The Workflow Management Coalition Specification

Workflow Management Coalition
Workflow Client Application (Interface 2)
Application Programming Interface

Document Number WFMC-TC-1009

Version 1.2

Workflow Management Coalition
Avenue Marcel Thiry 204
1200 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 774 96 33
Fax: +32 2 774 96 90

The "WfMC" logo and "Workflow Management Coalition" name are service marks of the Workflow Management Coalition.

Neither the Workflow Management Coalition nor any of its members make any warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, with respect to the Specification, including as to non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This Specification is provided "as is".

First printing, November 1995
Second printing, version 1.1, May 1996
Third printing, version 1.2, November 1996

Table of Contents

1. Purpose

1. Change History

Version 1.0

· Intitial version

Version 1.1

· Consistent handling of output parameters as pointers

· Added attributes for WMTProcessDefinition

· Editorial enhancements

Version 1.2

· Added OLE binding

· Added OMG IDL binding

2. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to specify standard workflow management Application Programming Interfaces (API) which can be supported by WFM products. These API calls provide for a consistent method of access to WFM functions in cross-product WFM Engines. The API set is named Workflow Application Programming Interfaces (WAPI).

This document defines the API specifications of the Workflow Management Coalition for building workflow-enabled applications (Interface 2 in the Workflow Reference Model).

This document is directly associated to the documents:

· Workflow Management Coalition Glossary

· Workflow Management Coalition Interface 2 WAPI Naming Conventions

The three documents constitute the complete specification.

3. Audience

The intended audience of this document includes all participants in the workflow industry. Comments should be addressed to the Workflow Management Coalition.

4. Overview

The support of these interfaces in WFM products allow the implementation of front-end applications which need to access WFM Engine functions (Workflow services). Such implementations might be written by WFM exploiters or ISVs. Implementation of these API calls are also intended to allow the workflow applications to be adjusted to operate with different WFM Engines using this common API interface.

These API calls should allow a WFM exploiter to have a single end user interface and functions set regardless of the number of WFM products existing in an installation. WAPI calls may be implemented in a number of languages. The first Coalition specification will be for the `C' language. The API operates as CALLS. No assumption is may regarding the underlying implementation of the CALLS in a particular WFM product implementation. The WAPI calls are for use at run-time. That is, when processes are executing or are to be executed. They would normally be used by workflow applications (e.g. worklist handlers, cooperating applications) but may also be used by a WFM Engine when it wishes to interact with another WFM product within the context of the API functions.

Through its set of functions, the WAPI provides a set of workflow services that a Workflow Enactment Service provides. The WAPI does not assume any specific user interface, but rather it specifically assumes that the user interface of the workflow enabled application, that uses these services, provides its own user interface, that depends solely on the application development environment facilities where it is implemented.

The WFM Engine functions can broadly be classified in the following areas:

· WAPI Connection Functions

· WAPI Process Control Functions

· WAPI Activity Control Functions

· WAPI Process Status Functions

· WAPI Activity Status Functions

· WAPI Worklist Functions

· WAPI Administration Functions

4.1 Design Philosophy

There are a number of design assumptions and constraints that provide a framework or philosophy for the definition of this specification.

4.2 Design Assumptions

Incremental Set of Functions.      It is assumed that as the WFM technology evolves, likewise the specifications defined in this document will evolve and will have additions in subsequent versions of this document.

Strings are defined with buffer sizes allocated in bytes. Strings are assumed to be zero terminated.

The workflow engine may have security restrictions that may cause an error to be returned to a user for some of the API calls.

The specific calls to change state have to be supported by all vendors. The generic state changes are reserved for vendor specific states. In the future, it is expected that a common set of states will evolve.

Each process definition must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.

Each process instance must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.

Each activity instance must have a unique ID within a process instance.

Each work item must have a unique ID within a process instance.

Process Instance ID is unique to the workflow engines from which it is available. It is the responsibility of the workflow engine to ensure a unique identifier within this scope.

4.3 Design Objectives

Ease of Implementation.      The API specification must be easy to implement by a wide range of vendors. This also implies that the specification will be able to be implemented by multiple vendors in a reasonably short period of time.

4.4 Defined Terms and Abbreviations

The terms used in this document are defined in the WFM Coalition Glossary.

4.5 Reference Documents

The following documents are associated with this document and should be used as a reference.

· · WFM Coalition Reference Model

· · WFM Coalition Glossary

· · WFM Coalition WAPI Naming Conventions

4.6 Conformance

A vendor can not claim conformance to this or any other WfMC specification unless specifically authorized to make that claim by the WfMC. The WfMC grants this permission only upon the verification of the particular vendor's implementation of the published specification, according to the conformance requirements and applicable test procedures defined by the WfMC.

4.7 WAPI Naming Conventions

The Working group has proposed a set of standards for handling the naming conventions of the different implementation of the Workflow API. These naming conventions standards are described in the document Workflow Management Coalition Interface 2 WAPI Naming Conventions (Document Number WFMC-TC-1013).

5. WAPI Data Types

This section describes the WAPI data types. These data types are used in the WAPI calls as input and output parameters.

5.1 Basic WAPI Data Types

This subsection contains definitions of the basic Workflow Management types that are operating system or platform dependent.

typedef char WMTInt8;

typedef short WMTInt16;

typedef long WMTInt32;

typedef unsigned char WMTUInt8;

typedef unsigned short WMTUInt16;

typedef unsigned long WMTUInt32;

typedef WMTInt8 WMTText;

typedef WMTText *WMTPText;

typedef WMTInt8 *WMTPInt8;

typedef WMTInt16 *WMTPInt16;

typedef WMTInt32 *WMTPInt32;

typedef WMTInt8 WMTBoolean;

typedef WMTUInt8 *WMTPointer;

typedef WMTText *WMTPPrivate;

#define WMNULL ((WMTPointer)0)

#define WMFalse 0

#define WMTrue (!WMFalse)

5.2 Other WAPI Data Types

This subsection contains definitions of the Workflow Management types that are specific to the structures and objects defined in this specification.

Strings in this specification, are assumed to be zero terminated. The maximum string length for names, keywords and identifiers in this specification is 63 characters hosted in a 64 byte text array. The following macro definition specifies this typical size:


All strings in this specification are defined as text arrays, such as:

WMTText user_identification[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

Given this, in the example above the string can include up to a maximum of 63 real characters.

In some other cases, the fixed size structures for data reference and unique ids are also defined through the following macro definitions:

#define UNIQUE_ID_SIZE 64

All WAPI function calls have a uniform error return datatype:

typedef struct


WMTInt16 main_code;

WMTInt16 sub_code;

} WMTErrRetType;

This data type is shared among all API calls. All other data types are shown along with the WAPI description for each individual call.

This error return datatype is a Int32 word that has two Int16 elements for error returns. The main_code element contains the main error return code, while the sub_code element contains a code that further specifies the nature of the error. For example, the main_code error code WM_INVALID_PROCESS_INSTANCE (see Error Return Codes below), would include in its sub_code set of codes a further, more detailed reason why the process instance is invalid.

This specification assumes that the Coalition will specify a subset of the main_code codes, leaving for vendor specific implementation the remaining main_code codes and the set of sub_code codes to provide extensibility and specialization of error codes.

typedef struct


WMTText user_identification[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

// The identification of the workflow participant on whose behalf the Workflow Application will be operating. The value specified may represent a human, a device, etc. This identification is normally used for security checking, accounting, etc.


WMTText engine_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

// The identification of the WFM Engine to whom the subsequent API calls are to be directed. This information would not be required for some WFM products in the normal case. However, it is required for those Workflow Applications which interact with multiple WFM Engines. This would be a symbolic name which is resolved through a lookup facility.


// Identification of scope for the application. If scope is not relevant, then this field would be empty and ignored.


typedef WMTConnectInfo *WMTPConnectInfo;

typedef struct


WMTUInt32 session_id; // locally unique ID for the session

WMTPPrivate pprivate; // pointer to a private structure containing vendor specific information.


typedef WMTSessionHandle *WMTPSessionHandle;

typedef struct


WMTInt32 filter_type; // Includes basic types and SQL String

WMTInt32 filter_length; // Length (in bytes) of value

WMTText attribute_name [NAME_STRING_SIZE]

WMTUInt32 comparison; // one of: <, >, =, !=, <=, <=

WMTPText filter_string;


typedef WMTFilter *WMTPFilter;

// The first 255 filter types will be reserved. These will be used for filtering on attributes of process control data and process relevant data. The specific code values for these codes are included in the WFM Coalition Interface 2 WAPI Naming Conventions specification document.

// In this specification there are two types of filters. One type is useful for comparisons with and between attribute values. In this case, the filter_string includes the attribute value that the attribute is compared against. The second type is a more general mechanism in which the filter_string represents the whole argument (typically a full SQL argument). If filter_type is a SQL string, the filter_string will point to a SQL clause with the syntax of a WHERE clause in the SQL 92 standard language specification.

typedef struct


WMTUInt32 query_handle;


typedef WMTQueryHandle *WMTPQueryHandle;

typedef struct


WMTText wf_participant[NAME_STRING_SIZE];


typedef WMTWflParticipant *WMTPWflParticipant;

typedef struct


WMTText proc_def_id[UNIQUE_ID_SIZE];


typedef WMTProcDefID *WMTPProcDefID;

typedef struct


WMTText activity_id[NAME_STRING_SIZE];


typedef WMTActivityID *WMTPActivityID;

typedef struct


WMTText proc_def_state[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

} WMTProcDefState;

typedef WMTProcDefState *WMTPProcDefState; // pointer to a 63-byte string

typedef struct


// This is the minimum list of elements at this time. Future versions to provide extensibility for this structure.

WMTText process_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

WMTProcDefID proc_def_id;

WMTProcDefState state;

} WMTProcDef;

typedef WMTProcDef *WMTPProcDef;

typedef struct


WMTText proc_inst_id[UNIQUE_ID_SIZE];


typedef WMTProcInstID *WMTPProcInstID;

typedef struct


WMTText proc_inst_state[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

} WMTProcInstState;

typedef WMTProcInstState *WMTPProcInstState; // pointer to a 63-byte string

typedef struct


// This is the minimum list of elements at this time. Future versions to provide extensibility for this structure.

WMTText process_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

WMTProcInstID proc_inst_id;

WMTProcDefID proc_def_id;

WMTProcInstState state;

WMTInt32 priority;

WMTWflParticipant proc_participants[20];

//up to 20 63 character long participant identifiers

} WMTProcInst;

typedef WMTProcInst *WMTPProcInst;

typedef struct


WMTText activity_inst_id[UNIQUE_ID_SIZE];


typedef WMTActivityInstID *WMTPActivityInstID;

typedef struct


WMTText activity_inst_state[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

} WMTActivityInstState;

typedef WMTActivityInstState *WMTPActivityInstState;

typedef struct


// This is the minimum list of elements at this time. Future versions to provide extensibility for this structure.

WMTText activity_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

WMTActivityInstID activity_inst_id;

WMTProcInstID proc_inst_id;

WMTActivityInstState state;

WMTInt32 priority;

WMTWflParticipant activity_participants[10];

//up to 10 63 character long participant identifiers

} WMTActivityInst;

typedef WMTActivityInst *WMTPActivityInst;

typedef struct


WMTText work_item_id[UNIQUE_ID_SIZE];


typedef WMTWorkItemID *WMTPWorkItemID;

typedef struct


// This is the minimum list of elements at this time. Future versions to provide extensibility for this structure.

WMTText workitem_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

WMTWorkItemID workitem_id;

WMTActivityInstID activity_inst_id;

WMTProcInstID proc_inst_id;

WMTInt32 priority;

WMTWflParticipant participant;

} WMTWorkItem;

typedef WMTWorkItem *WMTPWorkItem;

5.3 Attributes

This specification does not make any assumption about the binding that workflow applications will make of retrieved attributes and their values. It is up to the specific application to manage this binding. The API manages attributes as a set of four elements:

WMTText attribute_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

WMTInt32 attribute_type; // type of the attribute

WMTInt32 attribute_length; // length of the attribute value

WMTPText pattribute_value; // pointer to the attribute value

All API calls in this specification that deal with attributes, take each individual element as separate parameter for the call.

The following type definitions are used for attribute name:

typedef WMTText WMTAttrName[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

typedef WMTAttrName *WMTPAttrName;

These attributes are of the kind called Process Control and Process Relevant Data. Some attributes of process instances, activity instances and work items could be: priority, state, start_time, description, instance_name, workflow_participant.

6. WAPI Error Return Codes

This section describes the minimal set of WAPI error return codes. These error codes correspond to the main_code element of the WMTErrRetType datatype defined above. The specific code values for these codes are included in the WFM Coalition WAPI Naming Conventions specification document.

The minimal set of main_code error return codes are:


Indicates that the API call completed successfully.


Indicates that the WMConnect call failed.


Indicates that the process definition ID that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or it was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the activity name that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the process instance ID that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the process instance ID that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the work item ID that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the attribute that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the workflow engine was not able to complete the attribute assignment requested.


Indicates that a state was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the state transition requested was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the session ID that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the query handle ID that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the participant "source user" that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the participant "target user" that was passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Indicates that the filter structure or values that were passed as parameter to an API call was not valid, or was not recognized by the servicing workflow engine.


Reserved for situations in which the servicing workflow engine implements "locking" of workflow entities (process definitions, process instances, activities, work items, etc.) to indicate that the entity is locked at the moment in which its access is requested.


Reserved for situations in which the servicing workflow engine implements "locking" of workflow entities (process definitions, process instances, activities, work items, etc.) to indicate that the entity is not locked at the moment in which its access is requested.


Indicates that a fetch query call has reached the end of the list of valid entities to be returned. This error return code is used to implement queries of lists of workflow entities, it indicates that all the entities of the list that matched the selection criterion have already been returned.


Indicates that the buffer size that was passed to an API call is insufficient to hold the data that it is supposed to receive.

7. WAPI Descriptions

This section describes the WAPI calls. They are grouped as follows:

· WAPI Connection Functions

· WAPI Process Control Functions

· WAPI Activity Control Functions

· WAPI Process Status Functions

· WAPI Activity Status Functions

· WAPI Worklist Functions

· WAPI Administration Functions

The specification of the WAPI calls that follows includes a specification of parameters with indications of the direction of data passing:

in for parameters with data being passed to the API from the calling application

out for parameters with data being passed from the API to the calling application.

It should be noted, that in the "C" language interface, parameters that are specified as out require a pointer to be passed from the calling application to the API. The API in turn will return the appropriate data in the space pointed to by the pointer. The specification of these in and out parameters is provided to clarify the specific purpose of these parameters in the calls.

