Uses of Class

Packages that use Sentence

Uses of Sentence in ai.krr.propositions

Subclasses of Sentence in ai.krr.propositions
 class Atom
           An Atom is one of the most basic building blocks for a Sentence.
 class BinaryConnectedSentence
           This class represents a Sentence that consists of a Connective that connects two sub-Sentences.
 class ConnectedSentence
           This class represents a Sentence that consists of a Connective that connects a number of (at least two) sub-Sentences.
 class Literal
           A Literal is one of the most basic building blocks for a Sentence.
 class NegatedSentence
           A NegatedSentence is the simplest kind of complex Sentence.
 class TruthValue
           A TruthValue is one of the most basic building blocks for a Sentence.

Fields in ai.krr.propositions declared as Sentence
protected  Sentence NegatedSentence.contained
          the contained Sentence that is negated *
protected  Sentence[] ConnectedSentence.sentences
          the sub-Sentences connected here

Methods in ai.krr.propositions that return Sentence
abstract  Sentence Sentence.clone()
          This function generates a deep copy of this Sentence.
 Sentence NegatedSentence.getContainedSentence()
           This function returns the Sentence that is contained in this NegatedSentence.
 Sentence BinaryConnectedSentence.getLeftHandSide()
           This function returns the left-hand side sub-Sentence of this BinaryConnectedSentence.
 Sentence BinaryConnectedSentence.getRightHandSide()
           This function returns the right-hand side sub-Sentence of this BinaryConnectedSentence.
 Sentence[] ConnectedSentence.getSubSentences()
           This function returns the the sub-Sentences that are joined in this ConnectedSentence.
 Sentence XplSentenceAdaptor.parseNodeTree(org.w3c.dom.Element root)
           This function takes a DOM Document and generates an internal representation of the statement in the representation R that represents the content of the given Document.
protected  Sentence XplSentenceAdaptor.parseSentence(org.w3c.dom.Element node, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,NameSpace> proxies)
static Sentence KifSentenceAdaptor.parseSentence(inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner, java.util.Properties props)
           This function attempts to parse a propositional Sentence in KIF syntax from the underlying LexicalAnalyzer.
 Sentence r)
           This function attempts to parse characters from the given Reader until a Sentence that represents an object in the internal representation has been parsed.
static Sentence r, inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<Sentence> sa)
 Sentence Sentence.toCNF()
          This function returns a new Sentence which is the CNF of this Sentence.
protected  Sentence TruthValue.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new TruthValue which contains the same BooleanSymbol or its negation, depending on the given boolean.
protected abstract  Sentence Sentence.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
          This function returns a new Sentence which is the CNF of this Sentence.
protected  Sentence NegatedSentence.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Literal which contains the proposition contained in this Atom.
protected  Sentence Literal.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Literal which is a copy of this Literal.
protected  Sentence ConnectedSentence.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Sentence which is the CNF form of this ConnectedSentence.
protected  Sentence BinaryConnectedSentence.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Sentence which is the CNF of this Sentence.
protected  Sentence Atom.toCNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Literal which contains the proposition contained in this Atom.
 Sentence Sentence.toDNF()
          This function returns a new Sentence which is the DNF of this Sentence.
protected  Sentence TruthValue.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new TruthValue which contains the same BooleanSymbol or its negation, depending on the given boolean.
protected abstract  Sentence Sentence.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
          This function returns a new Sentence which is the DNF of this Sentence.
protected  Sentence NegatedSentence.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Literal which contains the proposition contained in this Atom.
protected  Sentence Literal.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Literal which is a copy of this Literal.
protected  Sentence ConnectedSentence.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Sentence which is the CNF form of this AndOrSentence.
protected  Sentence BinaryConnectedSentence.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Sentence which is the DNF of this Sentence.
protected  Sentence Atom.toDNF(boolean isNegated)
           This function returns a new Literal which contains the proposition contained in this Atom.

Methods in ai.krr.propositions that return types with arguments of type Sentence
 java.util.List<Sentence> Sentence.allSubSentences(boolean rootFirst)
           This function can be used to create a List of all the sub-Sentences of this Sentence, including the Sentence itself.
 java.lang.Class<Sentence> XplSentenceAdaptor.getInternalClass()
           This function returns the Class that holds the internal representation this adaptor translates to and from.
 java.lang.Class<Sentence> KifSentenceAdaptor.getInternalClass()
           This function returns the Class that holds the internal representation this adaptor translates to and from.
static java.util.List<Sentence> KifSentenceAdaptor.parseSentences(inf.compilers.LexicalAnalyzer scanner, java.util.Properties props)
           This function attempts to parse a sequence of at least two Sentences from the given LexicalAnalyzer.

