/* File: soay:/usr/skye/med/C/demo.c Contains: First attempt at a simple T-SAT domain drawer for O-Plan Author: Mark Drummond (med@soay) Created: Tue Dec 1 13:44:24 1987 Updated: Thu Dec 10 20:47:48 1987 */ B [ \t]+ I [A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]* O [ \t]*\{[ \t]* C [ \t]*\}[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\n %Start AR CL %a 6000 %p 5000 %o 5000 %{ #include #include #include #include #include #define WINWIDTH 976 #define WINHEIGHT 500 #define NAVMAG 0 #define SUNSENSOR 1 #define HORIZONSENSOR 2 #define SPACEDUST 3 #define DIGITALKER 4 #define CCD 5 #define PARTICLEWAVE 6 #define TELEMETRY 7 #define TRANSMITTER 8 #define DSR 9 #define DCE 10 #define GROUNDBUFFER 11 #define LINE0 12 #define LINE1 13 #define LINE2 14 #define LINE3 15 #define LINE4 16 #define LINE5 17 #define LINE6 18 #define LINE7 19 #define LINE8 20 #define LINE9 21 #define LINE10 22 #define LINE11 23 #define LINE12 24 #define LINE13 25 #define LINE14 26 #define LINE15 27 #define LINE16 28 #define ANT70CM 29 #define ANT2M 30 #define DOWNLINK 31 #define MESSAGE 42 #define TRANSFER 32 #define ACTIVE 33 #define STORAGE 34 #define EMPTY 35 #define FULL 36 #define READ 37 #define WRITE 38 #define ON 39 #define OFF 40 #define CONNECTED 41 #define MAXARGS 2 #define LATCH0 0 #define LATCH1 1 #define LATCH2 2 #define LATCH3 3 #define LATCH4 4 #define LATCH5 5 #define X1 0 #define Y1 1 #define X2 2 #define Y2 3 #define LINEWIDTH 5 #define SWITCHWIDTH 1 Notify_client me = (Notify_client)&me; Notify_value handle_input(); static Frame frame; static Canvas canvas; static Pixwin *pw; static int routine; static int args_expected; static int args[MAXARGS]; static int latches[6][4]; %} %% {O}storage_device{B} { routine = STORAGE; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}active_device{B} { routine = ACTIVE; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}transfer_device{B} { routine = TRANSFER; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}empty{B} { routine = EMPTY; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}full{B} { routine = FULL; args_expected = 2; BEGIN AR; } {O}read_mode{B} { routine = READ; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}write_mode{B} { routine = WRITE; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}on{B} { routine = ON; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}off{B} { routine = OFF; args_expected = 1; BEGIN AR; } {O}connected{B} { routine = CONNECTED; args_expected = 2; BEGIN AR; } {I}/{C} { if (args_expected == 1) { args[0] = internalize(yytext); update_picture(); BEGIN 0; return(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many args: %s\n", yytext); } } {I} { if (--args_expected > 0) args[args_expected] = internalize(yytext); else { fprintf(stderr, "Too few args: %s\n", yytext); BEGIN 0; } } grid\n { draw_grid(); return(0); } clear\n { erase_grid(); return(0); } draw\n { draw_permanent_stuff(); return(0); } (bye\n|quit\n) { printf("Cheerio\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(0); } ([^ ]) { return(0); } \b ; %% main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { /* The start signal */ printf("*\n"); fflush(stdout); /* Initialise overall frame, internal canvas, and pixwin structure */ frame = window_create(0, FRAME, FRAME_LABEL, "BogusSat: wiring harness diagram", WIN_X, 100, WIN_Y, 100, WIN_WIDTH, WINWIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, WINHEIGHT, 0); canvas = window_create(frame, CANVAS, 0); pw = canvas_pixwin(canvas); /* Initialise function to be called whenever there's input */ notify_set_input_func(me, handle_input, 0); /* The latches must be somewhere to start with (assumed later on) */ initialize_latches(); /* This is the place to draw the basic wiring diagram... */ draw_permanent_stuff(); /* Hang about like a spare dick at a wedding... */ window_main_loop(frame); exit(0); } /* Function to be called to process characters from Standard Input */ Notify_value handle_input(client, fd) Notify_client client; int fd; { yylex(); return NOTIFY_DONE; } /* A routine to redraw the picture */ update_picture() { switch (routine) { case TRANSFER: transfer_device(args[0]); break; case ACTIVE: active_device(args[0]); break; case STORAGE: storage_device(args[0]); break; case EMPTY: empty_device(args[0]); break; case FULL: full_device(args[1],args[0]); break; case READ: read_mode(args[0]); break; case WRITE: write_mode(args[0]); break; case ON: activate(args[0]); break; case OFF: deactivate(args[0]); break; case CONNECTED: connected(args[1],args[0]); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: switch in update_picture!\n"); break; } } /* A routine to put in place the unchanging portion of the diagram */ draw_permanent_stuff() { int device; for (device = NAVMAG; device <= GROUNDBUFFER; device++) { deactivate(device); } activate(DSR); activate(DCE); activate(GROUNDBUFFER); line(75, 45, 160, 45, LINEWIDTH); /* from navmag */ line(105, 80, 160, 80, LINEWIDTH); /* from sun sensor */ line(135, 115, 160, 115, LINEWIDTH); /* from horizon sensor */ line(105, 150, 160, 150, LINEWIDTH); /* from space dust */ line(105, 185, 160, 185, LINEWIDTH); /* from digitalker */ line(50, 220, 415, 220, LINEWIDTH); /* from ccd */ line(130, 255, 415, 255, LINEWIDTH); /* from particle wave */ line(100, 290, 575, 290, LINEWIDTH); /* from telemetry */ line(115, 325, 505, 325, LINEWIDTH); /* from transmitter */ line(220, 115, 290, 115, LINEWIDTH); /* line 5 */ line(465, 220, 505, 220, LINEWIDTH); /* into DSR */ line(535, 220, 575, 220, LINEWIDTH); /* from DSR */ line(330, 185, 415, 185, LINEWIDTH); /* line 7 */ line(330, 45, 525, 45, LINEWIDTH); /* line 6, first horiz */ line(525, 45, 525, 185, LINEWIDTH); /* line 6, vertical */ line(525, 185, 575, 185, LINEWIDTH); /* line 6, second horiz */ line(540, 325, 575, 325, LINEWIDTH); /* from DCE */ line(635, 255, 700, 255, LINEWIDTH); /* line 16 */ line(740, 200, 800, 200, LINEWIDTH); /* 70cm antenna */ line(740, 310, 800, 310, LINEWIDTH); /* 2m antenna */ line(840, 255, 895, 255, LINEWIDTH); /* into ground buffer */ text(200, 410, "DSR:"); /* Table of memory devices */ text(200, 430, "DCE:"); /* and their contents and */ text(178, 450, "BUFFER:"); /* modes */ text(250, 380, "Mode"); text(340, 380, "Contents"); text(750, 195, "70 cm"); /* Labels for two antenna */ text(750, 330, " 2 m"); /* lines */ empty_device(DSR); /* All storage devices are */ empty_device(DCE); /* assumed to be initially */ empty_device(GROUNDBUFFER); /* empty */ read_mode(DSR); /* Also assumed to be in */ read_mode(DCE); /* read mode */ read_mode(GROUNDBUFFER); update_latches(); /* Draw current latches */ text(150, 40, "0"); /* Line labels */ text(150, 75, "1"); text(150, 110, "2"); text(150, 145, "3"); text(150, 180, "4"); text(150, 215, "8"); text(150, 250, "9"); text(150, 285, "13"); text(150, 320, "14"); text(250, 110, "5"); text(535, 110, "6"); text(370, 180, "7"); text(560, 215, "12"); text(560, 320, "15"); text(655, 250, "16"); text(465, 215, "10"); } /* A routine to draw a grid with interline spacing of 10 screen units */ draw_grid() { put_grid(10, PIX_SRC); } /* A routine to erase a grid with interline spacing of 10 screen units */ erase_grid() { put_grid(10, PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) & PIX_DST); } /* A routine to dump out a grid on the image. Single parameter indicates amount of inter-line spacing. */ put_grid(increment, operation) int increment, operation; { int i, j; /* Horizontal lines */ for (i = 0; i < WINHEIGHT; i = i + increment) { pw_vector(pw, 0, i, WINWIDTH, i, operation, 1); } /* Vertical lines */ for (j = 0; j < WINWIDTH; j = j + increment) { pw_vector(pw, j, 0, j, WINHEIGHT, operation, 1); } } /* Declaration of a transfer device */ transfer_device(device) int device; { fprintf(stderr, "Transfer device declared\n"); } /* Declaration of an active device */ active_device(device) int device; { fprintf(stderr, "Active device declared\n"); } /* Declaration of a storage device */ storage_device(device) int device; { fprintf(stderr, "Storage device declared\n"); } /* A routine to turn on each of the specified devices */ activate(device) int device; { switch (device) { case NAVMAG: text(20, 50, "NAVMAG"); break; case SUNSENSOR: text(20, 85, "SUN SENSOR"); break; case HORIZONSENSOR:text(20, 120, "HORIZON SENSOR"); break; case SPACEDUST: text(20, 155, "SPACE DUST"); break; case DIGITALKER: text(20, 190, "DIGITALKER"); break; case CCD: text(20, 225, "CCD"); break; case PARTICLEWAVE: text(20, 260, "PARTICLE WAVE"); break; case TELEMETRY: text(20, 295, "TELEMETRY"); break; case TRANSMITTER: text(20, 330, "TRANSMITTER"); break; case DSR: text(510, 225, "DSR"); break; case DCE: text(510, 330, "DCE"); break; case GROUNDBUFFER: text(900, 260, "BUFFER"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: switch in activate!\n"); break; } } deactivate(device) int device; { switch (device) { case NAVMAG: text(20, 50, "navmag"); break; case SUNSENSOR: text(20, 85, "sun sensor"); break; case HORIZONSENSOR:text(20, 120, "horizon sensor"); break; case SPACEDUST: text(20, 155, "space dust"); break; case DIGITALKER: text(20, 190, "digitalker"); break; case CCD: text(20, 225, "ccd"); break; case PARTICLEWAVE: text(20, 260, "particle wave"); break; case TELEMETRY: text(20, 295, "telemetry"); break; case TRANSMITTER: text(20, 330, "transmitter"); break; case DSR: text(510, 225, "dsr"); break; case DCE: text(510, 330, "dce"); break; case GROUNDBUFFER: text(900, 260, "buffer"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: switch in deactivate!"); break; } } empty_device(device) int device; { switch (device) { case DSR: text(340, 410, "nil "); break; case DCE: text(340, 430, "nil "); break; case GROUNDBUFFER: text(340, 450, "nil "); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: impossible device in empty_device!\n"); break; } } full_device(device, stuff) int device, stuff; { char *string; switch (stuff) { case NAVMAG: string = "Navigation data "; break; case SUNSENSOR: string = "Sun sensor data "; break; case HORIZONSENSOR: string = "Horizon sensor data "; break; case SPACEDUST: string = "Space dust data "; break; case DIGITALKER: string = "Digital speech "; break; case CCD: string = "CCD Camera picture "; break; case PARTICLEWAVE: string = "Particle wave data "; break; case TELEMETRY: string = "Spacecraft telemetry"; break; case MESSAGE: string = "Message from ground "; break; case TRANSMITTER: string = "Message from ground "; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: impossible memory contents in full_device\n"); break; } switch (device) { case DSR: text(340, 410, string); break; case DCE: text(340, 430, string); break; case GROUNDBUFFER: text(340, 450, string); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: impossible device in full_device!\n"); break; } } read_mode(device) int device; { switch (device) { case DSR: text(250, 410, "read "); break; case DCE: text(250, 430, "read "); break; case GROUNDBUFFER: text(250, 450, "read "); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: impossible device in read_mode!\n"); break; } } write_mode(device) int device; { switch (device) { case DSR: text(250, 410, "write"); break; case DCE: text(250, 430, "write"); break; case GROUNDBUFFER: text(250, 450, "write"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: impossible device in write_mode!\n"); break; } } connected(lineA, lineB) int lineA, lineB; { if (lineB == LINE5) switch (lineA) { case LINE0: refresh_latch(LATCH0, X1, 160, Y1, 45); break; case LINE1: refresh_latch(LATCH0, X1, 160, Y1, 80); break; case LINE2: refresh_latch(LATCH0, X1, 160, Y1, 115); break; case LINE3: refresh_latch(LATCH0, X1, 160, Y1, 150); break; case LINE4: refresh_latch(LATCH0, X1, 160, Y1, 185); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection to line5 requested!\n"); break; } else if (lineA == LINE5) switch (lineB) { case LINE6: refresh_latch(LATCH1, X2, 330, Y2, 45); break; case LINE7: refresh_latch(LATCH1, X2, 330, Y2, 185); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection from line5 requested!\n"); break; } else if (lineB == LINE10) switch (lineA) { case LINE7: refresh_latch(LATCH2, X1, 415, Y1, 185); break; case LINE8: refresh_latch(LATCH2, X1, 415, Y1, 220); break; case LINE9: refresh_latch(LATCH2, X1, 415, Y1, 255); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection to line10 requested!\n"); break; } else if (lineB == LINE16) switch (lineA) { case LINE6: refresh_latch(LATCH3, X1, 575, Y1, 185); break; case LINE12: refresh_latch(LATCH3, X1, 575, Y1, 220); break; case LINE13: refresh_latch(LATCH3, X1, 575, Y1, 290); break; case LINE15: refresh_latch(LATCH3, X1, 575, Y1, 325); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection to line16 requested!\n"); break; } else if (lineA == LINE16) switch (lineB) { case ANT70CM: refresh_latch(LATCH4, X2, 740, Y2, 200); break; case ANT2M: refresh_latch(LATCH4, X2, 740, Y2, 310); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection from line16 requested!\n"); break; } else if (lineB == DOWNLINK) switch (lineA) { case ANT70CM: refresh_latch(LATCH5, X1, 800, Y1, 200); break; case ANT2M: refresh_latch(LATCH5, X1, 800, Y1, 310); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection to downlink requested!\n"); break; } else fprintf(stderr, "Impossible connection requested!\n"); } refresh_latch(latch, indexA, valueA, indexB, valueB) int latch, indexA, valueA, indexB, valueB; { erase(latches[latch][X1], latches[latch][Y1], latches[latch][X2], latches[latch][Y2], SWITCHWIDTH); latches[latch][indexA] = valueA; latches[latch][indexB] = valueB; line(latches[latch][X1], latches[latch][Y1], latches[latch][X2], latches[latch][Y2], SWITCHWIDTH); } update_latches() { int latch; for (latch = LATCH0; latch <= LATCH5; latch++) { erase(latches[latch][X1], latches[latch][Y1], latches[latch][X2], latches[latch][Y2], SWITCHWIDTH); line(latches[latch][X1], latches[latch][Y1], latches[latch][X2], latches[latch][Y2], SWITCHWIDTH); } } /* Defines initial latch states */ initialize_latches() { latches[LATCH0][X1] = 160; /* Latch0: line0 -> line5 */ latches[LATCH0][Y1] = 45; latches[LATCH0][X2] = 220; latches[LATCH0][Y2] = 115; latches[LATCH1][X1] = 290; /* Latch1: line5 -> line7 */ latches[LATCH1][Y1] = 115; latches[LATCH1][X2] = 