7.1 WAPI Connection Functions

Connected/Connectedless Overview

The Coalition WMConnect /WMDisconnect API commands are intended to bound a set of related work by the application using them. When issued, the WMConnect returns a handle whose value is used on all other Coalition API calls. The handle value is unique and relates API calls which are issued between a WMConnect /WMDisconnect pair instance. The WMConnect command allows information to be supplied once and to remain valid until a WMDisconnect occurs.

Information supplied during the WMConnect (see the ConnectInfo structure in the WMConnect call) includes identification information relating to who/what is requesting services from the WFM Engine for use by an authentication service. The structure of the session handle that is returned by the WMConnect call is a pointer to a structure that contains a session ID and another structure pointer containing vendor specific information. (See the Session Handle structure in the WMConnect call.)

For those workflow servers that establish a connection, the session ID and the pointer to the vendor specific information would be returned by the workflow engine. For those workflow servers that do not establish a connection, the session ID would be set to 0, and a pointer to the connection information that was passed in by the user will be stored in the private structure contained in the session handle structure.

Operation between the API and the Engine

The construction of the Coalition API calls are intended to have little impact on the operational structure of how a WFM product supports them. The API calls are considered to be protocol neutral in that once the API boundary is crossed, different types of mechanisms may be employed to deliver the request to the WFM engine. A particular WFM product's method of interacting between the API calls and the WFM Engine functions may be RPC, conversational, messaging (connectedless) or others.

If a messaging mechanism is used by a WFM product, the receipt of a WMConnect may result in the determination of what messaging queue is to be used for interaction between its API support and the WFM engine functions, plus establishing control information to link that queue to subsequent API calls which use a particular handle. If the WFM engine is remote, it may also send a setup type of message to the engine.

If a conversational mechanism is used by a WFM product, and the WFM engine is remote, the receipt of a WMConnect may result in the establishment of a communications session between the code supporting the API calls and the WFM engine.

If a data base is being used, one of the results of the WMConnect may be the establishment of a connection to the appropriate data store facility.

A particular WFM product may choose to accept the WMConnect command, return a handle, and ignore the fact that it occurred.

The above are examples of possible operations performed by different WFM products in support of a WMConnect command. Obviously, more are possible.

In some cases, a product will be required to connect a single workstation to multiple WFM engines. It is possible that multiple WMConnect commands are active concurrently and the subsequent API commands be directed to the correct WFM engine. The WMConnect command may be used to designate a particular engine. The handle returned from the WMConnect command may be used on subsequent API calls to link those which relate to a engine.

The results of a WMDisconnect command is may vary, again depending upon a particular WFM product implementation. Its purpose is to indicate that the application issuing the preceding API calls will no longer be accessing the WFM engine functions within the previous context. In some products, upon receipt of a WMDisconnect command, communications and other resource types may be released.

Application Operation when using the API calls

The operational structure of an application as it relates to the use of the Coalition API calls is affected by the way the API calls are constructed. The current construction of the Coalition API calls result in the code segment of the application making the API call to run in blocked mode. That is, the application will issue an API command and 'wait' for a response from what it perceives as the WFM engine. When making the API call, the application code segment gives up control to the API and does not regain control until the API command is satisfied.

Much of the time, the API commands will be issued due to a workflow participant's direction via the application's End User Interface (EUI). Most of the current API commands are not such that a workflow participant would be interested in making the request, doing something else, and then sometime later (via a process/queue/whatever) viewing the real response to the request. With the request types supported by the API set, it would normally be the case that a workflow participant would want to see the response to the request as soon as possible.

The API calls could be constructed in such a way to allow the application code segment making the API call to run in unblocked mode. That is, to make the API call 'immediate return' rather than waiting for the actual response to the requested action. If this were done, the Coalition would need to define additional functions to support connectedless mode of operation (in some manner, get the asynchronous response when it did arrive and get it to the workflow participant).

The WMConnect / WMDisconnect API commands themselves have nothing to do with the ability of an application to run connected or connectedless as they are now defined.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Calls

Most API calls in the WAPI call set are synchronous calls. In particular all the query related API calls are synchronous. Other calls may have some asynchronous behavior in that the call itself will return synchronously to the caller program, but the work specified by the call may be executed by the Workflow Engine at a later time, letting the application proceed. This set of API calls will not include any Call-Back mechanism to synchronize asynchronous calls.

7.1.1 WMConnect

WMConnect - Connect to the WFM Engine for this series of interactions
The WMConnect command informs the WFM Engine that other commands will be originating from this source.

WMTErrRetType WMConnect (

in WMTPConnectInfo pconnect_info,

out WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle)

Argument           Description                                                   
pconnect_info      Pointer to structure containing the information required to   
                   create a connection.                                          
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information which can be    
                   passed to the WFM Engine on all subsequent API calls which    
                   would identify interactions within the WMConnect /            
                   WMDisconnect bounds, that define a participant's session      
                   interaction with the Engine.  These handles are opaque so     
                   that in connectedless environments the handles include        
                   participants identities and passwords rather than session     
                   identification.  There will be a special value for a handle   
                   to indicate failure of the function.                          




7.1.2 WMDisconnect

WMDisconnect - Disconnect from the WFM Engine for this series of interactions
The WMDisconnect command tells the WFM Engine that no more API calls will be issued from this source using the named handle. The WFM Engine could discard state data being held or take other closure actions.

WMTErrRetType WMDisconnect (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle)



7.2 WAPI Process Control Functions

Process Control Functions can be defined as those which change the operational state of one or more process instances. These API calls are intended for use by the WFM end user application. However, some of the API calls, or parameters within some of the API calls, may affect multiple users and would normally be restricted to the use of a process administrator.

7.2.1 WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList

WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList - Specifies and opens the query to produce a list of all process definitions that meet the selection criterion of the filter.
This command may also be used by a manager or process administrator to get a list of process definitions so they may view which processes are startable by particular persons. This command directs the WFM Engine to open the query to provide a list of process definitions which are available to a particular workflow participant, some of which may be startable by the participant. It is assumed that not all processes in an organization may be started by all workflow participants. One of the uses of this API is to allow a workflow participant to view which processes he/she can start with the expectation that the next action by the workflow participant would be to pick one to be started.

This command will return a query handle for a list of process definitions that match the specified value for the attribute. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of definitions available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1. If pproc_def_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL process definitions.

(Note: This API does not change the state of process or activity instances per the definition above of Process Control Functions. It is included in this section because it might normally lead to the execution of other API calls which would cause operational state changes.)

WMTErrRetType WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPFilter pproc_def_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pproc_def_filter   Filter associated with the process definition.                 
count_flag         Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of              
                   definitions should be returned.                                
pquery_handle      Pointer to a structure containing a unique query information.  
pcount             Total number of process definitions that fulfill the filter    




No requirements are assumed to exist with regard to the type of process model.

No requirements are assumed to exist with regard to how workflow participant's are identified within the WFM Engine.

This command and the corresponding fetch calls allows a workflow participant to retrieve the process definition ids which a workflow participant is authorized to start. They might be used in conjunction with the WMCreateProcessInstance and WMStartProcess API calls to start a particular named process.

7.2.2 WMFetchProcessDefinition

WMFetchProcessDefinition - Returns the next process definition from the set of process definitions that met the selection criterion stated in the WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList call.
This command directs the WFM Engine to provide one process definition from the list of process definitions which are available to a particular workflow participant, some of which may be startable by the participant. It is assumed that not all processes in an organization may be started by all workflow participants. One of the uses of this API is to allow a workflow participant to view which processes he/she can start with the expectation that the next action by the workflow participant would be to pick one to be started. This fetch function, as well as all other fetch functions in this API, will return subsequent items after every call, one at a time. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA. The sort order in which the items are returned is specific of the workflow engine servicing the call, no specific order should be assumed.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchProcessDefinition (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPProcDef pproc_def_buf_ptr)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by the    
                   WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList query command.                    
pproc_def_buf_ptr  Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client application    
                   where the process definition structure will be placed.         






7.2.3 WMCloseProcessDefinitionsList

WMCloseProcessDefinitionsList - Closes the query of process definitions.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseProcessDefinitionsList(

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pquery_handle        Identification of the specific query handle returned by      
                    the WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList query command.               




7.2.4 WMOpenProcessDefinitionStatesList

WMOpenProcessDefinitionStatesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the list of states of the process definition that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of states for a process definition. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of definitions available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

One of the uses of this API, together with the corresponding fetch and close calls is to allow a workflow application to query the Workflow Engine for the available states of the process definition that match the filter criterion, in order to offer this list to the application user. For example, process definitions can be in states such as disabled (thus disallowing temporarily the creation of new process definitions), or enabled (thus allowing again the creation of new process definitions based on the named definition). If pproc_def_state_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL states available for the definition.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenProcessDefinitionStatesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_def_state_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTUInt32 pcount)

Argument Name         Description                                                
psession_handle       Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                      context for this action.                                   
pproc_def_id          Pointer to a structure containing the unique process       
                      definition ID.                                             
pproc_def_state_filt  Filter associated with the process definition state.       
count_flag            Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of          
                      process definition states should be returned.              
pquery_handle         Pointer to a structure containing a unique query           
pcount                Total number of  states for this process definition.       




7.2.5 WMFetchProcessDefinitionState

WMFetchProcessDefinitionState - Returns the next process definition state, from the list of states of the process definition that match the filter criterion.
This command returns a process definition state. This fetch function will return subsequent process definition states after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchProcessDefinitionState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPProcDefState pproc_def_state)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by the    
                   WMOpenProcessDefinitionStatesList query command.               
pproc_def_state    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client application    
                   where the state name will be placed.                           





7.2.6 WMCloseProcessDefinitionStatesList

WMCloseProcessDefinitionStatesList - Closes the query for process definition states.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseProcessDefinitionStatesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenProcessDefinitionStatesList query command.        




7.2.7 WMChangeProcessDefinitionState

WMChangeProcessDefinitionState - Changes the state of the named process definition.
This command is defined to allow a process definition to be changed temporarily to a specific state such as disabled (thus disallowing temporarily the creation of new process definitions), or enabled (thus allowing again the creation of new process definitions based on the named definition).

WMTErrRetType WMChangeProcessDefinitionState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPProcDefState pproc_def_state)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing a unique process         
                    definition ID.                                             
pproc_def_state     Pointer to a structure that contains the name of the       
                    state to change the process definition to.                 






Each process definition must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.
This API allows the possible intervention of a process administrator in a running process. This might be for the purpose of changing the process definition and having all subsequently created definitions reflect the new definition.

7.2.8 WMCreateProcessInstance

WMCreateProcessInstance - Create an instance of a previously defined process.
An operational instance of the named process definition will be created by a WFM Engine as the result of this command. A call to WMStartProcess would then start the process.

To assign attributes to the process instance, you will make multiple calls to WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute.

The process instance ID returned by this call is valid and reliable until WMStartProcess is called, at which time it may be reassigned to a new value.

WMTErrRetType WMCreateProcessInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPText pproc_inst_name,

out WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id)

Argument Name     Description                                                  
psession_handle   Pointer to a structure containing information about the      
                  context for this action.                                     
pproc_def_id      Pointer to a structure containing a unique process           
                  definition ID.                                               
pproc_inst_name   Pointer to the name for the process instance created by      
                  this call.                                                   
pproc_inst_id     Pointer to a structure containing the process instance ID    
                  created by this call.                                        




No requirements exist with regard to process model type.
This API allows a workflow participant to create an instance of a process. It is anticipated that vendor's implementations will be of at least 2 types: one in which the creation of a process instance and the starting of the same are a single functionality and another in which this functionality is separate. The calls in this API definition are thus separated to accommodate both types of implementation. Vendors that provide the single functionality will implement the creation and start of a process through the creation of a temporary (possibly local) proc_inst_id through WMCreateProcessInstance, assign attributes to it and then call WMStartProcess.

7.2.9 WMStartProcess

WMStartProcess - Start the named process.
The WMStartProcess command directs the WFM Engine to begin executing a process, for which an instance has been created. When a process is started through this command, the first activity(s) of the process will be started. The process instance ID returned by this call will be valid for the life of the process instance.

Note: The programmer needs to maintain the association between the new process instance ID and the session in order to identify which session they need to connect to for future calls.

WMTErrRetType WMStartProcess (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

out WMTPProcInstID pnew_proc_inst_id)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pproc_inst_id      Pointer to a structure containing the process instance ID   
                   returned by the WMCreateProcessInstance call.               
pnew_proc_inst_id  Pointer to a structure containing the process instance ID   
                   created by this call.  This ID will be valid for the life   
                   of the process instance.                                    





The process instance to be started has a unique id within an administrative scope.

No requirements exist with regard to process model type.

This API allows a workflow participant to start a created process instance. It is anticipated that vendor's implementations will be of at least 2 types: one in which the creation of a process instance and the starting of the same are a single functionality and another in which this functionality is separate. The calls in this API definition are thus separated to accommodate both types of implementation. Vendors that provide the single functionality will implement the creation and start of a process through the creation of a temporary (possibly local) proc_inst_id through WMCreateProcessInstance, assign attributes to it and then call WMStartProcess.

7.2.10 WMTerminateProcessInstance

WMTerminateProcessInstance - Terminate a process instance.
This command provides the capability of gracefully terminating a process without aborting the process instance. Return from this call does not imply that the process instance has terminated, for example, the process instance could be stopped when currently running activities are complete. The exact behavior of currently running activities is system dependent.

WMTErrRetType WMTerminateProcessInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pproc_inst_id       A pointer to a structure that indicates the process        
                    instance that you want to terminate.                       

The error return value for this function will include one or more of the following error codes (see Error Return Codes section):






To allow a process instances to be terminated.

7.2.11 WMOpenProcessInstanceStatesList

WMOpenProcessInstanceStatesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the list of states of the process instance that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of states for a process instance. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of states available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1. The meaning of states is dependent upon the particular WFM Engine implementation. For example, the process instance can have states such as suspended or in-progress.

One of the uses of this API, together with the corresponding fetch and close calls is to allow a workflow application to query the Workflow Engine for the available states of the process instance that match the filter criterion, in order to offer this list to the application user. If pproc_inst_state_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL states available for the process instance.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenProcessInstanceStatesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_state_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name          Description                                             
psession_handle        Pointer to a structure containing information about     
                       the context for this action.                            
pproc_inst_id          Pointer to a structure containing the unique process    
                       instance ID.                                            
pproc_inst_state_filt  Filter associated with the process instance state.      
count_flag             Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of       
                       process instance states should be returned.             
pquery_handle          Pointer to a structure containing a unique query        
pcount                 Total number of  states for this process instance.      




7.2.12 WMFetchProcessInstanceState

WMFetchProcessInstanceState - Returns the next process instance state from the list of states of the process instance that match the filter criterion.
This command returns a process instance state. This fetch function will return subsequent process instance states after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchProcessInstanceState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPProcInstState pproc_inst_state)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenProcessInstanceStatesList query command.          
pproc_inst_state   Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client             
                   application where the state name will be placed.            





7.2.13 WMCloseProcessInstanceStatesList

WMCloseProcessInstanceStatesList - Closes the query for process instance states.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseProcessInstanceStatesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenProcessInstanceStatesList query command.          




7.2.14 WMChangeProcessInstanceState

WMChangeProcessInstanceState - Changes the state of the named process instance.
This command is defined to allow a process instance to be changed temporarily to a specific state such as suspended.

Execution of this command will cause the single process instance that is named to be transitioned to a new state. In this case, the meaning of all states is dependent upon the particular WFM Engine implementation. This command will set the state attribute of the process instance to a state such as suspended or in-progress.

WMTErrRetType WMChangeProcessInstanceState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPProcInstState pproc_inst_state)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pproc_inst_id       Pointer to a structure containing a unique process         
                    instance ID.                                               
pproc_inst_state    Pointer to a structure that contains the name of  the      
                    process state that you want to change the instance to.     






Each process instance must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.
This API allows the possible intervention of a workflow participant in a running process.

7.2.15 WMOpenProcessInstanceAttributesList

WMOpenProcessInstanceAttributesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the list of attributes that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of attributes for a process instance. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of attributes available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

One of the uses of this API, together with the corresponding fetch and close calls is to allow a workflow application to query the Workflow Engine for the available attributes that can be assigned to the process instance, in order to offer this list to the application user. Attribute values can be obtained as well provided that a buffer of enough size is passed in the fetch call. Individual attribute values can also be retrieved with the WMGetProcessInstanceAttributeValue call. If pproc_inst_attr_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL attributes available for the process instance.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenProcessInstanceAttributesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_attr_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name         Description                                              
psession_handle       Pointer to a structure containing information about      
                      the context for this action.                             
pproc_inst_id         Pointer to a structure containing the unique process     
                      instance ID.                                             
pproc_inst_attr_filt  Filter associated with the process instance attributes.  
count_flag            Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of        
                      process instance attributes should be returned.          
pquery_handle         Pointer to a structure containing a unique query         
pcount                Total number of  attributes for this process instance.   




7.2.16 WMFetchProcessInstanceAttribute

WMFetchProcessInstanceAttribute - Returns the next process instance attribute from the list of attributes that match the filter criterion.
This command returns a process instance attribute. This fetch function will return subsequent process instance attributes after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA. The fetch function will return the attribute value as well in a buffer specified in the call. If buffer_size is NULL then the attribute value will not be returned. If buffer_size is not large enough to hold the attribute value then the function will return as much of the attribute value as can be fit in the buffer. The proper length of the attribute value is available in the attribute_length field. The application can compare the attribute_length with the buffer_size to determine if the full value was returned.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchProcessInstanceAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_type,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_length,

out WMTPText pattribute_value,

in WMTInt32 buffer_size)

Argument Name       Description                                               
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the   
                    context for this action.                                  
pquery_handle       Identification of the specific query handle returned by   
                    the WMOpenProcessInstanceAttributesList query command.    
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                     
pattribute_type     Pointer to the type of the attribute.                     
pattribute_length   Pointer to the length of the attribute value.             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client           
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.     
buffer_size         Size of the buffer.                                       





7.2.17 WMCloseProcessInstanceAttributesList

WMCloseProcessInstanceAttributesList - Closes the query for process instance attributes.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseProcessInstanceAttributesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenProcessInstanceAttributesList query command.      




7.2.18 WMGetProcessInstanceAttributeValue

WMGetProcessInstanceAttributeValue - Returns the value, type and length of a process instance attribute specified by the proc_inst_id and attribute_name parameters.
This command will return the value of a process instance attribute in the buffer specified in the call.

WMTErrRetType WMGetProcessInstanceAttributeValue (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_type,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_length,

out WMTPText pattribute_value,

in WMTInt32 buffer_size)

Argument Name       Description                                               
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the   
                    context for this action.                                  
pproc_inst_id       Pointer to a structure containing the unique process      
                    instance ID.                                              
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                     
pattribute_type     Pointer to the type of the attribute.                     
pattribute_length   Pointer to the length of the attribute value.             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client           
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.     
buffer_size         Size of the buffer to be filled.                          





7.2.19 WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute

WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute - Assign the proper attribute to process instance(s)
This command tells the WFM Engine to assign an attribute, change an attribute or to change the value of an attribute of a process instance.

This command changes the value of an attribute of a process instance. Attributes of process instances are of the kind called Process Control and Process Relevant Data. These attributes are specified as quadruplets of name, type, length and value.

WMTErrRetType WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

in WMTInt32 attribute_type,

in WMTInt32 attribute_length,

in WMTPText pattribute_value)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pproc_inst_id       Pointer to a structure containing the process instance     
                    ID that indicates the process for which the attribute      
                    will be assigned.                                          
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                      
attribute_type      Type of the attribute.                                     
attribute_length    Length of the attribute value.                             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client            
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.      








For various business reasons, certain pieces of work are required to be handled with particular attributes (e.g. priority) relative to other pieces of like work. This command allows attributes to be set on those pieces of work. In some cases, these attributes are determined by the WFM product based upon data values existing during process execution. The setting of these attributes through the use of this API is provided to cover the cases where applications set them upon requests from users.

7.3 WAPI Activity Control Functions

Activity Control Functions can be defined as those which change the operational state of one or more activity instances. These API calls are intended for use by the WFM end user. However, some of the API calls, or parameters within some of the API calls, may affect multiple users and would normally be restricted to the use of a process administrator.

7.3.1 WMOpenActivityInstanceStatesList

WMOpenActivityInstanceStatesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the list of states of the activity instance that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of states for an activity instance. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of states available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

One of the uses of this API, together with the corresponding fetch and close calls is to allow a workflow application to query the Workflow Engine for the available states of the activity instance that match the filter criterion, in order to offer this list to the application user. If pact_inst_state_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL states available for the activity instance.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenActivityInstanceStatesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPActivityInstID pactivity_inst_id,

in WMTPFilter pact_inst_state_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name          Description                                             
psession_handle        Pointer to a structure containing information about     
                       the context for this action.                            
pproc_inst_id          Pointer to a structure containing a unique process      
                       instance ID.                                            
pactivity_inst_id      Pointer to a structure containing the unique activity   
                       instance ID.                                            
pact_inst_state_filte  Filter associated with the activity instance state.     
count_flag             Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of       
                       activity instance states should be returned.            
pquery_handle          Pointer to a structure containing a unique query        
pcount                 Total number of  states for this activity instance.     





7.3.2 WMFetchActivityInstanceState

WMFetchActivityInstanceState - Returns the next activity instance state, from the list of states of the activity instance that match the filter criterion.
This command returns an activity state. This fetch function will return subsequent activity states after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchActivityInstanceState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPActivityInstState pactivity_inst_state)

Argument Name         Description                                              
psession_handle       Pointer to a structure containing information about      
                      the context for this action.                             
pquery_handle         Identification of the specific query handle returned     
                      by the WMOpenActivityInstanceStatesList query command.   
pactivity_inst_state  Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client          
                      application where the state name will be placed.         





7.3.3 WMCloseActivityInstanceStatesList

WMCloseActivityInstanceStatesList - Closes the query for activity instance states.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseActivityInstanceStatesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenActivityInstanceStatesList query command.         




7.3.4 WMChangeActivityInstanceState

WMChangeActivityInstanceState - Changes the state of the named activity instance.
This command directs a WFM Engine to change the state of a single activity instance within a process instance. This allows the state of one activity instance to be changed, without impacting others in the process instance.

