The Workflow Management Coalition Specification

Workflow Management Coalition

Workflow Standard - Interoperability

Internet e-mail MIME Binding

Document Number WFMC-TC-1018


Version 1.0

Copyright 1996 The Workflow Management Coalition

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Workflow Management Coalition except that reproduction, storage or transmission without permission is permitted if all copies of the publication (or portions thereof) produced thereby contain a notice that the Workflow Management Coalition and its members are the owners of the copyright therein.

This Specification has been authored by Workflow Management Coalition members.

Workflow Management Coalition
Avenue Marcel Thiry 204
1200 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 774 96 33
Fax: +32 2 774 96 90
Email: or

Table of Contents

The "WfMC" logo and "Workflow Management Coalition" name are service marks of the Workflow Management Coalition.

Neither the Workflow Management Coalition nor any of its members make any warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, with respect to the Specification, including as to non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This Specification is provided "as is".

First printing October 1996

1. Purpose

This document corresponds to the Workflow Management Workflow Standard - Interoperability Abstract Specification [WfMC1012] which provides an abstract specification defining the necessary functionality to achieve a defined level of interoperability between two or more workflow engines. This document defines a binding giving concrete type definitions and message formats for the realization of the abstract specification using internet e-mail with MIME encoding as a transport mechanism.

2. Audience

The intended audience for this document is primarily vendor organisations who seek to implement the MIME Binding of the Workflow Management Coalition Standard - Interoperability. It may also be of interest to those preparing binding specifications for other transports and for those seeking to assess the conformance claims made by vendors for their products.

3. Scope

The scope of this document is defined by the abstract specification of the interoperability standard [WfMC1012].

4. Overview

4.1 Design Assumptions

The goal of this document is to give concrete definitions of the messages that flow between two workflow engines in order to effect interoperability as defined in [WfMC1012]. The abstract definitions of the messages given in [WfMC1012] are mapped onto a simple text interface that uses internet e-mail as the transport method. There are two parts to this proposal:

1. Use of the MIME header to define interoperability request and response messages.

2. Use of the CGI style of formatting for encoding requests and responses in the body of a message.

4.1.1. The MIME Header

An experimental MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension - RFC-1521) header is used to identify a mail message containing WfMC interoperability requests or responses in the body of a message.

The format of the MIME header for a request is:

Content-type: application/x-wfmc-if4-request

and the format of the MIME header for a response is:

Content-type: application/x-wfmc-if4-response

This would allow an automated mail application to validate the type of message and filter out any that are not explicitly a WfMC interoperability request or response message.

4.1.2. Message Body

The message body will contain one or more operation requests/responses with appropriate parameters, encoded using the concepts defined by the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) and the URL encoding scheme [RFC-1738].

Each line of text starts with the operation name which is terminated by a ? character. The parameters are defined as name-value pairs and are separated by the & character. The line is terminated by a newline character.

To allow embedded special characters, spaces are replaced by the + character and all other non alphanumeric characters are replaced by their hexadecimal representation, preceded by a % character. This guarantees that any intermediate mail processing software will not remove and/or interpret spaces and special characters.


SetProcessInstanceAttributes?time=1986 February 22 16:00:00



Note that

a+b becomes a%2Bb

a + b becomes a+%2B+b


50% becomes 50%25

If the number of terms in the message is such that the line becomes unduly long, the line can be broken by preceding the return character by two % consecutive characters, e.g.





Using this scheme it is a straight forward task to map each of the request and response message formats.

4.1.3 Message Delivery

Using a standard utility such as UNIX sendmail[1], a user can be set up to be the recipient of requests and responses from other workflow engines. By creating a .forward file in the user's home directory, an application can be specified to have received messages piped into its standard input for processing.

An example of the contents of a .forward file might be:


This would automatically invoke the application /export/home/wfmc/interop whenever a mail message is received. The application can interpret the requests and responses and make appropriate calls on the vendor's workflow engine.

To send a message to another workflow engine, the message can be written to a file and sendmail can be invoked using a system call to dispatch it.


Workflow N P sendmail mailbox N P Workflow

Engine A T P T P Engine B


R I mailbox sendmail R I







Figure 1: Architecture to effect mail based interoperability between two workflow engines

In this scheme of things, each workflow engine is uniquely identified by the mailbox it listens to (i.e. its mail address).

Each message sent from one workflow engine to the other is to be uniquely numbered. Each workflow engine will be able to uniquely identify a message by its class (request or response) and by its number. In full duplex style dialogues between workflow engines, where either engine can initiate a request to which the other may respond, there is the possibility that two messages sent in opposite directions could have the same class and message number. In order to avoid this problem, each workflow engine is required to establish a session with the other if it requires to send requests or notifications rather than just responding to received messages.

Each session has a two part session identifier. The initiating workflow engine assigns a "Source Session ID" and the target workflow engine (the one that the initiating workflow engine wishes to start a session with) assigns a "target session ID". If the source engine alone sets the session ID, then there is the possibility (albeit remote) that a target workflow engine working to multiple source engines could receive the same session ID from more than one source. Similarly, if the target engine alone sets the session ID, then a source workflow engine, working to multiple targets, could receive back the same session ID from more than one engine. To overcome this problem, a truly unique session ID can be achieved by having both engines provide a session ID component that is to each, unique. The combined source/target pairing of session IDs is then guaranteed to be unique for both engines.

4.2 Data Types & Declaratives

The concrete realization of the abstract data type WMAEngineID is a data structure identifying a particular workflow engine by:

* the ID of the workflow domain within which the interoperability is being effected

* the mail address[2] from which it will receive messages from other workflow engines operating within the given workflow domain

* the source session ID it has assigned to the interoperability dialogue it is conducting with a specified other workflow engine

* the target session ID assigned by the other workflow engine to the interoperability dialogue it is conducting with this workflow engine[3]



WMTResourceID domain_id;

WMTResourceID node_id;

WMTResourceID source_session;

WMTResourceID target_session;

} WMTEngineID;

The following types are derived from the audit data specification document [WfMC1015].

typedef { WMTText object_id[UNIQUE_ID_SIZE]; }WMTObjectID; //Object is Process, Activity or Workitem

typedef { WMTText resource_ID[UNIQUE_ID_SIZE]; }WMTResourceID;

//Resource is Person,Role or Network Resource

All other types and declaratives used in this binding specification are to be found in the specification of the Workflow Management API [WfMC1009]

Request and notification messages sent by one workflow engine to another are answered by a response message which tells the source workflow engine what happened on the target workflow engine as a result of the message being sent. There are four possible outcomes to such interactions:

* the request/notification message was not processed due to some preceeding error

* the request/notification message was not processed by the receiving workflow engine because the required functionality is not supported or not implemented

* the request/notification message was processed successfully

* some error occurred in the processing of the request/notification message

These four cases are identified to the source workflow engine via the ReturnCode field in the response message. The ReturnCode can have the following values:

Operation_not_performed 255

Operation_not_implemented 1

Success 0

Failure some other value

This scheme is designed to allow the target workflow engine the possibility of returning a meaningful value for the Failure state which might convey to the source workflow engine what went wrong rather than just the fact that something went wrong. The values for Failure may be workflow engine specific or the result of some agreement between the designers of the two interoperating workflow definitions.


4.3 Defined Terms and Abbreviations

The terms used in this document are defined in the Workflow Management Coalition Glossary [WfMC000].

In the descriptions of interoperability operations given in section 5 below, the term source workflow engine is used to identify a workflow engine that originates a request for a specified action or for information of another workflow engine and the term target workflow engine is used to identify the other workflow engine within the workflow domain that is the recipient of such a request. The term source workflow engine is also applied to a workflow engine that, of its own initiative, provides notification that some event has occurred to another workflow engine. In this document the recipient of such a notification is also referred to as the target workflow engine.

4.4 Conformance

A vendor cannot claim conformance to this or any other WfMC specification unless specifically authorized to make that claim by the WfMC. WfMC grants this permission only upon the verification of the particular vendor's implementation of the published specification, according to applicable test procedures to be defined by WfMC.

Any vendor of a workflow engine claiming conformance with this interface shall give clear indication of the mechanism/binding required to effect interoperability e.g.

* internet e-mail MIME;

the style of interoperability dialogue supported:

* atomic

* batched

* both

and of the style of dialogue supported:

* half duplex


* full duplex

in order that a potential user has a basis for judging which other workflow products a given workflow engine can interoperate with.

A conforming implementation of this Functional Area of the Workflow Management Coalition specification must be capable of supporting the implementation of the relevant portion of the Administration and Monitoring specification through capturing and maintaining the audit data specified. The audit data specified in this document is intended to indicate the information that a conforming workflow engine must be capable of presenting in relation to the status and past history of interoperations with other workflow engines relating to enactment of a process instance. It is not intended as a specification of how or where that information is stored and maintained.

5. Specification of Operators for Effecting Interoperation

In the following text, the function specifications define operations required to effect interoperability between two (or more) workflow engines. The message specifications define information that needs to be passed between two workflow engines in order to effect the operations described. It is expected that the specifications of message formats will apply to implementations that work synchronously or work asynchronously.

The audit data specifications given below define the presentation of audit data that must be possible following interoperation between workflow engines using this binding. It is not intended that this part of the specification be taken as a literal description of how such data must be stored, rather it is included as an aid to implementors who subsequently go on to implement the Coalition's Audit and Management Interfaces.

5.1. Connection Operations

5.1.1 Start Session

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestStart_Session (                           
n             in   engine_address     WMTResourceID,                           
              in   domain                  WMTResourceID,                      
              inout engine_identifier    WMTEngineID                           

Description Connect to the designated workflow engine, starting a new session. Both workflow engines create a session management record as defined in [WfMC015] to mark the start of the session.

Parameters engine_address the mail address of the target workflow engine

domain identifier for the set of workflow engines that interoperate

within the current context

engine_identifier a data structure containing the address of the target workflow engine and the source and target session IDs for the newly established session

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale For full duplex dialogues effecting interoperation, it is necessary that a connection of some form be established between the interoperating workflow engines before any interoperation can take place.

Request Message Format

Field                                  Value                                    
DomainID                               Domain ID for set of workflow engines    
                                       interoperating within the current        
SourceNodeID                           Mail address for source workflow         
RootPID                                PID of root workflow process instance    
ProcessID                              Process instance ID of process           
                                       originating the session start request    
ActivityID                             Activity ID identifying the process      
                                       step within the process instance that    
                                       originated the session start request     
Source_Session                         Session ID allocated by source           
                                       workflow engine  or by the transport     
MessageID                              Message ID allocated by source           
                                       workflow engine or by the transport      





Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to StartSession                                                        
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Mail address for target workflow        
Timestamp                               Time target workflow engine             
                                        established session                     
MessageID                               Message ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow Engine or by the transport     






Note, if the value of Target_Session is null, then the operation failed.

Source Engine Audit Data

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity ID                 O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    The state of the current     
                                                     process instance             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMStartedSession'           
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity. May be null.         
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | the role of the       
                                                     user involved in this event  
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Time when event was          
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
CorrespondentDomainID       M    WMAResourceID       DomainID of Workflow         
                                                     Engine accepting the         
                                                     session request.             
CorrespondentNodeID         M    WMAResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTResourceID       As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTResourceID       As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data

Name                      M/O    Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
Instance ID                                          process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine  which       
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     session to be started        
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       null                         
Instance ID                                                                       
Activity ID                 O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    null                         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMStartedSession'           
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for target         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity. May be null.         
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null                         
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Time event was recorded      
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
CorrespondentDomainID       M    WMAResourceID       DomainID of source           
                                                     workflow engine source       
                                                     session start.               
CorrespondentNodeID         M    WMAResourceID       Node ID of source workflow   
                                                     engine source the session    
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.1.2 Stop Session

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestStop_Session (                            
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngine_ID                           

Description Terminate the current session, disconnect from the interoperating workflow engine. This does not terminate any processes that have been started during the session, they continue unaffected. Both workflow engines create a session management record as defined in [WfMC015] to mark the end of the session.

Parameters engine_identifier a data structure containing the address of the target workflow engine and the source and target session IDs for the session to be terminated established session

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale A session is not like a transaction in database terms. When two workflow engines are interoperating synchronously and a sub-process is started which may run over a significant period of time it will probably be impractical for the two workflow engines to remain connected the whole time. If the sub-process runs for some period of time its performance may be monitored from the invoking workflow engine over several sessions.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
RootPID                                 PID of root workflow process instance   
ProcessID                               Process instance ID of process          
                                        originating the session stop request    
ActivityID                              Activity ID identifying the process     
                                        step within the process instance that   
                                        originated the session stop request     
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     







Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to StopSession                                                         
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Timestamp                               Time when Session ended                 
MessageID                               Message ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow Engine or by the transport     






Source Workflow Engine Audit Data

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity ID                 O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    The state of the current     
                                                     process instance             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMStoppedSession'           
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | the role of the       
                                                     user involved in this event  
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp provided by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
CorrespondentDomainID       M    WMAResourceID       DomainID of Workflow         
                                                     Engine accepting the         
                                                     session request.             
CorrespondentNodeID         M    WMAResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data

Name                      M/O    Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
Instance ID                                          process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine  which       
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     session to be started        
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity ID                 O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    The state of the current     
                                                     process instance             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMStoppedSession'           
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for target         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null                         
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
CorrespondentDomainID       M    WMAResourceID       DomainID of Workflow         
                                                     Engine source the session    
CorrespondentNodeID         M    WMAResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     source the session stop.     
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTResourceID       As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTResourceID       As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2. Process Control Interactions

5.2.1 Create Process Instance

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestCreateProcessInstance (                       
n             in engine_identifier           WMTEngineID,                          
              in process_definition_id     WMTObjectID,                            
              in return_flag                     WMTBool,                          
              in parent_pid                         WMTObjectID,                   
              in activity_id                      WMT_Activity_ID,                 
              out sub_process_id           WMT_Process_instance_ID,                
              out user_id                        WMTResourceID,                    
              out role_id                         WMTResourceID                    

Description This operation identifies a process definition which the receiving workflow engine will be required to enact.

Parameters engine identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_definition_id[4] the ID of the process definition that is to be enacted

return_flag indicates whether the target workflow engine is required to

communicate any return values (nested sub-process)

parent_pid the initial process instance unique ID (the ID of the process instance operating on the invoking (parent) workflow engine[5]

activity_id the ID of the activity in the parent process instance which is causing this request to create a sub-process

sub_process id the process instance unique ID of the process instance that has been created by the selection of the given process definition

user_id the ID of the primary user of the process instance to be created (may be null)

role_id the ID of the role assumed by the primary user (may be null)

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale It is necessary that a workflow engine be able to communicate the identity of a process definition to another workflow engine in order for the latter to enact it.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessDefinitionID                     Identifier of the process definition    
                                        that the target workflow engine is      
                                        required to use to create the process   
ReturnFlag                              True => nested sub-process False =>     
                                        chained | independent sub-process       
ParentPID                               Identifier of initial (root) process    
                                        on source workflow engine that          
                                        requires the new process instance to    
                                        be created                              
ProcessID                               Identifier of process on source         
                                        workflow engine that requires the new   
                                        process instance to be created          
ActivityID                              Identifier of activity on source        
                                        workflow engine that requires the new   
                                        process instance to be created          
Timestamp                               Timestamp for when request was sent     
                                        by source workflow engine               
DomainID                                ID of domain within which the           
                                        workflow engines are interoperating     
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)6                          
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
SourceBusinessDefinitionProcessName     Business Definition Process Name for    
                                        source process instance (may be null)   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     










Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to CreateProcessInstance                                               
Return code                             Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
Timestamp                               Timestamp for when requested process    
                                        instance was created                    
ProcessID                               ID of newly created process instance    
[7]UserID                                  User ID of primary user (may be null)   
RoleID                                  Role assumed by primary user (may be    
TargetProcessBusinessDefinitionName     may be null                             
TargetState                             State of new process instance           
DomainID                                Identifier for workflow domain in       
                                        which the workflow engines are          
TargetNodeID                            Node of target workflow engine          
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     




TargetProcessBusinessDefinitionName=NULL&TargetState=open.not-running&%%p> DomainID=WFCANADA&


Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.not-running'           
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentStartProcessInstance  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current     
Busines Name                                         activity on the source       
                                                     engine originating the       
                                                     request to create a new      
                                                     process instance             
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target        
D                                                    workflow engine              
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine    
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                         
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process     
                                                     instance on source workflow         
                                                     engine which caused the request     
                                                     for the sub-process to be created   
                                                     on the target workflow engine       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for             
                                                     sub-process created on the target   
                                                     workflow engine                     
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process instance   
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestStartProcessInst  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow       
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine  
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated             
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated             
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to       
                                                     create process instance was         
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                              
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of      
ance ID                                              source workflow engine              
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of      
anceID                                               source workflow engine              
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the         
                                                     source WFE                          
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event       
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the         
                                                     remote workflow engine request      
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the         
                                                     remote workflow engine request      
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source workflow      
Definition ID                                        engine                              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow    
BusinessName                                         engine process that generated the   
                                                     start process request.              
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE     
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                 
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                             
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow      
                                                     engine or by  the transport         
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow      
                                                     engine or by the transport          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.not-running'           
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMCreatedProcessInstance'   
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTObjectID         Activity ID on source        
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       NodeID of target WFE         
RemoteProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created     
                                                     on target workflow engine    
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMAObjectID         Timestamp for when process   
                                                     instance created on target   
RemoteProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be created    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process created on the   
                                                     target workflow engine       
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process     
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMCreatedProcessInstance'   
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to create process instance   
                                                     was received                 
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.not-running'           
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedStartedProcessIn  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current     
Busines Name                                         activity on the source       
                                                     engine originating the       
                                                     request to create a new      
                                                     process instance             
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target        
D                                                    workflow engine              
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine    
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be created    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process created on the   
                                                     target workflow engine       
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process     
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentStartedProcessInstan  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to create process instance   
                                                     was received                 
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the start     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2.2 Get Process Instance State

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestGetProcessInstanceState  (                
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,                           
              in process                   WMTObjectID,                        
              out state                      WMTObjectState                    

Description Get the current status of a given process instance which is being enacted by another workflow engine.

Parameters engine identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process the ID of the process instance that is being enacted

state the returned state - prefixed by one of:






Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale For long term sub-processes with a life beyond that of the session during which they were created, it is important that the invoking workflow engine be able to check as necessary that the invoked sub-process is alive and well or has completed.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               Identifier of process on target         
                                        workflow engine for which the state     
                                        is being requested                      
DomainID                                Identifier for workflow domain within   
                                        which the workflow engines are          
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by source   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     






Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to GetProcessInstanceState                                             
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
ProcessID                               Identifier of process on target         
                                        workflow engine for which the state     
                                        is being requested                      
State                                   State of process instance               
DomainID                                Identifier for workflow domain within   
                                        which the workflow engines are          
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     







Audit data

Not Specified.