Methods in ai.krr.propositions with parameters of type Sentence
 boolean Interpretation.assignsAll(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether all the NamedSymbols in the given Sentence are assigned a truth value by this Interpretation.
 int TruthValue.compareTo(Sentence stmt)
           This function compares this Sentence to the given Sentence.
abstract  int Sentence.compareTo(Sentence stmt)
          This function compares this Sentence to the given Sentence.
 int NegatedSentence.compareTo(Sentence stmt)
           This function compares this Sentence to the given Sentence.
 int Literal.compareTo(Sentence stmt)
           This function compares this Sentence to the given Sentence.
 int ConnectedSentence.compareTo(Sentence stmt)
           This function compares this Sentence to the given Sentence.
 int Atom.compareTo(Sentence stmt)
           This function compares this Sentence to the given Sentence.
 boolean TheoremProver.equivalent(Sentence stmt1, Sentence stmt2)
           This function tests whether the two given Sentences are equivalent.
 boolean RTPSolverIE.equivalent(Sentence stmt1, Sentence stmt2)
           This function tests whether the two given Sentences are equivalent.
 boolean InterpretationEnumerator.equivalent(Sentence stmt1, Sentence stmt2)
           This function tests whether the two given Sentences are equivalent.
 boolean DPSolverIE.equivalent(Sentence stmt1, Sentence stmt2)
           This function tests whether the two given Sentences are equivalent.
 boolean Interpretation.falsifies(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given propositional Sentence evaluates to false under this Interpretation.
 boolean TheoremProver.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 boolean RTPSolverIE.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 boolean InterpretationEnumerator.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 boolean DPSolverIE.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 org.w3c.dom.Element XplSentenceAdaptor.generateNodeTree(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, Sentence content)
           This function generates an Element Node that is the root for the given content.
 org.w3c.dom.Element XplSentenceAdaptor.generateSentenceNode(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, Sentence content, java.util.Set<NameSpace> nss)
           This function generates an Element Node that is the root for the given content.
 Interpretation TheoremProver.getModel(Sentence stmt)
           This function attempts to find a model for the given Sentence.
 Interpretation RTPSolverIE.getModel(Sentence stmt)
           This function attempts to find a model for the given Sentence.
 Interpretation InterpretationEnumerator.getModel(Sentence stmt)
           This function attempts to find a model for the given Sentence.
 Interpretation DPSolverIE.getModel(Sentence stmt)
           This function attempts to find a model for the given Sentence.
 boolean TheoremProver.isInconsistent(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is inconsistent.
 boolean RTPSolverIE.isInconsistent(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is inconsistent.
 boolean InterpretationEnumerator.isInconsistent(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is inconsistent.
 boolean DPSolverIE.isInconsistent(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is inconsistent.
 boolean TheoremProver.isValid(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is valid.
 boolean RTPSolverIE.isValid(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is valid.
 boolean InterpretationEnumerator.isValid(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is valid.
 boolean DPSolverIE.isValid(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence in propositional logic is valid.
 void KifSentenceAdaptor.prettyPrint(int indent, Sentence stmt, w)
           This function takes a logical Sentence which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the KIF syntax.
static void KifSentenceAdaptor.prettyPrintSentence(int indent, Sentence stmt, w, java.util.Properties props)
           This function takes a logical Sentence which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and wrties it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the KIF syntax.
 boolean Interpretation.satisfies(Sentence stmt)
           This function tests whether the given propositional Sentence evaluates to true under this Interpretation.
 void KifSentenceAdaptor.write(Sentence stmt, w)
           This function takes a logical Sentence which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the KIF syntax.
static void KifSentenceAdaptor.writeSentence(Sentence stmt, w, java.util.Properties props)
           This function takes a logical Sentence which is a Java Object in the internal representation, and writes it to the given Writer as a string conforming to the KIF syntax.

Method parameters in ai.krr.propositions with type arguments of type Sentence
protected  void Sentence.addSubSentences(java.util.List<Sentence> sents, boolean rootFirst)
           This function can be used to fill the given List of with all the sub-Sentences of this Sentence, including the Sentence itself.
 boolean TheoremProver.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 boolean RTPSolverIE.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 boolean InterpretationEnumerator.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
 boolean DPSolverIE.follows(Sentence stmt, java.util.Collection<Sentence> axioms)
           This function tests whether the given Sentence logically follows from the given Collection of Sentences.
static Sentence r, inf.compilers.SyntaxAdaptor<Sentence> sa)

Constructors in ai.krr.propositions with parameters of type Sentence
BinaryConnectedSentence(Sentence lhs, ConnectedSentence.Connective connective, Sentence rhs)
           This constructor for a BinaryConnectedSentence takes a Connective and two Sentences which are the Sentences that are connected by the given connective.
ConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence.Connective connective, Sentence... sentences)
           This constructor for a ConnectedSentence takes a Connective and a number of Sentences which are the Sentences that are connected by the given connective.
ConnectedSentence(Sentence s1, ConnectedSentence.Connective connective, Sentence s2)
           This constructor for a ConnectedSentence takes a Connective and two Sentences which are the Sentences that are connected by the given connective.
NegatedSentence(Sentence stmt)
           This constructor for a NegatedSentence simply takes the Sentence that is negated.

Constructor parameters in ai.krr.propositions with type arguments of type Sentence
ConnectedSentence(ConnectedSentence.Connective connective, java.util.Collection<Sentence> sents)
           This constructor for a ConnectedSentence takes a Connective and a List of Sentences which are the Sentences that are connected by the given connective.