Package ai.planning.propositional

Class Summary
Action An Action is an activity that may be executable by some agent.
ActionType An ActionType represents a class of Actions.
Domain A propositional planning domain corresponds to a state-transition system in which the state space is implicitly defined by the propositional Atoms used to define the Domain and the planning problems for this Domain.
Goal A goal is defined as a set of Atoms in propositional planning.
PplDomainAdaptor This class is an adaptor between the ai.planning.propositional.Domain class that can be used as an internal representation for planning domains and its external form as defined by the PPL (Propositional Planning Language) syntax as described below.
PplProblemAdaptor This class is an adaptor between the ai.planning.propositional.Problem class that can be used as an internal representation for planning problems and its external form as defined by the PPL (Propositional Planning Language) syntax as described below.
PplSequentialPlanAdaptor This class is an adaptor between the ai.planning.propositional.SequentialPlan class that can be used as an internal representation for plans and its external form as defined by the PPL (Propositional Planning Language) syntax as described below.
Problem A planning problem over a planning Domain is defined by an initial WorldState and a Goal.
SequentialPlan This class class represents a SequentialPlan which is simply a sequence of Actions.
WorldState A WorldState is a logical representation of all the facts that are true in the state of the world represented by this WorldState.