330; latches[LATCH1][Y2] = 185; latches[LATCH2][X1] = 415; /* Latch2: line7 -> line10 */ latches[LATCH2][Y1] = 185; latches[LATCH2][X2] = 465; latches[LATCH2][Y2] = 220; latches[LATCH3][X1] = 575; /* Latch3: line13 -> line16 */ latches[LATCH3][Y1] = 290; latches[LATCH3][X2] = 635; latches[LATCH3][Y2] = 255; latches[LATCH4][X1] = 700; /* Latch4: line16 -> 70cm */ latches[LATCH4][Y1] = 255; latches[LATCH4][X2] = 740; latches[LATCH4][Y2] = 200; latches[LATCH5][X1] = 800; /* Latch6: 70cm -> buffer */ latches[LATCH5][Y1] = 200; latches[LATCH5][X2] = 840; latches[LATCH5][Y2] = 255; } internalize(device) char *device; { if ( strcmp(device, "nav_mag") == 0 ) return(NAVMAG); else if ( strcmp(device, "sun_sensor") == 0 ) return(SUNSENSOR); else if ( strcmp(device, "horizon_sensor") == 0 ) return(HORIZONSENSOR); else if ( strcmp(device, "space_dust") == 0 ) return(SPACEDUST); else if ( strcmp(device, "digitalker") == 0 ) return(DIGITALKER); else if ( strcmp(device, "CCD") == 0 ) return(CCD); else if ( strcmp(device, "p_w") == 0 ) return(PARTICLEWAVE); else if ( strcmp(device, "telemetry") == 0 ) return(TELEMETRY); else if ( strcmp(device, "transmitter") == 0 ) return(TRANSMITTER); else if ( strcmp(device, "DSR") == 0 ) return(DSR); else if ( strcmp(device, "DCE") == 0 ) return(DCE); else if ( strcmp(device, "ground_buffer") == 0 ) return(GROUNDBUFFER); else if ( strcmp(device, "line0") == 0 ) return(LINE0); else if ( strcmp(device, "line1") == 0 ) return(LINE1); else if ( strcmp(device, "line2") == 0 ) return(LINE2); else if ( strcmp(device, "line3") == 0 ) return(LINE3); else if ( strcmp(device, "line4") == 0 ) return(LINE4); else if ( strcmp(device, "line5") == 0 ) return(LINE5); else if ( strcmp(device, "line6") == 0 ) return(LINE6); else if ( strcmp(device, "line7") == 0 ) return(LINE7); else if ( strcmp(device, "line8") == 0 ) return(LINE8); else if ( strcmp(device, "line9") == 0 ) return(LINE9); else if ( strcmp(device, "line10") == 0 ) return(LINE10); else if ( strcmp(device, "line11") == 0 ) return(LINE11); else if ( strcmp(device, "line12") == 0 ) return(LINE12); else if ( strcmp(device, "line13") == 0 ) return(LINE13); else if ( strcmp(device, "line14") == 0 ) return(LINE14); else if ( strcmp(device, "line15") == 0 ) return(LINE15); else if ( strcmp(device, "line16") == 0 ) return(LINE16); else if ( strcmp(device, "antenna_70cm") == 0 ) return(ANT70CM); else if ( strcmp(device, "antenna_2m") == 0 ) return(ANT2M); else if ( strcmp(device, "down_link") == 0 ) return(DOWNLINK); else if ( strcmp(device, "message") == 0 ) return(MESSAGE); else fprintf(stderr, "Bad argument to internalize: %s\n", device); } /* A routine to draw a line, using pw_vector */ line(x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness) int x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness; { pw_vector(pw, x1, y1, x2, y2, PIX_SRC, 1); while (--thickness > 0) { pw_vector(pw, x1+thickness, y1+thickness, x2+thickness, y2+thickness, PIX_SRC, 1); } } /* A routine to dump some text, using pw_text */ text(x, y, string) int x, y; char *string; { pw_text(pw, x, y, PIX_SRC, 0, string); } /* A routine to erase a line, using pw_vector */ erase(x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness) int x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness; { pw_vector(pw, x1, y1, x2, y2, PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) & PIX_DST, 1); while (--thickness > 0) { pw_vector(pw, x1+thickness, y1+thickness, x2+thickness, y2+thickness, PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) & PIX_DST, 1); } }