Workflow Management Coalition

Newsletter - October 1995

WfMC hires PR Agency to increase visibility worldwide

The External Relations Committee is excited to announce that during the August meeting, it was decided to hire Phase Two Strategies in California to further promote the Coalition's work. With the support of Phase Two, the Secretariat will intensify contact with the European press. Meanwhile, Phase Two has worked out a strategy for enhancing the Coalition's visibility by: Putting this strategy into practice, William Boehlke and Elizabeth Johnson from Phase Twoare working on the following activities: Members will benefit from increased attention for and acceptance of the Coalition's accomplishments on a global level.

Workflow Client API to be adopted

The Coalition is thrilled to announce the adoption of the interface 2 API standard during its meeting in Frankfurt. The release of the Workflow Management Coalition Application Programming Specification (WAPI) will allow vendors to start building towards that spec. Coalition members who are writing or intending to write front-ends to the API set will be presenting the results of their efforts at the meeting.

Rapid Membership Growth

Increasing interest in workflow technology has resulted in significant membership growthforthe Coalition. Since its formation in August 1993, the Coalition has expanded from 50 companies in 1993, 85 in 1994 to over 150 today. Members include vendors (60%), users (10%), analysts/integrator (15%), and universities/various institutions (15%).

The strong expansion of membership serves to enhance awareness of the Coalition's work at an important stage in its development.

This trend reflects the growth in the workflow software market estimated at 47% in Europe and North America in the last four years, according to BIS Strategic Decisions.

Significant increase in information requests

The past few months have seen a continued growth in the number of people inquiring about the Coalition and its activities. This interest, especially from users, assists in maintaining and further generating awareness opportunities in the workflow market for the Coalition and its members.

Coalition Annual Handbook

The ERC is working on an exciting new project: the publication of an Annual Handbook. The book will contain information about workflow automation products, services and companies, market information and comments from a variety of people from the world of workflow. It is targeted at individuals and companies within the workflow arena, whether end-users, vendors or resellers. Coalition members will be kept informed of all progress in publishing the annual handbook.

New Working Group

A new Working Group on Common Architecture was established at the Coalition meeting in August with the goal to facilitate: Anyone interested in joining, can do so by contacting Paula Helfrich (EBM), chairperson of the group.

Next meeting:

Coalition general meetings are held quarterly on a rotating basis in North America and Europe. WG sessions take place in between these meetings. The next meeting will be held in Orlando on February 7-9, 1996 following the BIS conference there (February 4-7).
For further information or copies of Workflow Management Coalition Publications, contact:

Workflow Management Coalition Office
Attn. Alfons Westgeest or Emmy Botterman
Avenue Marcel Thiry 204,1200 Brussels, Belgium;
Tel: +32 2 774 96 33. Fax: +32 2 774 96 90.

See the WfMC Home Page or contact one of the Country Contacts

Last updated: Thu Mar 21 14:24:16 1996 by Austin Tate, AIAI, University of Edinburgh (