5.2.3 Set Process Instance Attributes

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestSetProcessInstance Attributes (           
n             in engine_identifier    WMTEngineID,                             
              in root_pid                 WMTObjectID,                         
              in activity_id              WMT_Activity_ID,                     
              in process_id             WMTObjectID,                           
              out attributes             WMTAttributeList                      

Description Sets the value(s) of process instance attributes (process relevant data) in a selected process definition. The attribute list sent to target workflow engine will contain value specifications for one or more process instance attributes to be set. The target workflow engine will attempt to set attribute values in the order in which they occur in the list. It returns a response message containing a list of those attributes for which the set operation was successful. In the event that, part way through actioning a list of attribute values some error occurs, then the attribute for which it was unable to set a value will not be contained in the response message and the return code value will indicate that a failure occurred. The target workflow engine will not action a list of attribute values beyond the point at which a failure occurs.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

root_pid the initial process instance unique ID (the ID of the process instance operating on the invoking (parent) workflow engine

activity_id the ID of the activity in the parent process instance which is causing this request to set process instance attributes

process_id the ID of the process instance that owns the process relevant data being requested

attributes a list of attribute specifications giving for each attribute to be set:

the name of the attribute

the type of the attribute

the length of the attribute

the value to which the attribute is to be set

and returning:

the name of each attribute set

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale Process definitions are only partial and must be fully (or sufficiently) instantiated before enactment may commence.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
RootPID                                 PID of root workflow process instance   
ProcessID                               The PID of the process instance on      
                                        the target workflow engine for which    
                                        changes to attribute values are being   
ActivityID                              Activity ID identifying the process     
                                        step within the process instance that   
                                        is requesting the setting of the        
                                        specified attributes                    
Number                                  The number of Attributes for which      
                                        value changes are required.             
Name8                                   attribute identifier                    
Type                                    attribute type                          
Length                                  new attribute length                    
Value                                   new attribute value                     
...                                     ...                                     
DomainID                                Identifier for the workflow domain      
                                        within which the workflow engines are   
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by source   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     






Source_Session =123&Target_Session=321&MessageID=5

Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to                             Message identifier assigned by target   
SetProcessInstanceAttributes            workflow engine or by the transport     
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
ProcessID                               The PID of the process instance on      
                                        the target workflow engine for which    
                                        changes to  attribute values were       
Number                                   The number of Attributes for which     
                                        value changes have succeeded (should    
                                        be equal to the number of attributes    
                                        for which changes were requested).      
Name9                                   The name of an attribute that has had   
                                        its value changed                       
Timestamp                               Time when this attribute value was      
...                                     ...                                     
DomainID                                Identifier for the workflow domain      
                                        within which the workflow engines are   
Target Node ID                          Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     







Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the target workflow engine successfully changing each attribute value at the behest of the source workflow engine.

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                              
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root) process      
Instance ID                                          instance                                 
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process instance    
Instance ID                                                                                   
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity instance   
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance on source      
                                                     workflow engine                          
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRequestChangeProcessInstanceAttr  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine     
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow engine       
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business would       
                                                     consider the primary person involved     
                                                     with this event.  This could be a        
                                                     person or entity.May be null.            
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target workflow    
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded             
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                   
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.        
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current activity on     
Business Name                                        the source engine originating the        
                                                     request to create a new process          
TargetProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created on target       
                                                     workflow engine                          
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target workflow    
usiness Name                                         engine                                   
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine accepting     
                                                     the session request.                     
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to perform   
                                                     the process (may be null)                
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to perform   
                                                     the process (may be null)                
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process instance            
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed                
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed                
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute              
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                                
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                      
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                                  
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow engine    
                                                     or by  the transport mechanism           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow engine    
                                                     or by the transport mechanism            

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process instance     
Instance ID                                          on Source workflow engine which caused the   
                                                     request for the sub-process to be created    
                                                     on the target workflow engine                
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for sub-process          
Instance ID                                          created on the target workflow engine        
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                         
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process instance            
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestChangeProcessInstanceAttr  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine         
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine           
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                      
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to create         
                                                     process instance was received                
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.            
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of source        
ance ID                                              workflow engine                              
SourceCurrentProcess        M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of source        
InstanceID                                           workflow engine                              
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the source WFE       
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event                
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine            
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the remote           
                                                     workflow engine request                      
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the remote           
                                                     workflow engine request                      
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow engine      
BusinessName                                         process that generated the start process     
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE activity     
BusinessName                                         spawning the request                         
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed                    
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed                    
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute                  
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                                    
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow engine or     
                                                     by  the transport mechanism                  
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow engine or     
                                                     by the transport mechanism                   

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                       
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)       
Instance ID                                          process instance                  
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process      
Instance ID                                          instance                          
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity     
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance on      
                                                     source workflow engine            
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMAssignedProcessInstanceAttrib  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow     
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow       
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business      
                                                     would consider the primary        
                                                     person involved with this         
                                                     event.  This could be a person    
                                                     or entity.May be null.            
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target      
                                                     workflow engine                   
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded      
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                            
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTObjectID         Activity ID on source workflow    
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       NodeID of target WFE              
RemoteProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance on target        
                                                     workflow engine                   
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMAObjectID         Timestamp for when attribute      
                                                     value changed on remote           
                                                     workflow engine                   
RemoteProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target      
usinessName                                          workflow engine                   
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed         
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed         
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute       
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                               
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                           
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow    
                                                     engine or by  the transport       
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow    
                                                     engine or by the transport        

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for          
Instance ID                                          process instance on Source       
                                                     workflow engine which caused     
                                                     the request for the              
                                                     sub-process to be created on     
                                                     the target workflow engine       
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for          
Instance ID                                          sub-process created on the       
                                                     target workflow engine           
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                             
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMAssignedProcessInstanceAttri  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated          
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to    
                                                     create process instance was      
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
Changed Attribute Name      M    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed        
Changed Attribute Type      M    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed        
Changed Attribute Length    M    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute      
Changed Attribute Value     M    WMTAttributeValue   New value                        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                             
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process         
Instance ID                                          instance on Source workflow engine      
                                                     which caused the request for the        
                                                     sub-process to be created on the        
                                                     target workflow engine                  
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for sub-process     
Instance ID                                          created on the target workflow engine   
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process instance       
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedChangedProcessInstanceAttri  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                 
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                 
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to create    
                                                     process instance was received           
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                  
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.       
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of source   
ance ID                                              workflow engine                         
SourceCurrentProcess        M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of source   
InstanceID                                           workflow engine                         
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the source WFE  
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event           
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine       
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the remote      
                                                     workflow engine request                 
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the remote      
                                                     workflow engine request                 
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow        
BusinessName                                         engine process that generated the       
                                                     start process request.                  
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE         
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request           
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed               
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed               
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute             
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                               
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                     
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                                 
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow engine   
                                                     or by  the transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow engine   
                                                     or by the transport mechanism           

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                         
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)         
Instance ID                                          process instance                    
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process        
Instance ID                                          instance                            
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity       
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance on        
                                                     source workflow engine              
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentChangedProcessInstanceAttri  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow       
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow engine  
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business        
                                                     would consider the primary person   
                                                     involved with this event.  This     
                                                     could be a person or entity.May     
                                                     be null.                            
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine                     
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded        
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                              
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current activity   
Business Name                                        on the source engine originating    
                                                     the request to create a new         
                                                     process instance                    
TargetProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created on         
                                                     target workflow engine              
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target        
usiness Name                                         workflow engine                     
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine          
                                                     accepting the session request.      
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to      
                                                     perform the process (may be null)   
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to      
                                                     perform the process (may be null)   
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed           
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed           
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute         
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                 
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                             
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow      
                                                     engine or by  the transport         
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow      
                                                     engine or by the transport          

5.2.4 Get Process Instance Attributes

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestGetProcessInstanceAttributes (            
n             in engine_identifier    WMTEngineID,                             
              in process_id             WMTObjectID,                           
              in root_pid                 WMTObjectID,                         
              in activity_id              WMT_Activity_ID,                     
              out attributes              WMTAttributeList                     

Description Returns the value(s)[10] of the requested process instance attributes (process relevant data).

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that owns the workflow relevant data being requested

root_pid the initial process instance unique ID (the ID of the process instance operating on the invoking (parent) workflow engine

activity id the ID of the activity in the parent process instance which is causing this request to retrieve process instance attributes

attributes a list of attribute names to be retrieved

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale Checking values of process relevant data is one way in which a workflow engine can check on the progress of a workflow being enacted on another workflow engine.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Get Process Instance Attributes                                                 
RootPID                                 Identifier of initial (root) process    
                                        on source workflow engine               
ProcessID                               The PID of the process instance on      
                                        the target workflow engine from which   
                                        attribute values are being requested.   
ActivityID                              Identifier of activity on source        
                                        workflow engine                         
Timestamp                               Timestamp for when request was sent     
                                        by source workflow engine               
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
SourceBusinessDefinitionProcessName     Business Definition Process Name for    
                                        source process instance (may be null)   
Number                                  The number of Attributes for which      
                                        values are being requested.             
Name11  ...                             attribute identifier   ...              
DomainID                                ID of domain within which the           
                                        workflow engines are interoperating     
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism.                    




Timestamp=1996 February 28 16:30&%%





Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to                                                                     
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
ProcessID                               The PID of the process instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine for which    
                                        attribute values were requested.        
Number                                  The number of Attributes for which      
                                        values  have been supplied              
Name12                                  attribute identifier                    
Type                                    attribute type                          
Length                                  new attribute length                    
Value                                   new attribute value                     
...                                     ...                                     
DomainID                                Identifier for the workflow domain      
                                        within which the two workflow engines   
                                        are interoperating                      
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     







Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the target workflow engine successfully providing each requested attribute value at the behest of the source workflow engine.

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                           
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root) process   
Instance ID                                          instance                              
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process          
Instance ID                                          instance                              
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity         
                                                     instance (may be null)                
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine                       
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRequestGetProcessInstanceAttr  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine  
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow engine    
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business would    
                                                     consider the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.  This       
                                                     could be a person or entity.May be    
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated                
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.     
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current activity     
Definition Business Name                             on the source engine (may be null)    
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance on target workflow   
ID                                                   engine                                
Target Process              O    WMTObjectName       null | as declared in process         
Definition Business Name                             definition                            
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine            
                                                     accepting request for attribute       
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to        
                                                     provide attribute value (may be       
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to        
                                                     provide attribute value (may be       
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute requested           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                   
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                               
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow        
                                                     engine or by  the transport           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow        
                                                     engine or by the transport mechanism  

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                              
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process          
Instance ID                                          instance on source workflow engine       
                                                     which caused the request for the         
                                                     sub-process to be created on the         
                                                     target workflow engine                   
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for sub-process      
Instance ID                                          created on the target workflow engine    
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                     
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance                
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestGetProcessInstanceAtt  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine     
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine       
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                  
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                  
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when attribute value was   
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                   
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.        
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of source    
ance ID                                              workflow engine                          
SourceCurrentProcess        M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of source    
InstanceID                                           workflow engine                          
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the source WFE   
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event            
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine        
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the remote       
                                                     workflow engine request                  
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the remote       
                                                     workflow engine request                  
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow         
BusinessName                                         engine process that generated the        
                                                     start process request.                   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE          
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request            
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute requested              
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                      
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                                  
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow engine    
                                                     or by  the transport mechanism           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow engine    
                                                     or by the transport mechanism            

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                              
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process          
Instance ID                                          instance on source workflow engine       
                                                     which caused the request for the         
                                                     sub-process to be created on the         
                                                     target workflow engine                   
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for sub-process      
Instance ID                                          created on the target workflow engine    
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                     
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance                
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRetrievedProcessInstanceAttr  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine     
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine       
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                  
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                  
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when attribute value was   
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                   
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.        
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of source    
ance ID                                              workflow engine                          
SourceCurrentProcess        M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of source    
InstanceID                                           workflow engine                          
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the source WFE   
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event            
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine        
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the remote       
                                                     workflow engine request                  
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the remote       
                                                     workflow engine request                  
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow         
BusinessName                                         engine process that generated the        
                                                     start process request.                   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE          
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request            
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute requested              
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute requested              
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Length of requested attribute            
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   Value                                    
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                      
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                                  
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow engine    
                                                     or by  the transport mechanism           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow engine    
                                                     or by the transport mechanism            

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                          
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)          
Instance ID                                          process instance                     
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process         
Instance ID                                          instance                             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity        
                                                     instance (may be null)               
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance on         
                                                     source workflow engine               
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRetrievedProcessInstanceAttr  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow        
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow engine   
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business would   
                                                     consider the primary person          
                                                     involved with this event.  This      
                                                     could be a person or entity.May be   
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated               
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded         
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                               
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.    
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current activity    
Definition Business Name                             on the source engine (may be null)   
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance on target           
ID                                                   workflow engine                      
Target Process              O    WMTObjectName       null | as declared in process        
Definition Business Name                             definition                           
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine           
                                                     accepting request for attribute      
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to       
                                                     provide attribute value (may be      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to       
                                                     provide attribute value (may be      
Attribute Name              O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute requested          
Attribute Type              O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute requested          
Attribute Length            O    WMTAttributeLength  Length of requested attribute        
Attribute Value             O    WMTAttributeValue   Value                                
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                  
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                              
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow       
                                                     engine or by  the transport          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow       
                                                     engine or by the transport           

5.2.5 Start Process Instance

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestStartProcessInstance (                    
n             in engine_identifier         WMTEngineID,                        
              in process_id                  WMTObjectID                       

Description Start the enactment of the identified workflow process instance. The receiving workflow engine creates a Process/Sub-process audit record as specified in [WfMC015] to record that enactment of the process instance has started.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance for which enactment is to be started

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale It is an operational requirement of users of interoperating workflow systems that it be possible to initiate the enactment of sub-process workflows.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine  is being    
                                        requested to enact                      
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     







Source_Session =123&Target_Session=456&MessageID=9

Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to StartProcessInstance                                                
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
TargetUserID                            User ID of primary user (may be null)   
TargetRoleID                            Role assumed by primary user (may be    
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine was          
                                        requested to enact                      
Timestamp                               The time that enactment commenced.      
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     








Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the target workflow engine successfully commencing enactment of the designated process instance at the behest of the source workflow engine.

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                     
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)     
Instance ID                                          process instance                
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process    
Instance ID                                          instance                        
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity   
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.not-running'              
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRequestStartProcessInst  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow   
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow     
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business    
                                                     would consider the primary      
                                                     person involved with this       
                                                     event.  This could be a         
                                                     person or entity.May be null.   
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target    
                                                     workflow engine                 
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded    
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                          
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with      
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current        
Busines Name                                         activity on the source engine   
                                                     originating the request to      
                                                     start the process instance      
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target           
D                                                    workflow engine                 
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance to be          
ID                                                   started on target workflow      
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target    
usiness Name                                         workflow engine                 
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine      
                                                     accepting the session request.  
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested     
                                                     to perform the process (may     
                                                     be null)                        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested     
                                                     to perform the process (may     
                                                     be null)                        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    open.not-running                
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                             
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                         
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source           
                                                     workflow engine or by  the      
                                                     transport mechanism             
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target           
                                                     workflow engine or by the       
                                                     transport mechanism             

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                         
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process     
                                                     instance on source workflow         
                                                     engine which caused the request     
                                                     for the sub-process to be started   
                                                     on the target workflow engine       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for             
                                                     sub-process to be started on the    
                                                     target workflow engine              
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    open.not-running                    
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestStartProcessInst  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow       
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine  
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated             
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated             
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to       
                                                     start process instance was          
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                              
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of      
ance ID                                              source workflow engine              
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of      
anceID                                               source workflow engine              
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the         
                                                     source workflow engine              
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source workflow        
                                                     engine event                        
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the         
                                                     remote workflow engine request      
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the         
                                                     remote workflow engine request      
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source workflow      
Definition ID                                        engine                              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow    
BusinessName                                         engine process that generated the   
                                                     start process request.              
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE     
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                 
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                             
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow      
                                                     engine or by  the transport         
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow      
                                                     engine or by the transport          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open. running'              
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMStartedProcessInstance'   
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTObjectID         Activity ID on source        
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       NodeID of target WFE         
RemoteProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance started     
                                                     on target workflow engine    
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMAObjectID         Timestamp for when           
                                                     enactment of the process     
                                                     instance started on target   
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be started    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  started on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    open.running                 
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMStartedProcessInstance'   
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to start process instance    
                                                     was received                 
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)      
Instance ID                                          process instance                 
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process     
Instance ID                                          instance                         
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.running'                   
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedStartedProcessInstan  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business     
                                                     would consider the primary       
                                                     person involved with this        
                                                     event.  This could be a person   
                                                     or entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target     
                                                     workflow engine                  
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded     
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current         
Busines Name                                         activity on the source engine    
                                                     originating the request to       
                                                     start the process instance       
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target workflow   
D                                                    engine                           
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance started on      
ID                                                   target workflow engine           
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target     
usinessName                                          workflow engine                  
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine       
                                                     accepting the session request.   
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to   
                                                     perform the process (may be      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to   
                                                     perform the process (may be      
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process instance    
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be started    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  started on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    open.running                 
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentStartedProcessInstan  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when           
                                                     notification that process    
                                                     instance started was         
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the start     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2.6 Process Instance Started

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMNotifyProcessInstanceStarted (                   
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,               in          
              process_id               WMTObjectID           );                

Description Notifies the invoking workflow engine that the enactment of the given workflow instance has started on the target workflow engine. This operation is necessary for situations where the process instance has been created on the host at the behest of another workflow engine, but not started. It may be that enactment of such a process instance would be started once certain pre-conditions have been satisfied. In such a circumstance, it would be appropriate for the host workflow engine to notify the other workflow engine when enactment of the process instance had started.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the invoking workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that has started

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale In certain circumstances the invoking workflow engine may need to know when enactment of the given sub-process has begun on the target workflow engine.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine that has     
RemotePID                               The PID of the parent process           
                                        instance on the target workflow         
RemoteAID                               The ID of the activity instance         
                                        within the process instance on the      
                                        remote workflow engine that is to be    
                                        notified that the sub-process           
                                        instance has started.                   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
Timestamp                               Time enactment of the process           
                                        instance began                          
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     









Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to ProcessInstanceStarted                                              
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the source workflow engine starting enactment of a sub-process on behalf of the target workflow engine.