For example, this command will be used to change the state of an activity instance to suspended. This command can be used afterwards to change the state of the activity instance back to in-progress. The implementation documentation will provide the names and semantics of the supported activity states for a particular implementation.

WMTErrRetType WMChangeActivityInstanceState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPActivityInstID pactivity_inst_id,

in WMTPActivityInstState pactivity_inst_state)

Argument Name        Description                                              
psession_handle      Pointer to a structure containing information about      
                     the context for this action.                             
pproc_inst_id        Pointer to a structure containing a unique process       
                     instance ID.                                             
pactivity_inst_id    Pointer to structure containing the activity instance    
                     ID of the activity whose state to change.                
pactivity_inst_stat  Pointer to a structure that contains the name of  the    
e                    activity instance state that you want to change to.      







Each process instance must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.

Each activity instance must have a unique ID within a process instance.


7.3.5 WMOpenActivityInstanceAttributesList

WMOpenActivityInstanceAttributesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the list of activity attributes that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of attributes for an activity instance. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of attributes available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

One of the uses of this API, together with the corresponding fetch and close calls is to allow a workflow application to query the Workflow Engine for the available attributes that can be assigned to the activity instance, in order to offer this list to the application user. Attribute values can be obtained as well provided that a buffer of enough size is passed in the fetch call. Individual attribute values can also be retrieved with the WMGetActivityInstanceAttributeValue call. If pact_inst_attr_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL attributes available for the activity instance.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenActivityInstanceAttributesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPActivityInstID pactivity_inst_id,

in WMTPFilter pact_inst_attr_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name        Description                                              
psession_handle      Pointer to a structure containing information about      
                     the context for this action.                             
pproc_inst_id        Pointer to a structure containing the unique process     
                     instance ID.                                             
pactivity_inst_id    Pointer to a structure containing the unique activity    
                     instance ID.                                             
pact_inst_attr_filt  Filter associated with the activity instance             
er                   attributes.                                              
count_flag           Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of        
                     activity instance attributes should be returned.         
pquery_handle        Pointer to a structure containing a unique query         
pcount               Total number of  attributes for this activity instance.  





7.3.6 WMFetchActivityInstanceAttribute

WMFetchActivityInstanceAttribute - Returns the next activity instance attribute from the list of activity attributes that match the filter criterion.
This command returns a activity instance attribute. This fetch function will return subsequent activity instance attributes after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA. The fetch function will return the attribute value as well in a buffer specified in the call. If buffer_size is NULL then the attribute value will not be returned. If buffer_size is not large enough to hold the attribute value then the function will return as much of the attribute value as can be fit in the buffer. The proper length of the attribute value is available in the attribute_length field. The application can compare the attribute_length with the buffer_size to determine if the full value was returned.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchActivityInstanceAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_type,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_length,

out WMTPText pattribute_value,

in WMTInt32 buffer_size)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pquery_handle       Identification of the specific query handle returned by    
                    the WMOpenActivityInstanceAttributesList query command.    
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                      
pattribute_type     Pointer to the type of the attribute.                      
pattribute_length   Pointer to the length of the attribute value.              
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client            
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.      
buffer_size         Size of the buffer.                                        





7.3.7 WMCloseActivityInstanceAttributesList

WMCloseActivityInstanceAttributesList - Closes the query for activity instance attributes.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseActivityInstanceAttributesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenActivityInstanceAttributesList query command.     




7.3.8 WMGetActivityInstanceAttributeValue

WMGetActivityInstanceAttributeValue - Returns the value, type and length of an activity instance attribute specified by the pproc_inst_id, pactivity_inst_id and attribute_name parameters.
This command will return the value of an activity instance attribute in the buffer specified in the call.

WMTErrRetType WMGetActivityInstanceAttributeValue (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPActivityInstID pactivity_inst_id,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_type,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_length,

out WMTPText pattribute_value,

in WMTInt32 buffer_size)

Argument Name       Description                                               
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the   
                    context for this action.                                  
pproc_inst_id       Pointer to a structure containing the unique process      
                    instance ID.                                              
pactivity_inst_id   Pointer to a structure containing the unique activity     
                    instance ID.                                              
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                     
pattribute_type     Pointer to the type of the attribute.                     
pattribute_length   Pointer to the length of the attribute value.             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client           
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.     
buffer_size         Size of the buffer to be filled.                          





7.3.9 WMAssignActivityInstanceAttribute

WMAssignActivityInstanceAttribute - Assign an attribute to an activity instance.
This command tells the WFM Engine to assign an attribute, to change an attribute or to change the value of an attribute of the activity instance within a named process definition.

This command changes the value of the attributes of a activity instance. These attributes of activity instances are of the kind called Process Control and Process Relevant Data. These attributes are specified as quadruplets of name, type, length and value.

WMTErrRetType WMAssignActivityInstanceAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPActivityInstID pactivity_inst_id,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

in WMTInt32 attribute_type,

in WMTInt32 attribute_length,

in WMTPText pattribute_value)

Argument Name     Description                                                  
psession_handle   Pointer to a structure containing information about the      
                  context for this action.                                     
pproc_inst_id     Pointer to a structure containing the unique process         
                  instance ID.                                                 
pactivity_inst_i  Pointer to a structure containing the activity instance      
d                 identification for which the attribute will be assigned.     
pattribute_name   Pointer to the name of the attribute.                        
attribute_type    Type of the attribute.                                       
attribute_length  Length of the attribute value.                               
pattribute_value  Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client              
                  application where the attribute value will be placed.        








7.4 WAPI Process Status Functions

The process status functions are intended to provide a view of the work done, work to be done, work associated with a workflow participant or group of workflow participants, etc. The status queries may be requested by a normal workflow participant or may be requested by a manager or process administrator who wishes to view the progress of work within his/her domain.

The status API calls are structured such that they provide views ranging from a view of global work to a view of work within a single process instance. These views are as follows:

1  All the process instances             WM(Open+Fetch+Close)ProcessInstancesL  
   associated with a process             ist                                    
2  A view of a single process            WMGetProcessInstance                   

In addition, various filters (parameters) are provided with the calls such that the information returned may be tailored.

The API functions associated with these API calls are described in this section.

7.4.1 WMOpenProcessInstancesList

WMOpenProcessInstancesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce a list of process instances that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of process instances that match the specified value for the attribute. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of instances available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

This command will be used to set up a wide variety of queries of process instances. For example, this command will be used to set up the query for a list of completed or suspended process instances. If pproc_inst_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL accessible process instances.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenProcessInstancesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pproc_inst_filter  Pointer to a structure containing the information for       
                   this request.                                               
count_flag         Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of process   
                   instances should be returned.                               
pquery_handle      Pointer to a structure containing a unique query            
pcount             Total number of process instances that fulfill the filter   




The requester of the information needs to know what work of a particular type is in process or needs to know what work has completed.

7.4.2 WMFetchProcessInstance

WMFetchProcessInstance - Returns the next process instance from the list of process instances that met the selection criterion stated in the corresponding WMOpenProcessInstancesList call.
This command returns a process instance. This fetch function will return subsequent process instances after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchProcessInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPProcInst pproc_inst_buf_ptr)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenProcessInstancesList query command.               
pproc_inst_buf_pt  Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client             
r                  application where the set of process instances will be      






7.4.3 WMCloseProcessInstancesList

WMCloseProcessInstancesList - Closes the query of process instances.
This command will close the query of process instances that match the specified query attribute, specified in the WMOpenProcessInstancesList command. The query handle can no longer be used.

WMTErrRetType WMCloseProcessInstancesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pquery_handle        Identification of the specific query handle returned by   
                    the WMOpenProcessInstancesList query command.              




7.4.4 WMGetProcessInstance

WMGetProcessInstance - Return a specific process instance record.
The WMGetProcessInstance provides information about what work has been done within a process instance and what is the current work being done within the process instance.

WMTErrRetType WMGetProcessInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

out WMTPProcInst pproc_inst)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pproc_inst_id       Pointer to the process instance identification.               
pproc_inst          Pointer to a structure containing the requested process       
                    instance information. Includes the state and other            
                    attributes of the process instance.                           





7.5 WAPI Activity Status Functions

The process status functions are intended to provide a view of the work done, work to be done, work associated with a workflow participant or group of workflow participants, etc. The status queries may be requested by a normal workflow participant or may be requested by a manager or process administrator who wishes to view the progress of work within his/her domain.

The status API calls are structured such that they provide views ranging from a view of global work to a view of work within a single activity instance. These views are as follows:

1  All the activity instances            WM(Open+Fetch+Close)ActivityInstances  
   associated to a process definition    List                                   
   or instance                                                                  
2  A view of a single activity within    WMGetActivityInstance                  
   a process instance.                                                          

In addition, various filters (parameters) are provided with the calls such that the information returned may be tailored.

The API functions associated with these API calls are described in this section.

7.5.1 WMOpenActivityInstancesList

WMOpenActivityInstancesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce a list of activity instances that match the criterion of the filter.
This command will return a query handle for a list of activity instances that match the criterion of the filter. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of activity instances available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

This command will be used to set up a wide variety of queries of activity instances. For example, this command will be used to set up the query for a list of completed or suspended activity instances. If pactivity_inst_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL accessible activity instances.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenActivityInstancesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPFilter pactivity_inst_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name        Description                                                 
psession_handle      Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                     context for this action.                                    
pactivity_inst_filt  Pointer to a structure containing the information for       
er                   this request.                                               
count_flag           Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of           
                     activity instances should be returned.                      
pquery_handle        Pointer to a structure containing a unique query            
                     information returned by this function.                      
pcount               Total number of activity instances that fulfill the         
                     filter condition.                                           




The requester of the information needs to know what work of a particular type is in process or needs to know what work has completed.

7.5.2 WMFetchActivityInstance

WMFetchActivityInstance - Returns the next activity instance from the list of activity instances that met the selection criterion in the corresponding WMOpenActivityInstancesList call.
This command returns an activity instance. This fetch function will return subsequent activity instances after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchActivityInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPActivityInst pactivity_inst)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by the    
                   WMOpenActivityInstancesList query command.                     
pactivity_inst     Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client application    
                   where the set of activity instances will be placed.            






7.5.3 WMCloseActivityInstancesList

WMCloseActivityInstancesList - Closes the query of activity instances.
This command will close the query of activity instances that match the specified query attribute, specified in the WMOpenActivityInstancesList command. The query handle can no longer be used.

WMTErrRetType WMCloseActivityInstancesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pquery_handle        Identification of the specific query handle returned by      
                    the WMOpenActivityInstancesList query command.                





7.5.4 WMGetActivityInstance

WMGetActivityInstance - Returns the record of a specific activity instance.
The WMGetActivityInstance command provides status about an activity within a process instance.

WMTErrRetType WMGetActivityInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPActivityInstID pactivity_inst_id,

out WMTPActivityInst pactivity_inst )

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pproc_inst_id      Pointer to a structure containing the process instance         
pactivity_inst_id  Pointer to a structure containing the identification of the    
                   activity instance.                                             
pactivity_inst     Pointer to a structure containing the activity instance        






7.6 WAPI Worklist Functions

The WAPI worklist API calls provide workflow participants access to information about work to which they have been assigned. As described by the WFM Coalition reference model, a process consists of a set of activities connected in such a way to control the sequencing of application invocation. An activity is associated with one or more applications to be invoked and also, during run time, is associated with the person(s) who has been assigned to do the work. Depending upon a WFM product's implementation, a workflow participant may be assigned one or more pieces of work at any one time. Each piece of work assigned to a workflow participant is called a `work item' and the collection of all work items assigned to a workflow participant is called that workflow participant's `worklist'.

(Note: To clarify the difference between an `activity' and a `work item' the following discussion is included. When a process is being defined (build time), an `activity' is the construct used to define a piece of work to be done. It serves as a type of anchor point for further descriptions of that work to be done (i.e., the name of the application to be invoked, possibly a reference to skills needed to do the work, a symbolic name denoting the network address where the application is to be executed, etc.). During run time, when the activity is ready to be executed and one or more candidate persons are assigned to do the work, a work item is created and placed on that person(s) worklist. So, even though an activity and a work item both represent a piece of work, they come into existence at different points in time, there may be more than one work item for an activity and some operational characteristics may be different.)

A worklist then is defined as: the result of an implementation-defined query against the work item space. It is a list of work items and a work item is one element in a worklist.

The API calls in this section exist for the manipulation of work items and worklists.

7.6.1 WMOpenWorkList

WMOpenWorkList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the worklist that matches the criterion of the filter.
This command provides the capability of returning a list of work items assigned to a specified workflow participant or a workgroup. The requester may be making the request on behalf of himself or may be a manager wanting to know what work has been assigned to a particular person or a workgroup.

A query handle will be returned for the list of work items that match the specified value for the attribute. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of work items available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1. If pworklist_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL accessible work items.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenWorkList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPFilter pworklist_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pworklist_filter   Pointer to a structure containing the filter information for   
                   this request.                                                  
count_flag         Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of work items   
                   should be returned.                                            
pquery_handle      Pointer to a structure containing a unique query information   
                   returned by this function.                                     
pcount             Total number of work items that fulfill the filter condition.  




A workflow participant must be able to determine what work has been assigned. A manager must be able to determine who has work and what work is to be done within a department.

7.6.2 WMFetchWorkItem

WMFetchWorkItem - Returns the next work item from the worklist that met the selection criterion in the corresponding WMOpenWorkList call.

This command returns a work item. This fetch function will return subsequent work items after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchWorkItem (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPWorkItem pwork_item)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pquery_handle       Identification of the specific query handle returned by the   
                   WMOpenWorkList query command.                                  
pwork_item         Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client application    
                   where the set of work item will be placed.                     





7.6.3 WMCloseWorkList

WMCloseWorkList - Closes the query of work items.

This command will close the query of work items that match the specified query filter, specified in the WMOpenWorkList command. The query handle can no longer be used.

WMTErrRetType WMCloseWorkList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pquery_handle        Identification of the specific query handle returned by      
                    the WMOpenWorkList query command.                             




7.6.4 WMGetWorkItem

WMGetWorkItem - Returns the record of a specific work item
This command allows a workflow participant to designate which piece of work he wishes to do. The viewer may be selecting a work item from a list obtained by the WMOpenWorkList command.

This command operates on a single work item basis. This command execution need not imply that the work item is reserved or locked.

WMTErrRetType WMGetWorkItem (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPWorkItemID pwork_item_id,

out WMTPWorkItem pwork_item )

Argument Name      Description                                                   
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                   context for this action.                                      
pproc_inst_id      Pointer to a structure containing the unique process          
                   instance ID.                                                  
pwork_item_id      Pointer to a structure containing the work item               
                   identification for this request.                              
pwork_item         Pointer to a structure containing the work item being         
                   returned by this function.                                    

