Class IPC.BufferedMessageListener

  extended by ix.util.IPC.BufferedMessageListener
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class IPC.BufferedMessageListener
extends java.lang.Object
implements IPC.MessageListener

A MessageListener that enqueues messages for processing in a separate thread of the listener's own.

There are two ways to use this class. An instance of this class can be used as a wrapper around an existing "inner" MessageListener. Or an instance of a subclass can be used without an inner listener if the subclass redefines the handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage) method.

Note that in this class the messageReceived method only enqueues a message for later processing, and that it's the handleMessage method that actually processes the message, after its been removed from the queue by the BufferedMessageListener's thread.

Here's why the class is useful. Suppose an ordinary MessageListener is invoked in a thread T by calling its messageReceived method. T cannot do anything else until that call returns. /\/: ...

See Also:
MessageQueue, TransferThread

Field Summary
protected  IPC.MessageListener innerListener
protected  TransferThread thread
Constructor Summary
protected IPC.BufferedMessageListener()
          Constructs a listener without an inner listener.
  IPC.BufferedMessageListener(IPC.MessageListener innerListener)
          Constructs an (outer) listener and starts the thread that will pass messages to the inner listener.
Method Summary
protected  void handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Called in this BufferedMessageListener's thread to process the the next message from the queue.
 void messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Enqueues a message for later processing by the handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage) method, which will be called in this BufferedMessageListener's thread.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected IPC.MessageListener innerListener


protected TransferThread thread
Constructor Detail


public IPC.BufferedMessageListener(IPC.MessageListener innerListener)
Constructs an (outer) listener and starts the thread that will pass messages to the inner listener.


protected IPC.BufferedMessageListener()
Constructs a listener without an inner listener. This should be used only for subclasses that redefine the handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage) method.

Method Detail


public void messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
Enqueues a message for later processing by the handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage) method, which will be called in this BufferedMessageListener's thread.

Specified by:
messageReceived in interface IPC.MessageListener


protected void handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage message)
Called in this BufferedMessageListener's thread to process the the next message from the queue. The version of the method in this class does that by calling the inner listener's messageReceived method, and so it must be refefined in subclasses that do not have an inner listener.

See Also: