Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActionType

Uses of ActionType in ai.planning

Methods in ai.planning that return ActionType
 ActionType<A> Action.getActionType()
           This function returns the ActionType of this Action.
 ActionType<A> Domain.getOperator(ai.krr.NamedSymbol name)
           This function returns the ActionType with the given name that may be defined in this Domain.

Methods in ai.planning that return types with arguments of type ActionType
 java.util.List<? extends ActionType<A>> Domain.getOperators()
           This function returns the List of Operators that define this Domain.

Uses of ActionType in ai.planning.strips

Classes in ai.planning.strips that implement ActionType
 class ActionType
           An ActionType represents a class of Actions.

Methods in ai.planning.strips that return ActionType
 ActionType<ai.krr.fol.Atom> Domain.getOperator(ai.krr.NamedSymbol name)
           This function can be used to retrieve a specific ActionType defined in this Domain.