Class ItemVar

  extended by ix.util.lisp.Symbol
      extended by ix.util.lisp.ItemVar
All Implemented Interfaces:
LispObject, SemiPrimitive, java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable

public class ItemVar
extends Symbol

Symbols used in patterns as variables that match a single object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static Gensym.Generator varGen
Fields inherited from class ix.util.lisp.Symbol
name, obTable
Constructor Summary
protected ItemVar(java.lang.String name)
Method Summary
protected static java.lang.Object renameItemVars(java.util.HashMap map, java.lang.Object tree)
static java.lang.Object renameItemVars(java.lang.Object tree)
          Returns a copy of the tree in which every ItemVar is replaced by an ItemVar that did not exist before this call to this method.
Methods inherited from class ix.util.lisp.Symbol
compareTo, exists, intern, quickIntern, readResolve, toString, valueOf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static Gensym.Generator varGen
Constructor Detail


protected ItemVar(java.lang.String name)
Method Detail


public static java.lang.Object renameItemVars(java.lang.Object tree)
Returns a copy of the tree in which every ItemVar is replaced by an ItemVar that did not exist before this call to this method.


protected static java.lang.Object renameItemVars(java.util.HashMap map,
                                                 java.lang.Object tree)