

Training Courses | Study Programmes

Training Courses

As part of our technology transfer remit, we offer intensive training courses of 2-5 days in duration, on AI techniques that are of particular relevance to commercial and industrial clients.

Timetable of Courses


Training Course



Cost per delegate

3-4 Dec 2002

Knowledge Management

2 days

AIAI, Edinburgh


16-18 Dec 2002

Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming

3 days

AIAI, Edinburgh


28-30 Jan 2003

Knowledge Engineering

3 days

AIAI, Edinburgh


3-7 Feb 2003

AI Programming in Java

5 days

AIAI, Edinburgh


27-28 Feb 2003

Knowledge Management

2 days

AIAI, Edinburgh


Places on each training course will be limited to 12 delegates. Discounts are available to groups of 4 or more people, and to academic staff or students. For further details on how to book places on these courses, please contact Ken Baird or John Levine.

Courses available on demand:

Common Lisp

Study Programmes in AI Applications

Study Programmes are concerned with creating skilled AI practitioners. They are aimed at organisations that have reason to believe that one or more of their problems may be addressed by application of AI techniques and which have personnel who lack sufficient AI skills to carry out the project effectively.

Study Programmes emphasise the production of high quality applications. Visitors build an initial system which their organisation can develop further. This gives a quick start on a project for a organisation, and relevant knowledge engineering skills for its staff. This is achieved through:

The Study Programme usually lasts 3 to 10 weeks depending on the background of the visitor and the complexity of the project.

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