Interface PlanEvaluation

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChecksimPlanEvaluation, ErrorPlanEvaluation, SimplePlanEvaluation

public interface PlanEvaluation

A description of some aspect of a plan. A PlanEvaluation is typically produced by a PlanEvaluator.

Method Summary
 void detailsRequested()
          Tells the evaluation that the user has requested more information.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Returns the current value of this evaluation.
 boolean hasDetails()
          Indicates whether or not more information is available if the used requests it.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getValue()
Returns the current value of this evaluation. Note that the value may change after the user requests more information.

See Also:


boolean hasDetails()
Indicates whether or not more information is available if the used requests it.

See Also:


void detailsRequested()
Tells the evaluation that the user has requested more information. For some evaluations, the work will not be done until this method is called. Until then, the value returned by getValue() will just be a place-holder that indicates that more information is available. This method will then typically change that value to show the real result of the evalutaion.

It is recommended that any evaluations that require a substantial amount of computation be handled in that delayed, "when requested" fashion.

See Also: