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Class kraft.monitor.KraftMonitor


public class KraftMonitor
extends Frame
implements ActionListener
Provides a front end to the Monitor, using the linda blackboard. On startup will start a LinjaAdapter to convert between Linda format and Monitor syntax. Also provides a menu with options for setting up the linda adapter, and also for loading in 'batch files' of stored Kraft messages.
Ted Francis
See Also:
LinjaAdapter, MonitorGUI

Variable Index

o file_dialog
o gui
o linja_adapter
o setup_dialog

Constructor Index

o KraftMonitor()
Start up a monitor.
o KraftMonitor(String, int, String)
Start up a monitor to connect to the given linda host/port using the given name for the monitor
o KraftMonitor(String, int, String, String[])
Start up a monitor to connect to the given linda host/port using the given name for the monitor.

Method Index

o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
Deals with events relating to the Menu bar
o loadFile(String, String)
Load the given batch file for monitoring
o main(String[])
Start the KraftMonitor Can be given command-line args for quick setup:
o quit()
Disconnect from Linda, close down the Monitor
o saveFile(String, String)
Save the current state of the Monitor to the given batch file.
o setup_linda(String, int, String, String, String[])
Called to connect the Monitor to a particular linda server at l_host:l_port.


o linja_adapter
 LinjaAdapter linja_adapter
o gui
 MonitorGUI gui
o setup_dialog
 SetupDialog setup_dialog
o file_dialog
 FileDialog file_dialog


o KraftMonitor
 KraftMonitor(String linda_host,
              int linda_port,
              String name,
              String remote_sites[])
Start up a monitor to connect to the given linda host/port using the given name for the monitor. Also start monitoring on the given remote_sites.
o KraftMonitor
 KraftMonitor(String linda_host,
              int linda_port,
              String name)
Start up a monitor to connect to the given linda host/port using the given name for the monitor
o KraftMonitor
Start up a monitor. User must then specify host/port/site info via the Monitor->Setup menu.


o setup_linda
 public void setup_linda(String l_host,
                         int l_port,
                         String name,
                         String site,
                         String remote_sites[])
Called to connect the Monitor to a particular linda server at l_host:l_port. Uses 'name' and 'site' as the monitor's name and site. Connects also to the given remote_sites
o loadFile
 public void loadFile(String dir,
                      String name)
Load the given batch file for monitoring
o saveFile
 public void saveFile(String dir,
                      String name)
Save the current state of the Monitor to the given batch file.
o quit
 public void quit()
Disconnect from Linda, close down the Monitor
o actionPerformed
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
Deals with events relating to the Menu bar
o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Start the KraftMonitor Can be given command-line args for quick setup:
 eg: java kraft.monitor.KraftMonitor [-lh linda_host] 
                                          [-lp linda_port] 
                                     [-n monitor_name]
                                     [-s local_site]
                                     [[-rs remote_site_name]...]

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