WfMC Conformance Statement

On November 20, 1995 the Workflow Management Coalition released the Client Application Interface (Interface 2 specification/WAPI) as its first published standard. This document will be followed in 1996 by others which will specify additional standards for interfaces defined as part of the Workflow Reference Model.

The following Coalition members have demonstrated working prototypes based on the standards:

The work of the Coalition at this point is focused on definition of standards rather than widespread testing of products claiming conformance. The conformance guidelines are still in progress, thus at this time, no products have been demonstrated to meet all the baseline functionality of the specification.

The Coalition will maintain a register of products that have demonstrated conformance to the satisfaction of the Workflow Management Coalition.

Please contact the WfMC Secretariat if you wish to have information on products which claim conformance added to this page:

Workflow Management Coalition Office,
Avenue Marcel Thiry 204, 1200 Brussels,
Belgium; tel: +32 2 774 96 33. Fax: +32 2 774 96 90.
WWW: or

WfMC Home Page

Last updated: Fri Oct 10 13:32:52 1997 by Austin Tate, AIAI (
Conformance list maintained by the WfMC Secretariat (E-mail: