Visitor Programmes

AIAI at the University of Edinburgh hosts visiting workers from both the industrial and academic communities. We have two types of visiting arrangements in place:

Both these programmes are available in our technical areas of expertise which cover AI planning technology, where AIAI is a world leader in the research and development of planning techniques; AI modelling technology where AIAI is leading one the UK's largest ever collaborative projects on business process management; and knowledge engineering methods where AIAI is actively involved in evaluating and contributing to the development of methods.

Study Programmes in AI Applications

Study Programmes are concerned with creating skilled knowledge engineers. They are aimed at organisations that have reason to believe that one or more of their problems may be addressed by application of KBS techniques and which have personnel who lack sufficient KBS skills to carry out the project effectively.

Study Programmes emphasise the production of high quality applications. Visitors build an initial system which their organisation can develop further. This gives a quick start on a project for a organisation, and relevant knowledge engineering skills for its staff. This is achieved through:

The Study Programme usually lasts ten weeks and visitors may register on a full-time or part-time basis. Programmes start in January, April and October.

Research Programmes in AI Applications

Research Programmes are aimed at organisations who already have skilled staff in the domain of AI but who wish to further their research into the application of the techniques to meet business requirements.

The visitor will be a well motivated individual who can work with minimum direct supervision, and join as part of one of AIAI's technical groups. The AI application research will be a project chosen to fit in with, and compliment, AIAI's technical focii of:

For the period of the Research Programme the visitor will be allocated;

It is expected that a minimum of joint publications must be an outcome of the application research work.

Research Programmes last a minimum of three months and visitors may apply at any time.

Further Information

For further information on our Visitor Programmes or any of the short courses available through our Training Services just contact us at the address below.

Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute
University of Edinburgh
80 South Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1HN
United Kingdon

tel: UK +44 (131) 650 2732
fax: UK +44 (131) 650 6513