.ParseException - if the input contains a syntactical error - if reading from the Reader fails