Uses of Class

Packages that use ActionType

Uses of ActionType in ai.planning.strips

Fields in ai.planning.strips declared as ActionType
protected  ActionType Action.actionType
          the ActionType which this Action instantiates

Fields in ai.planning.strips with type parameters of type ActionType
protected  java.util.List<ActionType> Domain.operators
          the List of ActionTypes that define this Domain

Methods in ai.planning.strips that return ActionType
protected  ActionType Domain.clone()
          This class does not support cloning and an Exception will be thrown if this method is called.
protected  ActionType ActionType.clone()
           This class does not support cloning and an Exception will be thrown if this method is called.
 ActionType Action.getActionType()
           This function returns the ActionType of this Action.
protected static ActionType PddlDomainAdaptor.parseActionTypeNB(inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner, java.util.Properties props, PddlDomainAdaptor.ParsingContext context)
           ::= ":action" [ ] [ ] ::= ":precondition" '(' ')' ::= ":effect" '(' ')' next token must be closing bracket!

Methods in ai.planning.strips that return types with arguments of type ActionType
 java.util.List<ActionType> Domain.getOperators()
           This function returns the List of ActionTypes that define this Domain.

Methods in ai.planning.strips with parameters of type ActionType
 java.util.Set<Goal.UgConditions> Goal.getPartialSubGoals(ActionType op, Problem p)
           This function computes the regression set of this Goal.
protected static void PddlDomainAdaptor.prettyPrintActionType(int indent, ActionType aType, w, java.util.Properties props)
protected static void PddlDomainAdaptor.writeActionType(ActionType aType, w, java.util.Properties props)

Constructors in ai.planning.strips with parameters of type ActionType
Action(ActionType type, Grounding g, boolean allowComplements)
           This constructor creates a new Action of the given type.
Action(ActionType type, java.util.List<ai.krr.fol.Constant> params, boolean allowComplements)
           This constructor creates a new Action of the given type.
Domain(ai.krr.NamedSymbol name, ActionType... ops)
           This constructor creates a new Domain that has the given name and is defined by the given ActionTypes.
Goal.UgConditions(ActionType.ArrayGrounding gnd, ActionType op, java.util.Set<ai.krr.NamedSymbol> statRels)

Constructor parameters in ai.planning.strips with type arguments of type ActionType
Domain(ai.krr.NamedSymbol name, java.util.List<ActionType> ops)
           This constructor creates a new Domain that has the given name and is defined by the given ActionTypes.