Uses of Class

Packages that use IntCostHeuristic   

Uses of IntCostHeuristic in

Fields in declared as IntCostHeuristic
protected  IntCostHeuristic<S> BestFirstSearcherForIntCostFn.h
          the Heuristic to be used for the search

Constructors in with parameters of type IntCostHeuristic
AStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new GreedySearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
BestFirstSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new SearchEngineForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic function, search limit, and type of search space.
GreedySearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new GreedySearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
IDAStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new IDAStarSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
MAStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure, int maxF)
           This constructor creates a new MAStarSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, type of search space, and f-value limit.
RandomizedAStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new RandomizedAStarSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
RBFSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, int stackSize, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new RBFSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search stack size, search limit and search space type.
RBFSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new RBFSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit and search space type.