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Actual Event

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be started    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  started on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    open.running                 
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMStartedProcessInstance'   
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to start process instance    
                                                     was received                 
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Notifying Workflow Engine - Notification

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be created    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  started on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    open.running                 
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentStartedProcessInstan  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for process        
                                                     instance started             
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the start     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.running'               
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedStartedProcessIn  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current     
Busines Name                                         activity on the source       
                                                     engine originating the       
                                                     request to start the         
                                                     process instance             
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target        
D                                                    workflow engine              
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance started     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine    
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    open.running                 
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2.7 Abort Process Instance

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestAbortProcessInstance (                    
n             in engine_identifier    WMTEngineID,                             
              in process_id             WMTObjectID                            

Description Abort the enactment of the identified workflow process instance. The receiving workflow engine creates a Process/Sub-process audit record as specified in [WfMC015] to record that enactment of the process instance has started.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance for which enactment is to be aborted

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale It is an operational requirement of users of interoperating workflow systems that it be possible to initiate the enactment of sub-process workflows.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine  is being    
                                        requested to abort                      
SourcePID                               The ID of the process instance that     
                                        has caused the request to abort the     
                                        sub-process instance (may be null)      
SourceAID                               The ID of the activity in the current   
                                        process instance that has caused the    
                                        request to abort the sub-process        
                                        instance (may be null)                  
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     









Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to AbortProcessInstance                                                
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
TargetUserID                            User ID of primary user (may be null)   
TargetRoleID                            Role assumed by primary user (may be    
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine was          
                                        requested to abort                      
ActivityID                              The ID of the current activity in the   
                                        enacted process instance that has       
                                        been aborted (may be null)              
Timestamp                               The time that enactment was aborted.    
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     





ProcessID=24&ActivityID=6&Timestamp=1996+February+28+16:30&%% DomainID=WFCANADA&


Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the target workflow engine successfully aborting enactment of the designated process instance at the behest of the source workflow engine.

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                   
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)   
Instance ID                                          process instance              
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current          
Instance ID                                          process instance              
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current          
                                                     activity instance             
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.not-running'            
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRequestAbortProcessIn  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source          
                                                     workflow engine               
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow   
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the           
                                                     business would consider the   
                                                     primary person involved       
                                                     with this event.  This        
                                                     could be a person or          
                                                     entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by         
                                                     target workflow engine        
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded  
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                        
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with    
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current      
Busines Name                                         activity on the source        
                                                     engine originating the        
                                                     request to start the          
                                                     process instance              
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target         
D                                                    workflow engine               
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance to be        
ID                                                   aborted on target workflow    
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by         
usiness Name                                         target workflow engine        
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine    
                                                     accepting the session         
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested   
                                                     to perform the process (may   
                                                     be null)                      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested   
                                                     to perform the process (may   
                                                     be null)                      
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process          
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                           
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                       
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source         
                                                     workflow engine or by  the    
                                                     transport mechanism           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target         
                                                     workflow engine or by the     
                                                     transport mechanism           

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                       
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process   
                                                     instance on source workflow       
                                                     engine which caused the request   
                                                     for the sub-process to be         
                                                     created on the target workflow    
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for           
                                                     sub-process created on the        
                                                     target workflow engine            
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                              
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    current status of process         
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestAbortProcessIn  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow     
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow       
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated           
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated           
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to     
                                                     create process instance was       
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                            
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with        
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of    
ance ID                                              source workflow engine            
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of    
anceID                                               source workflow engine            
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the       
                                                     source workflow engine            
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source workflow      
                                                     engine event                      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow        
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the       
                                                     remote workflow engine request    
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the       
                                                     remote workflow engine request    
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source workflow    
Definition ID                                        engine                            
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote           
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process that      
                                                     generated the abort process       
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE   
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request     
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                               
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                           
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow    
                                                     engine or by  the transport       
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow    
                                                     engine or by the transport        

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.aborted'             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMAbortedProcessInstance'   
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTObjectID         Activity ID on source        
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       NodeID of target WFE         
RemoteProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance started     
                                                     on target workflow engine    
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMAObjectID         Timestamp for when process   
                                                     instance created on target   
RemoteProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be started    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process created on the   
                                                     target workflow engine       
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process     
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMAbortedProcessInstance'   
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to abort process instance    
                                                     was received                 
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.aborted'             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedAbortedProcessIn  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current     
Busines Name                                         activity on the source       
                                                     engine originating the       
                                                     request to start the         
                                                     process instance             
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target        
D                                                    workflow engine              
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance aborted     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine    
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be aborted    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  aborted on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    closed.aborted               
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentAbortedProcessInstan  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when           
                                                     notification that process    
                                                     instance aborted was         
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the abort     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2.8 Process Instance Aborted

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMNotifyProcessInstanceAborted (                   
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,               in          
              process_id               WMTObjectID           );                

Description Notifies the invoking workflow engine that the enactment of the given workflow instance has been aborted locally on the target workflow engine.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the invoking workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that has aborted

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale In certain circumstances the invoking workflow engine may need to know when enactment of the given sub-process has been aborted locally on the target workflow engine.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine that has     
ActivityID                              The AID of the current activity         
                                        instance in the process instance at     
                                        the time it aborted                     
RemotePID                               The PID of the parent process           
                                        instance on the target workflow         
RemoteAID                               The ID of the activity instance         
                                        within the process instance on the      
                                        remote workflow engine that is to be    
                                        notified that the sub-process           
                                        instance has aborted.                   
Timestamp                               Time enactment of the process           
                                        instance was aborted                    
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Source Node ID                          Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the aborted         
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the aborted         
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     









Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to ProcessInstanceAborted                                              
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the source workflow engine aborting enactment of a sub-process locally.

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Actual Event

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be started    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process created on the   
                                                     target workflow engine       
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process     
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMAbortedProcessInstance'   
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to abort process instance    
                                                     was received                 
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Datat - Notification

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be aborted    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  aborted on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    closed.aborted               
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentAbortedProcessInstan  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when           
                                                     notification that process    
                                                     instance aborted was         
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the abort     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.aborted'             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedAbortedProcessIn  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current     
Busines Name                                         activity on the source       
                                                     engine originating the       
                                                     request to start the         
                                                     process instance             
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target        
D                                                    workflow engine              
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance aborted     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine    
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     accepting the session        
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role            
                                                     requested to perform the     
                                                     process (may be null)        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    State of new process         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2.9 Terminate Process Instance

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestTerminateProcessInstance (                
n             in engine_identifier    WMTEngineID,                             
              in process_id             WMTObjectID                            

Description Terminate the enactment of the identified workflow process instance. The receiving workflow engine creates a Process/Sub-process audit record as specified in [WfMC015] to record that enactment of the process instance has terminated.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance for which enactment is to be terminated

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale It is an operational requirement of users of interoperating workflow systems that it be possible to terminate the enactment of sub-process workflows.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine  is being    
                                        requested to terminate                  
SourceAID                               The ID of the activity in the current   
                                        process instance that has caused the    
                                        request to terminate the sub-process    
                                        instance (may be null)                  
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Source Node ID                          Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     









Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to TerminateProcessInstance                                            
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
TargetUserID                            User ID of primary user (may be null)   
TargetRoleID                            Role assumed by primary user (may be    
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine was          
                                        requested to terminate                  
ActivityID                              The ID of the current activity in the   
                                        enacted process instance that has       
                                        been terminated (may be null)           
Timestamp                               The time that enactment was             
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     





ProcessID=24&ActivityID=6&Timestamp=1996+February+28+16:30&%% DomainID=WFCANADA&


Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the target workflow engine successfully terminating enactment of the designated process instance at the behest of the source workflow engine.

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)      
Instance ID                                          process instance                 
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process     
Instance ID                                          instance                         
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `open.not-running'               
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRequestTerminateProcessI  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business     
                                                     would consider the primary       
                                                     person involved with this        
                                                     event.  This could be a person   
                                                     or entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target     
                                                     workflow engine                  
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded     
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current         
Busines Name                                         activity on the source engine    
                                                     originating the request to       
                                                     start the process instance       
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target workflow   
D                                                    engine                           
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance terminated on   
ID                                                   target workflow engine           
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target     
usiness Name                                         workflow engine                  
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine       
                                                     accepting the session request.   
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to   
                                                     perform the process (may be      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to   
                                                     perform the process (may be      
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    current state of process         
                                                     instance to be terminated        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                          
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process      
                                                     instance on source workflow engine   
                                                     which caused the request for the     
                                                     sub-process to be terminated on      
                                                     the target workflow engine           
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for              
                                                     sub-process to be terminated on      
                                                     the target workflow engine           
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                 
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    current status of process instance   
                                                     to be terminated                     
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestTerminateProcessI  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow        
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine   
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated              
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated              
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to        
                                                     terminate process instance was       
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                               
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.    
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of       
ance ID                                              source workflow engine               
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of       
anceID                                               source workflow engine               
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the source   
                                                     workflow engine                      
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source workflow         
                                                     engine event                         
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine    
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the remote   
                                                     workflow engine request              
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the remote   
                                                     workflow engine request              
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source workflow       
Definition ID                                        engine                               
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow     
BusinessName                                         engine process that generated the    
                                                     terminate process request.           
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE      
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                  
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                              
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow       
                                                     engine or by  the transport          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow       
                                                     engine or by the transport           

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.terminated'          
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMTerminatedProcessInstanc  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTObjectID         Activity ID on source        
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       NodeID of target WFE         
RemoteProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance started     
                                                     on target workflow engine    
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMAObjectID         Timestamp for when           
                                                     enactment of the process     
                                                     instance terminated on       
                                                     target workflow engine       
RemoteProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be            
                                                     terminated on the target     
                                                     workflow engine              
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  terminated on   
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    closed.terminated            
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMTerminatedProcessInstanc  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to terminate process         
                                                     instance was received        
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                     
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)     
Instance ID                                          process instance                
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process    
Instance ID                                          instance                        
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity   
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.terminated'             
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedTerminatedProcessIn  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow   
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow     
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business    
                                                     would consider the primary      
                                                     person involved with this       
                                                     event.  This could be a         
                                                     person or entity.May be null.   
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target    
                                                     workflow engine                 
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded    
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                          
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with      
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current        
Busines Name                                         activity on the source engine   
                                                     originating the request to      
                                                     terminate the process instance  
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target           
D                                                    workflow engine                 
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance terminated     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine       
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target    
usinessName                                          workflow engine                 
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine      
                                                     accepting the session request.  
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested     
                                                     to perform the process (may     
                                                     be null)                        
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested     
                                                     to perform the process (may     
                                                     be null)                        
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    closed.terminated               
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                             
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                         
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source           
                                                     workflow engine or by  the      
                                                     transport mechanism             
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target           
                                                     workflow engine or by the       
                                                     transport mechanism             

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be started    
                                                     on the target workflow       
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  started on      
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    open.running                 
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentTerminatedProcessIns  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when           
                                                     notification that process    
                                                     instance terminated was      
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the start     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

5.2.10 Process Instance Terminated

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMNotifyProcessInstanceTerminated (                
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,               in          
              process_id               WMTObjectID           );                

Description Notifies the invoking workflow engine that the enactment of the given workflow instance has been terminated locally on the target workflow engine.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the invoking workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that has terminated

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale In certain circumstances the invoking workflow engine may need to know when enactment of the given sub-process has been terminated locally on the target workflow engine.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Process Instance Terminated                                                     
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine that has     
ActivityID                              The AID of the current activity         
                                        instance in the process instance at     
                                        the time it was terminated              
RemotePID                               The Process Instance ID of the parent   
                                        process instance on the target          
                                        workflow engine                         
RemoteAID                               The ID of the activity instance         
                                        within the process instance on the      
                                        remote workflow engine that is to be    
                                        notified that the sub-process           
                                        instance has been terminated.           
Timestamp                               Time enactment of the process           
                                        instance was terminated                 
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Source Node ID                          Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     



ProcessInstanceTerminated?ProcessID=32&RemotePID=24&ActivityID=5&%%<> Timestamp=1996+February+28+16:30&%%





Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to ProcessInstanceTerminated                                           
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
TargetNodeID                            Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the source workflow engine terminating enactment of a sub-process locally.

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Actual Event

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be            
                                                     terminated on the target     
                                                     workflow engine              
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  terminated on   
                                                     the target workflow engine   
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    closed.terminated            
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMTerminatedProcessInstanc  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request   
                                                     to terminate process         
                                                     instance was received        
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
ProcessDefinition ID        M    WMTObjectID         Process Definition ID        
                                                     identifying the definition   
                                                     used to create this          
                                                     process instance             
ProcessDefinitionBusines    O    WMTText             Business name of  the        
sName                                                process definition           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Notification

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     process instance on source   
                                                     workflow engine which        
                                                     caused the request for the   
                                                     sub-process to be            
                                                     terminated on the target     
                                                     workflow engine              
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for      
                                                     sub-process  terminated on   
                                                     the target workflow          
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   null                         
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    closed.terminated            
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentTerminatedProcess'    
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target           
                                                     workflow engine              
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated      
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for process        
                                                     instance started             
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance     
ance ID                                              ID of source workflow        
SourceCurrentProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance     
anceID                                               ID of source workflow        
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of      
                                                     the source WFE               
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE      
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow   
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with      
                                                     the remote workflow engine   
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source        
Definition ID                                        workflow engine              
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote      
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process      
                                                     that generated the start     
                                                     process request.             
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the         
BusinessName                                         remote WFE activity          
                                                     spawning the request         
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)      
Instance ID                                          process instance                 
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process     
Instance ID                                          instance                         
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.terminated'              
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedTerminatedProcessIns  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business     
                                                     would consider the primary       
                                                     person involved with this        
                                                     event.  This could be a person   
                                                     or entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target     
                                                     workflow engine                  
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded     
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current         
Busines Name                                         activity on the source engine    
                                                     originating the request to       
                                                     start the process instance       
TargetProcessDefinitionI    M    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target workflow   
D                                                    engine                           
Target Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance terminated on   
ID                                                   target workflow engine           
TargetProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target     
usinessName                                          workflow engine                  
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine       
                                                     accepting the session request.   
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user requested to   
                                                     perform the process (may be      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role requested to   
                                                     perform the process (may be      
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    closed.terminated                
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

5.2.11 Change Process Instance State

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRequestChangeProcessInstanceState (              
n             in engine_identifier    WMTEngineID,                             
              in process_id             WMTObjectID,                           
              in state                       WMTObjectState                    

Description Change the state of the designated process instance, for example from suspended to resumed or vice versa. The receiving workflow engine creates a Process/Sub-process audit record as specified in [WfMC015] to record that enactment of the suspended process instance was resumed or vice versa.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that is to be resumed

state the new state to which the process instance is to be switched

Return Values Success | Failure | Operation_not_performed | Operation_not_implemented

Rationale It is an operational requirement of users of interoperating workflow systems that it be possible to suspend enactment of sub-process workflows and resume enactment of suspended sub-process workflows when this becomes necessary.

Request Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Change Process Instance State                                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the target workflow engine for which    
                                        the state change is being requested     
NewState                                The state to which the designated       
                                        process instance is to be changed       
SourcePID                               The ID of the process instance that     
                                        has caused the request to change the    
                                        state of the sub-process instance       
                                        (may be null)                           
SourceAID                               The ID of the activity in the current   
                                        process instance that has caused the    
                                        request to change the state of the      
                                        sub-process instance (may be null)      
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Source Node ID                          Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     









Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to Change Process Instance                                             
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure |                     
                                        Operation_not_performed |               
TargetUserID                            User ID of primary user (may be null)   
TargetRoleID                            Role assumed by primary user (may be    
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance that    
                                        the target workflow engine for which    
                                        the state change was requested          
ActivityID                              The ID of the current activity in the   
                                        enacted process instance at the time    
                                        the state change occurred (may be       
Timestamp                               The time that the state of the          
                                        process instance was changed.           
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Target Node ID                          Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by target   
                                        workflow engine or by the transport     





ProcessID=24&ActivityID=6&Timestamp=1996+February+28+16:30&%% DomainID=WFCANADA&


Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of changing the state of a process instance being enacted on the source workflow engine on behalf of the target workflow engine.

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                         
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)         
                                                     process instance                    
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process        
ActivityInstanceID          O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity       
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    state of current process instance   
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentRequestChangeProcessInstanc  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow       
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow engine  
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business        
                                                     would consider the primary person   
                                                     involved with this event.  This     
                                                     could be a person or entity.May     
                                                     be null.                            
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine                     
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded        
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                              
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.   
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current activity   
Definition Business Name                             on the source engine originating    
                                                     the request to change process       
Target Process              O    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target workflow      
Definition ID                                        engine                              
Target Process Instance     O    WMTObjectID         Process instance on target          
ID                                                   workflow engine                     
Target Process              O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by target        
Definition Business                                  workflow engine                     
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine          
                                                     accepting change state request.     
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user currently         
                                                     performing the process (may be      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role currently         
                                                     performing the process (may be      
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    new state of process instance on    
                                                     remote engine                       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                 
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                             
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow      
                                                     engine or by  the transport         
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow      
                                                     engine or by the transport          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Request
Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                             
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for process         
Instance ID                                          instance on source workflow engine      
                                                     which caused the sub-process to be      
                                                     created on the target workflow engine   
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for sub-process     
Instance ID                                          created on the target workflow engine   
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                                    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process instance           
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedRequestChangeProcessInstanc  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow engine    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                 
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated                 
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to change    
                                                     process state was received              
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                                  
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.       
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of source   
ance ID                                              workflow engine                         
SourceCurrentProcess        M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of source   
InstanceID                                           workflow engine                         
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the source WFE  
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event           
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow Engine       
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the remote      
                                                     workflow engine request                 
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the remote      
                                                     workflow engine request                 
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote workflow        
BusinessName                                         engine process that initiated the       
                                                     process instance (may be null)          
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote WFE         
BusinessName                                         activity spawning the request           
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source workflow engine   
Definition ID                                                                                
SourceRequestedState             WMTProcInstState    state process instance requested to     
                                                     change to                               
Process Definition          O    WMTObjectName       as supplied by source workflow engine   
Business ID                                          - may be null                           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                     
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                                 
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow engine   
                                                     or by  the transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow engine   
                                                     or by the transport mechanism           

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation
Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMChangedProcessInstanceSt  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTObjectID         Activity ID on source        
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       NodeID of target WFE         
RemoteProcessInstanceID     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance on target   
                                                     workflow engine              
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMAObjectID         Timestamp for when           
                                                     enactment of the process     
                                                     instance state changed on    
                                                     target workflow engine       
RemoteProcessDefinitionB    O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by        
usinessName                                          target workflow engine       
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Operation

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMChangedProcessInstanceSt  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
PreviousProcessState        M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance    
                                                     prior to change              
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Source Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for          
Instance ID                                          process instance on source       
                                                     workflow engine which caused     
                                                     the sub-process to be created    
                                                     on the target workflow engine    
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for          
Instance ID                                          sub-process created on the       
                                                     target workflow engine           
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                             
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process instance    
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedChangedProcessInstan  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated          
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when               
                                                     notification that process        
                                                     state changed was received       
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
SourceInitialProcessInst    M    WMTProcInstID       Initial Process Instance ID of   
ance ID                                              source workflow engine           
SourceCurrentProcess        M    WMTProcInstID       Current Process Instance ID of   
InstanceID                                           source workflow engine           
SourceActivityInstanceID    M    WMTActivityInstID   Activity Instance ID of the      
                                                     source WFE                       
SourceTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp of source WFE event    
SourceNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of source Workflow       
SourceUserID                O    WMTResourceID       User ID associated with the      
                                                     remote workflow engine request   
SourceRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       Role ID associated with the      
                                                     remote workflow engine request   
SourceProcessDefinition     O    WMTText             Business name of remote          
BusinessName                                         workflow engine process that     
                                                     initiated the process instance   
                                                     (may be null)                    
SourceActivityDefinition    O    WMTText             Business name of the remote      
BusinessName                                         WFE activity spawning the        
SourceProcess               M    WMTObjectID         as supplied by source workflow   
Definition ID                                        engine                           
SourceRequestedState             WMTProcInstState    state process instance           
                                                     requested to change to           
Process Definition          O    WMTObjectName       as supplied by source workflow   
Business ID                                          engine - may be null             
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data - Response

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                   
InitialProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)   
                                                     process instance              
CurrentProcessInstanceID    M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current          
                                                     process instance              
ActivityInstance ID         O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current          
                                                     activity instance             
ProcessState                M    WMTProcInstState    state of current process      
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentChangedProcessInstanc  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source          
                                                     workflow engine               
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow   
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the           
                                                     business would consider the   
                                                     primary person involved       
                                                     with this event.  This        
                                                     could be a person or          
                                                     entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by         
                                                     target workflow engine        
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded  
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                        
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with    
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current      
Definition Business Name                             activity on the source        
                                                     engine originating the        
                                                     request to change process     
Target Process              O    WMTObjectID         as supplied to target         
Definition ID                                        workflow engine               
Target Process Instance     O    WMTObjectID         Process instance on target    
ID                                                   workflow engine               
Target Process              O    WMTObjectName       null | as supplied by         
Definition Business                                  target workflow engine        
TargetNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine    
                                                     accepting change state        
TargetUserID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote user currently   
                                                     performing the process (may   
                                                     be null)                      
TargetRoleID                O    WMTResourceID       ID of remote role currently   
                                                     performing the process (may   
                                                     be null)                      
Target State                O    WMTProcInstState    new state of process          
                                                     instance on remote engine     
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                           
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                       
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source         
                                                     workflow engine or by  the    
                                                     transport mechanism           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target         
                                                     workflow engine or by the     
                                                     transport mechanism           

5.2.12 Process Instance Completed

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMNotifyProcessInstanceCompleted (                 
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,                           
              in process_id                WMTObjectID                         

Description Resume the enactment of the identified suspended workflow process instance. The receiving workflow engine creates a Process/Sub-process audit record as specified in [WfMC015] to record that enactment of the suspended process instance has completed.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the invoking workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that has completed

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale In circumstances where the invoking process instance hangs, waiting for the enacted sub-process to complete, the workflow engine enacting the sub-process must have a means of communicating the completion to the invoking engine.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine that has     
ActivityID                              The AID of the current activity         
                                        instance in the process instance at     
                                        the time it completed                   
RemotePID                               The PID of the parent process           
                                        instance on the target workflow         
RemoteAID                               The ID of the activity instance         
                                        within the process instance on the      
                                        remote workflow engine that is to be    
                                        notified that the sub-process           
                                        instance completed.                     
Timestamp                               Time enactment of the process           
                                        instance completed                      
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Source Node ID                          Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     








Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to Process Instance                                                    
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Target Node ID                          Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the completion of a process instance being enacted on the source workflow engine on behalf of the target workflow engine.

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Actual Event

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMCompletedProcessInstance  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
PreviousProcessState        M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance    
                                                     prior to change              
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Notification

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    `closed.completed'           
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentCompletedProcessInst  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated       
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of first       
Definition Business Name                             activity on the source       
Remote Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created     
ID                                                   on target workflow engine    
Remote Activity             M    WMTActivityInstID   Remote workflow engine       
Instance ID                                          activity instance ID         
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine   
                                                     receiving the notification.  
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data
Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                     
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)     
Instance ID                                          process instance                
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process    
Instance ID                                          instance                        
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity   
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    state of current process        
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedCompletedProcessIns  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for target workflow   
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow     
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business    
                                                     would consider the primary      
                                                     person involved with this       
                                                     event.  This could be a         
                                                     person or entity.May be null.   
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated          
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when              
                                                     notification was received       
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                          
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with      
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current        
Definition Business Name                             activity on the source engine   
                                                     when the process instance       
Remote Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance completed on   
ID                                                   source workflow engine          
Remote Activity             M    WMTActivityInstID   Remote workflow engine          
Instance ID                                          activity instance ID            
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine      
                                                     sending the notification.       
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded    
                                                     on remote engine                
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                             
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                         
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source           
                                                     workflow engine or by  the      
                                                     transport mechanism             
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target           
                                                     workflow engine or by the       
                                                     transport mechanism             

5.2.13 List Process Instances

Not yet specified

5.2.14 Process State Changed

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMNotifytProcessInstanceStateChange (              
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,              in           
              process_id               WMTObjectID,                            
              in new_state                WMTObjectState                       

Description Notify another workflow engine of a state change in a (sub) process in which it has a registered interest.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the invoking workflow engine

process_id PID of the process instance that has undergone a state change

new State State the process instance has changed to

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale In circumstances where the invoking process instance hangs, waiting for the enacted sub-process to complete, the workflow engine enacting the sub-process must have a means of communicating the completion to the invoking engine.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine              
ActivityID                              The AID of the current activity         
                                        instance in the process instance at     
                                        the time the state change occurred      
RemotePID                               The PID of the parent Process           
                                        Instance on the target workflow         
RemoteAID                               The ID of the activity instance         
                                        within the process instance on the      
                                        remote workflow engine that is to be    
                                        notified that the sub-process           
                                        instance state has changed.             
Timestamp                               Time process instance underwent a       
                                        state change                            
State                                   New state of process instance           
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Source Node ID                          Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for request         
                                        (maybe null)                            
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for request (may    
                                        be null)                                
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for process         
                                        instance on target workflow engine      
                                        (may be null)                           
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     



ProcessInstanceStateChanged? ProcessID=32&RemotePID=24&ActivityID=5&%%






Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to                                                                     
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Target Node ID                          Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the completion of a process instance being enacted on the source workflow engine on behalf of the target workflow engine.

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Actual Event

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                  
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial         
Instance ID                                          (root) process instance      
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current         
Instance ID                                          process instance             
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current         
                                                     activity instance            
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMChangedProcessInstanceSt  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source         
                                                     workflow engine              
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source           
                                                     workflow engine              
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the          
                                                     business would consider      
                                                     the primary person           
                                                     involved with this event.    
                                                     This could be a person or    
                                                     entity.May be null.          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as supplied by        
                                                     target workflow engine       
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was          
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                       
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with   
PreviousProcessState        M    WMTProcInstState    State of process instance    
                                                     prior to change              
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                          
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                      
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source        
                                                     workflow engine or by  the   
                                                     transport mechanism          
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target        
                                                     workflow engine or by the    
                                                     transport mechanism          

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Notification

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                   
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)   
Instance ID                                          process instance              
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current          
Instance ID                                          process instance              
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current          
                                                     activity instance             
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    new state of process          
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentChangedProcessInstanc  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source          
                                                     workflow engine               
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow   
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the           
                                                     business would consider the   
                                                     primary person involved       
                                                     with this event.  This        
                                                     could be a person or          
                                                     entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated        
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded  
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                        
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with    
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of first        
Definition Business Name                             activity on the source        
Remote Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created on   
ID                                                   target workflow engine        
Remote Activity             M    WMTActivityInstID   Remote workflow engine        
Instance ID                                          activity instance ID          
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine    
                                                     receiving the notification.   
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded  
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                           
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                       
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source         
                                                     workflow engine or by  the    
                                                     transport mechanism           
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target         
                                                     workflow engine or by the     
                                                     transport mechanism           

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data
Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)      
Instance ID                                          process instance                 
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process     
Instance ID                                          instance                         
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    state of current process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedChangedProcessInstan  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for target workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business     
                                                     would consider the primary       
                                                     person involved with this        
                                                     event.  This could be a person   
                                                     or entity.May be null.           
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated           
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when               
                                                     notification was received        
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current         
Definition Business Name                             activity on the source engine    
                                                     when the process instance        
                                                     state change occurred            
Remote Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance for which       
ID                                                   state change occurred on         
                                                     source workflow engine           
Remote Activity             M    WMTActivityInstID   Remote workflow engine           
Instance ID                                          activity instance ID             
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine       
                                                     sending the notification.        
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded     
                                                     on remote engine                 
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

5.2.15 Process Attributes Changed

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMNotifyProcessAttributeValueChanged (             
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,              in           
              process_id               WMTObjectID,              in            
              attributes                  WMTAttributeList                     

Description Sets the value(s) of process instance attributes (process relevant data) in a selected process definition.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id the ID of the process instance that owns the process relevant data being requested

attributes a list of attribute data structures giving for each attribute

the name of the attribute

the type of the attribute

the length of the attribute

the value to which the attribute is to be set

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale This operation is provided so that a workflow engine enacting a sub-process can notify the workflow engine enacting the parent process instance that the value of a particular element of workflow relevant data has been changed. This facility allows for tracking of milestones in the management of workflows enacted in a multi-engined domain.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
ProcessID                               The PID of the process instance on      
                                        the source workflow engine for which    
                                        the attribute value has changed         
ActivityID                              The AID of the current activity         
                                        instance in the process instance at     
                                        the time the attribute value changed    
RemotePID                               The PID of the parent Process           
                                        Instance on the target workflow         
RemoteAID                               The ID of the activity instance         
                                        within the process instance on the      
                                        remote workflow engine that is to be    
                                        notified that the sub-process           
                                        instance completed.                     
Timestamp                               The time when the attribute value       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
Name                                    attribute identifier                    
Type                                    attribute type                          
Length                                  new attribute length                    
Value                                   new attribute value                     
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target_Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     









Source_Session =456& Target_Session=290&MessageID=5

Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to                                                                     
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Domain ID for set of workflow engines   
                                        interoperating within the current       
Target Node ID                          Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

The following audit data records would be created as a result of the source workflow engine having changed the value of a notifiable attribute.

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Actual Event

Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for          
Instance ID                                          process instance on Source       
                                                     workflow engine which caused     
                                                     the request for the              
                                                     sub-process to be created on     
                                                     the target workflow engine       
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Process Instance ID for          
Instance ID                                          sub-process created on the       
                                                     target workflow engine           
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   null                             
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    State of created process         
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMAssignedProcessInstanceAttri  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow      
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated          
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null or as instantiated          
Timestamp                   M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when request to    
                                                     create process instance was      
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
Changed Attribute Name      M    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed        
Changed Attribute Type      M    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed        
Changed Attribute Length    M    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute      
Changed Attribute Value     M    WMTAttributeValue   New value                        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

Notifying Workflow Engine Audit Data - Notification
Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                      
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)      
Instance ID                                          process instance                 
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process     
Instance ID                                          instance                         
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity    
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    state of process instance when   
                                                     event occurred                   
EventCode                   M    WMTEventCode        `WMSentChangedProcessInstanceAt  
DomainID                    M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for source workflow    
NodeID                      M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for source workflow      
UserID                      M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business     
                                                     would consider the primary       
                                                     person involved with this        
                                                     event.  This could be a person   
                                                     or entity.May be null.           
RoleID                      M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated           
CurrentTimestamp            M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded     
InformationID               M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                           
MessageID                   O    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with       
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current         
Definition Business Name                             activity on the source engine    
                                                     when attribute value changed     
Remote Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance created on      
ID                                                   target workflow engine           
Remote Activity             M    WMTActivityInstID   Remote workflow engine           
Instance ID                                          activity instance ID             
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine       
                                                     receiving the notification.      
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded     
Changed Attribute Name      O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed        
Changed Attribute Type      O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed        
Changed Attribute Length    O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute      
Changed Attribute Value     O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                        
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                              
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                          
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow   
                                                     engine or by  the transport      
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow   
                                                     engine or by the transport       

Target Workflow Engine Audit Data
Name                       M/O   Data Type           Description                         
Initial Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of initial (root)         
Instance ID                                          process instance                    
Current Process             M    WMTProcInstID       Unique ID of current process        
Instance ID                                          instance                            
Activity Instance ID        O    WMTActivityInstID   Unique ID of current activity       
Process State               M    WMTProcInstState    state of current process instance   
Event Code                  M    WMTEventCode        `WMReceivedChangedProcessInstanceA  
Domain ID                   M    WMTResourceID       Domain ID for target workflow       
Node ID                     M    WMTResourceID       Node ID for target workflow engine  
User ID                     M    WMTResourceID       ID of user whom the business        
                                                     would consider the primary person   
                                                     involved with this event.  This     
                                                     could be a person or entity.May     
                                                     be null.                            
Role ID                     M    WMTResourceID       null | as instantiated              
Current Timestamp           M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp for when notification     
                                                     was received                        
Information ID              M    WMTObjectID         `WfMC'                              
MessageID                   M    WMTObjectID         Message ID associated with event.   
Source Activity             O    WMTObjectName       Business name of current activity   
Definition Business Name                             on the source engine when the       
                                                     process attribute value changed     
Remote Process Instance     M    WMTObjectID         Process instance ID on source       
ID                                                   workflow engine                     
Remote Activity             M    WMTActivityInstID   Remote workflow engine activity     
Instance ID                                          instance ID                         
RemoteNodeID                M    WMTResourceID       Node ID of Workflow Engine          
                                                     sending the notification.           
RemoteTimestamp             M    WMTTimestamp        Timestamp event was recorded on     
                                                     remote engine                       
Changed Attribute Name      O    WMTAttributeName    Name of attribute changed           
Changed Attribute Type      O    WMTAttributeType    Type of attribute changed           
Changed Attribute Length    O    WMTAttributeLength  Changed length of attribute         
Changed Attribute Value     O    WMTAttributeValue   New value                           
Extension Number            M    WMTInt16            `1'                                 
Extension Type              M    WMTText             `4MIME'                             
SourceSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by source workflow      
                                                     engine or by  the transport         
TargetSession ID            M    WMTINT8             As supplied by target workflow      
                                                     engine or by the transport          

5.2.16 Relinquish Process Instance

Specificatio  WMTReturnCode WMRelinquishProcessInstance (                      
n             in engine_identifier      WMTEngineID,                           
              in process_id                   WMTObjectID                      

Description Notify another workflow engine that as far as this workflow engine is concerned, it may now release all memory containing data structures pertaining to the given process instance and/or not to send notification messages concerning the enactment of that process instance.

Parameters engine_identifier identifies the target workflow engine

process_id PID of the sub-process instance in which this workflow engine is no longer interested

Return Values Success | Failure

Rationale For certain dialogue structures it will be necessary that one workflow engine tells another that it is now safe to release all data structures it holds in memory relating to a given process instance and/or that it is no longer interested in receiving notification messages for that process instance.

There are two circumstances in which a WMRelinquishProcessInstance message is intended to be used. Workflow Engine B enacting a sub-process at the behest of Workflow Engine A will:

* send notification messages to the other workflow engine at appropriate points, e.g. on completion of the enactment of the enacted sub-process

* maintain the value of process instance attributes until it is told it may safely release them

The WMRelinquishProcessInstance operation is provided so that in the case of a chained model of interoperability in which Workflow Engine A initiates the enactment of a sub-process on Workflow Engine B but then takes no further interest in it, Workflow Engine B can be told not to send notification messages to Workflow Engine A and will then assume on completion of the enactment that it may safely release all associated data structures in memory.

The alternative use of the WMRelinquishProcessInstance operation is for nested sub-process models of interoperability in which Workflow Engine A initiates the enactment of a sub-process on Workflow Engine B and then waits for its completion in order to retrieve the value(s) of some process instance attribute(s). On receipt of notification that either the value of the designated process instance attribute(s) has changed or that the sub-process has reached completion, Workflow Engine A will

1. retrieve the value(s) of the attribute(s) from Workflow Engine A using WMRequestGetProcessInstanceAttributes

2. use WMRelinquishProcessInstance to tell Workflow Engine B it has no further interest in the sub-process.

Notification Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Relinquish Process Instance                                                     
ProcessID                               The PID of the Process Instance on      
                                        the target workflow engine              
DomainID                                Identifier for the workflow domain      
                                        within which the two workflow engines   
                                        are interoperating                      
SourceNodeID                            Identifier for source workflow engine   
SourceUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
SourceRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance that caused the notification   
                                        request (may be null)                   
TargetUserID                            User ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
TargetRoleID                            Role ID responsible for the process     
                                        instance on the target workflow         
                                        engine which caused the newly started   
                                        process instance to be created (may     
                                        be null)                                
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target _Session                         Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        source workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     








Response Message Format

Field                                   Value                                   
Response to RelinquishProcessInstance                                           
ReturnCode                              Success | Failure                       
DomainID                                Identifier for the workflow domain      
                                        within which the two workflow engines   
                                        are interoperating                      
Target Node ID                          Identifier for target workflow engine   
Source_Session                          Session ID allocated by source          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
Target Session                          Session ID allocated by target          
                                        workflow engine  or by the transport    
MessageID                               Message identifier assigned by the      
                                        target workflow engine or by the        
                                        transport mechanism                     






Audit data

Not specified

6. References

[OMG93] OMG 93.12.43 The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification (1.2)

[WfMC000] Workflow Management Coalition Glossary

[WfMC1009] WFMC TC-1009 Workflow Management Coalition Interface 2 Application Programming Interface (WAPI) Specification, November 1995

[WfMC1012] WFMC TC - 1012 Workflow Management Coalition Workflow Standard - Interoperability Abstract Specification, October 1996

[WfMC1013] WFMC-TC-1013 Workflow Application Programmer's (WAPI) Interface 2

Naming Conventions

[WfMC1015] WFMC-TC-1015 Workflow Management Coalition Interface 5 Audit Data Specification, May 1996