
The Supercar biographical research was conducted by Martin Hutchinson and published in Century 21 No. 10, Autumn 1992.

Chris Bentley, 1996 Fanderson chairman and editor of FAB magazine commented in FAB 26 (Vol. 5 No. 2 Page 38) that, while the biographies were entertaining, well written and inventive, some of the facts stated did conflict with on-screen information within the Supercar series.

The conflicts noted were:

The corrected information has been used in the biographies on the Supercar web site, and is shown in red where a change has been made to Martin Hutchinson's biographical details as published in century 21 No. 10.
All material on Supercar is copyright by Carlton International Media Limited. This is a fan maintained page intended to promote the shows of Gerry Anderson.

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