Class IServeCommServer.DefaultIdentityChecker

  extended by ix.iserve.ipc.IServeCommServer.IdentityChecker
      extended by ix.iserve.ipc.IServeCommServer.DefaultIdentityChecker
Enclosing class:

protected class IServeCommServer.DefaultIdentityChecker
extends IServeCommServer.IdentityChecker

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ix.iserve.ipc.IServeCommServer.IdentityChecker
hostAddr, hostName, password, user
Constructor Summary
IServeCommServer.DefaultIdentityChecker(IServeCommServer.User user)
Method Summary
protected  void checkMessageSource(MessageWrapper w)
          Checks whether the message came from an acceptable source.
Methods inherited from class ix.iserve.ipc.IServeCommServer.IdentityChecker
changingIdentityCheckerFrom, checkAddMessage, checkMessageHost, checkMessagePassword, checkMessageUUID, checkNextMessageRequest, checkRegisterRequest, checkSendRequest, init, status
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


IServeCommServer.DefaultIdentityChecker(IServeCommServer.User user)
Method Detail


protected void checkMessageSource(MessageWrapper w)
Description copied from class: IServeCommServer.IdentityChecker
Checks whether the message came from an acceptable source. If an agent (name) starts sending from a different host, for example, then this method might object unless something (such as a password) shows that it is the same agent rather than an impostor.

This method is typically called by the public 'check' methods that check the user who sent the request to the server.

checkMessageSource in class IServeCommServer.IdentityChecker