Virtual Spaces for Intelligent Collaboration The impact and influence of Web 2.0-based Services on e-Research eSI Thematic Programme: The Influence and Impact of Web 2.0 on e-Research Infrastructure, Applications and Users e-Science Institute, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh 3rd and 4th November 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Austin Tate & Ai Austin AIAI, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh Appleton Tower, Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9LE, UK Second Life and other emerging massive on-line persistent 3-D virtual world environments are set to follow the web and web 2.0 as an essential element of future collaborative and social computing systems and are becoming more widely used in education, science, government, business, and a range of other applications. They will act as an integrator of many services which today use separate tools, much like the arrival of the web browser did for a range of facilities in the early 1990s. Our speaker, Austin Tate, Director of the Artificial Intelligent Applications Institute in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, and his virtual worlds counterpart 'Ai Austin', will introduce work at the Virtual University of Edinburgh - Vue - and describe what some University projects are doing in the Vue regions in Second Life. He will open up a discussion on how virtual environments are being used for research, collaboration and teamwork, especially in his own area of interest in improved emergency response. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Biography: Prof. Austin Tate holds the Chair in Knowledge-Based Systems at the University of Edinburgh and is the Director of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute within the School of Informatics at the University. His internationally sponsored research work is focused on the creation of a "helpful environment", such as for improved emergency response, and involves advanced knowledge and planning technologies, and collaborative systems especially using virtual worlds. He initiated the "Open Virtual Collaboration Environment" ( to create open source tools in this area. He leads the Virtual University of Edinburgh, Vue, a virtual educational and research institute bringing together those interested in the use of virtual worlds for teaching, research and outreach. Image (c) 2009, Austin Tate - permission to use this is granted: Other resolution images available at: