Uses of Interface

Packages that use FourField
ix.iface.ui I-X user interfaces. 

Uses of FourField in ix.iface.ui

Classes in ix.iface.ui that implement FourField
 class DefaultColourField
          An interface with four aspects: string, colour, symbol, image.
 class EditableColourField
          An interface with four aspects: string, colour, symbol, image.

Methods in ix.iface.ui with parameters of type FourField
 javax.swing.JMenuItem IXPopupMenu.add(FourField fourField)

Uses of FourField in ix.iface.ui.table

Methods in ix.iface.ui.table with parameters of type FourField
 javax.swing.JMenuItem TablePopupMenu.add(FourField fourField)
          Same as that for IXPopuoMenu, but uses plain font, not bold.