Uses of Class

Packages that use PanelFrame
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.ip2.test Classes for test-menu entries. 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.itest I-Test. 
ix.postix Minimal I-X Process Panels 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 

Uses of PanelFrame in ix.ip2

Subclasses of PanelFrame in ix.ip2
(package private) static class Ip2Applet.AppletIp2Frame
 class Ip2Frame
          The main frame of the I-P2 user interface.
 class NewIp2Frame
          A revised version of the main frame of the I-P2 user interface.

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type PanelFrame
 java.awt.Component StateViewer.getView(PanelFrame frame)
          Return the GUI component that should be placed in the agent's main user-interface frame.
 java.awt.Component StateViewTable.getView(PanelFrame frame)
 java.awt.Component ObjectWhiteboard.getView(PanelFrame panelFrame)
 java.awt.Component NullStateViewer.getView(PanelFrame panelFrame)
 java.awt.Component AnnotationViewer.getView(PanelFrame frame)
          Return the GUI component that should be placed in the agent's main user-interface frame.
 java.awt.Component AnnotationViewTable.getView(PanelFrame frame)

Uses of PanelFrame in ix.ip2.test

Fields in ix.ip2.test declared as PanelFrame
protected  PanelFrame PanelTest.frame

Methods in ix.ip2.test with parameters of type PanelFrame
 void TestSubmenu.addToMenu(PanelFrame frame)
          Tells the panel to add a submenu to the test menu.
 void TestSeparator.addToMenu(PanelFrame frame)
          Tells the panel to add a separator to the test menu.
 void TestElement.addToMenu(PanelFrame frame)
 void PanelTest.addToMenu(PanelFrame frame)
          Adds a test menu item based on a PanelTest such as a TestItem and sets this PanelTests's frame.

Uses of PanelFrame in ix.iplan

Subclasses of PanelFrame in ix.iplan
 class IPlanFrame
          The main frame of the I-Plan user interface.

Uses of PanelFrame in ix.itest

Subclasses of PanelFrame in ix.itest
 class ItestFrame
          The main frame of the I-Test user interface.

Uses of PanelFrame in ix.postix

Subclasses of PanelFrame in ix.postix
 class PostixFrame
          The main frame of the Postix user interface.

Uses of PanelFrame in ix.test

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type PanelFrame
 java.awt.Component StateExportExtension.StateExporter.getView(PanelFrame panelFrame)