Uses of Interface

Packages that use SearchStateForIntCostFn   

Uses of SearchStateForIntCostFn in

Classes in with type parameters of type SearchStateForIntCostFn
 class SearchEngineForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class is a generic AI search engine that traverses a search space defined by an initial search state and a set of available actions.
static class SearchEngineForIntCostFn.SearchNodeForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           A search node is a data structure created by a search engine to keep track of the portion of the search space explored so far.

Classes in that implement SearchStateForIntCostFn
 class AbstractSearchStateForIntCostFn
           This class represents a state of the world in a search problem.

Fields in declared as SearchStateForIntCostFn
protected  S SearchEngineForIntCostFn.initialState
          the initial state for the search; this value must be set by the constructor
protected  S SearchEngineForIntCostFn.SearchNodeForIntCostFn.state
          the search state contained in this node

Methods in that return SearchStateForIntCostFn
 SearchStateForIntCostFn SearchStateForIntCostFn.apply(IntCostAction action)
           This function computes a new search state that is the result of performing the given action in this search state.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type SearchStateForIntCostFn
 java.lang.Class<? extends SearchStateForIntCostFn> IntCostAction.getStateClass()
           This function can be used to retrieve the state class which, together with this action class, defines a search problem.
 java.util.Iterator<inf.util.Pair<IntCostAction,SearchStateForIntCostFn>> SearchStateForIntCostFn.successors()
           This function indirectly generates the successors for this state in the context of the search problem defined by this class.
 java.util.Iterator<inf.util.Pair<IntCostAction,SearchStateForIntCostFn>> AbstractSearchStateForIntCostFn.successors()
           This function indirectly generates the successors for this state in the context of the search problem defined by this class.

Methods in with parameters of type SearchStateForIntCostFn
 int IntCostAction.getCost(SearchStateForIntCostFn state)
           This function returns the cost of applying this action in the given search state.

Uses of SearchStateForIntCostFn in

Classes in with type parameters of type SearchStateForIntCostFn
 class AStarSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space from a given initial state and guided by a heuristic function.
 class BestFirstSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class is a generic heuristic search engine that traverses a search space defined by an initial state and a set of available actions.
 class GreedySearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space from a given initial state and guided by a heuristic function.
 class IDAStarSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that traverses a search space using the IDA* algorithm from a given initial state.
 class IntCostHeuristic<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a heuristic function that can be used to estimate the distance to the closest goal node for a given search state.
 class MAStarSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space from a given initial state and guided by a heuristic function.
 class RandomizedAStarSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space from a given initial state and guided by a heuristic function.
 class RBFSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that traverses a search space from a given initial state using the recursive best-first search algorithm (RBFS).

Uses of SearchStateForIntCostFn in

Classes in with type parameters of type SearchStateForIntCostFn
 class BidirBFSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that traverses a search space bi-directionally in breadth first order from a given initial state and a given goal state.
 class BreadthFirstSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space in breadth-first order from a given initial state.
 class DepthFirstSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space in depth-first order from a given initial state.
 class IDSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that traverses a search space by iterative deepening and in depth first order from a given initial state.
 class UniformCostSearcherForIntCostFn<S extends SearchStateForIntCostFn>
           This class represents a search engine that generates a search space in ascending order of path cost from a given initial state.

Fields in declared as SearchStateForIntCostFn
protected  S BidirBFSearcherForIntCostFn.goalState
          the goal state from which the backward search starts