Uses of Class

Packages that use SearchEngine.GraphType   

Uses of SearchEngine.GraphType in

Methods in that return SearchEngine.GraphType
static SearchEngine.GraphType SearchEngine.GraphType.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SearchEngine.GraphType[] SearchEngine.GraphType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in with parameters of type SearchEngine.GraphType
SearchEngine(long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new SearchEngine for the given search limit, and type of search space.
SearchEngineForDoubleCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new SearchEngineForDoubleCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
SearchEngineForIntCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new SearchEngineForIntCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.

Uses of SearchEngine.GraphType in

Constructors in with parameters of type SearchEngine.GraphType
AStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new GreedySearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
BestFirstSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new SearchEngineForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic function, search limit, and type of search space.
GreedySearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new GreedySearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
IDAStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new IDAStarSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
MAStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure, int maxF)
           This constructor creates a new MAStarSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, type of search space, and f-value limit.
RandomizedAStarSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new RandomizedAStarSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit, and type of search space.
RBFSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, int stackSize, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new RBFSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search stack size, search limit and search space type.
RBFSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, IntCostHeuristic<S> heuristic, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new RBFSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, heuristic, search limit and search space type.

Uses of SearchEngine.GraphType in

Constructors in with parameters of type SearchEngine.GraphType
BidirBFSearcherForDoubleCostFn(S iState, S gState, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new BidirBFSearcherForDoubleCostFn for the given initial state, goal state, search limit, and type of search space.
BidirBFSearcherForIntCostFn(S iState, S gState, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new BidirBFSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, goal state, search limit, and type of search space.
BreadthFirstSearcherForDoubleCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new BreadthFirstSearcherForDoubleCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
BreadthFirstSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new BreadthFirstSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
DepthFirstSearcherForDoubleCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new DepthFirstSearcherForDoubleCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
DepthFirstSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new DepthFirstSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
IDSearcherForDoubleCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new IDSearcherForDoubleCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
IDSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new IDSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
UniformCostSearcherForDoubleCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new UniformCostSearcherForDoubleCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.
UniformCostSearcherForIntCostFn(S state, long limit, SearchEngine.GraphType structure)
           This constructor creates a new UniformCostSearcherForIntCostFn for the given initial state, search limit, and type of search space.