The error return value for this function will include one or more of the following error codes (see Error Return Codes section):





The application issuing the command must have sufficient identification information to select the work item desired.

7.6.5 WMCompleteWorkItem

WMCompleteWorkItem - Tell the WFM Engine that this work item has been completed.
This command allows a workflow participant to tell the WFM Engine that a work item has been completed.

To change a work item's attributes, multiple calls to WMAssignWorkItemAttribute.

WMTErrRetType WMCompleteWorkItem (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPWorkItemID pwork_item_id)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pproc_inst_id      Pointer to a structure containing the unique process           
                   instance ID.                                                   
pwork_item_id      Pointer to a structure containing the work item                
                   identification for this request.                               





WFM products implement various ways to determine when an activity is complete. The use of the API may range from just a successful/unsuccessful indication to placing values in the completion state which might cause the WFM Engine to select a future model navigation path from among many.

Typically, a work item will correspond to an activity instance. However the API should allow the existence of multiple work items per activity, executed one at a time. So completion of a work item does not necessarily mean that all work for an activity instance is completed. Completion of a work item could trigger the start of the next work item that corresponds to that activity instance. The Workflow Engine will determine the next work item based on the process definition.

7.6.6 WMReassignWorkItem

This command allows a work item from one workflow participant's worklist to be reassigned to another workflow participant's worklist.

(Note: Possible future releases of the API specification may provide for an entire worklist to be reassigned in total.)

WMTErrRetType WMReassignWorkItem (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPWflParticipant psource_user,

in WMTPWflParticipant ptarget_user,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPWorkItemID pwork_item_id)

Argument Name     Description                                                    
psession_handle   Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                  context for this action.                                       
psource_user      The identification of a workflow participant from which work   
                  is to be reassigned.                                           
ptarget_user      The identification of the workflow participant to whom work    
                  is to be assigned.                                             
pproc_inst_id     Pointer to a structure containing the unique process           
                  instance ID.                                                   
pwork_item_id     Pointer to a structure containing the work item                
                  identification being reassigned.                               







The workflow participant making the reassignment request has the authority to do so.
A workflow participant having work assigned may be away from work for various reasons and the work must be given to another workflow participant to get it accomplished. A WFM Engine may direct all work items to a single worklist (departmental worklist for example).

With the reassignment API, workflow participants in that department may reassign work to themselves after they finish a current work item and become available for more work. This creates a possible de facto people load balancing scheme.

7.6.7 WMOpenWorkItemAttributesList

WMOpenWorkItemAttributesList - Specifies and opens the query to produce the list of work item attributes that match the filter criterion.
This command will return a query handle for a list of attributes for a work item. The command will also return, optionally, the total count of attributes available. If the count is requested and the implementation does not support it, the command will return a pcount value of -1.

One of the uses of this API, together with the corresponding fetch and close calls is to allow a workflow application to query the Workflow Engine for the available attributes that can be assigned to the work item, in order to offer this list to the application user. Attribute values can be obtained as well provided that a buffer of enough size is passed in the fetch call. Individual attribute values can also be retrieved with the WMGetWorkItemAttributeValue call. If pwork_item_attr_filter is NULL, then the function, with the corresponding fetch calls will return the list of ALL attributes available for the work item.

WMTErrRetType WMOpenWorkItemAttributesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPWorkItemID pwork_item_id,

in WMTPFilter pwork_item_attr_filter,

in WMTBoolean count_flag,

out WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPInt32 pcount)

Argument Name         Description                                                
psession_handle       Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                      context for this action.                                   
pproc_inst_id         Pointer to a structure containing the unique process       
                      instance ID.                                               
pwork_item_id         Pointer to a structure containing the unique work item     
pwork_item_attr_filt  Filter associated with the work item attributes.           
count_flag            Boolean flag that indicates if the total count of work     
                      item attributes should be returned.                        
pquery_handle         Pointer to a structure containing a unique query           
pcount                Total number of  attributes for this work item.            





7.6.8 WMFetchWorkItemAttribute

WMFetchWorkItemAttribute - Returns the next work item attribute from the list of work item attributes that match the filter criterion.
This command returns a work item attribute. This fetch function will return subsequent work item attributes after every call. The fetch process is complete when the function returns the error WM_NO_MORE_DATA. The fetch function will return the attribute value as well in a buffer specified in the call. If buffer_size is NULL then the attribute value will not be returned. If buffer_size is not large enough to hold the attribute value then the function will return as much of the attribute value as can be fit in the buffer. The proper length of the attribute value is available in the attribute_length field. The application can compare the attribute_length with the buffer_size to determine if the full value was returned.

WMTErrRetType WMFetchWorkItemAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle,

out WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_type,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_length,

out WMTPText pattribute_value,

in WMTInt32 buffer_size)

Argument Name      Description                                                 
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the     
                   context for this action.                                    
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by     
                   the WMOpenWorkItemAttributesList query command.             
pattribute_name    Pointer to the name of the attribute.                       
pattribute_type    Pointer to the type of the attribute.                       
pattribute_length  Pointer to the length of the attribute value.               
pattribute_value   Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client             
                   application where the attribute value will be placed.       
buffer_size        Size of the buffer.                                         





7.6.9 WMCloseWorkItemAttributesList

WMCloseWorkItemAttributesList - Closes the query for work item attributes.
WMTErrRetType WMCloseWorkItemAttributesList (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPQueryHandle pquery_handle)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pquery_handle      Identification of the specific query handle returned by the    
                   WMOpenWorkItemAttributesList query command.                    




7.6.10 WMGetWorkItemAttributeValue

WMGetWorkItemAttributeValue - Returns the value, type and length of a work item attribute specified by the pwork_item_id parameter.
This command will return the value of a work item attribute in the buffer specified in the call.

WMTErrRetType WMGetWorkItemAttributeValue (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPWorkItemID pwork_item_id,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_type,

out WMTPInt32 pattribute_length,

out WMTPText pattribute_value,

in WMTInt32 buffer_size)

Argument Name       Description                                                
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the    
                    context for this action.                                   
pproc_inst_id       Pointer to a structure containing the unique process         
                    instance ID.                                                 
pwork_item_id       Pointer to a structure containing the unique work item ID.   
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                     
pattribute_type     Pointer to the type of the attribute.                     
pattribute_length   Pointer to the length of the attribute value.             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client           
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.     
buffer_size         Size of the buffer to be filled.                           





7.6.11 WMAssignWorkItemAttribute

WMAssignWorkItemAttribute - Assign the proper attribute to a work item.

This command tells the WFM Engine to assign an attribute, to change an attribute or to change the value of an attribute of a work item.

WMTErrRetType WMAssignWorkItemAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id,

in WMTPWorkItemID pwork_item_id,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

in WMTInt32 attribute_type,

in WMTInt32 attribute_length,

in WMTPText pattribute_value)

Argument Name     Description                                                    
psession_handle   Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                  context for this action.                                       
pproc_inst_id     Pointer to a structure containing the unique process           
                  instance ID.                                                   
pwork_item_id     Pointer to a structure containing the work item ID for which   
                  an attribute will be added or changed.                         
pattribute_name   Pointer to the name of the attribute.                        
attribute_type    Type of the attribute.                                       
attribute_length  Length of the attribute value.                               
pattribute_value  Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client              
                  application where the attribute value will be placed.        







7.7 WAPI Administration Functions

The set of administration functions provide the functionality needed to perform administration and maintenance functions of a workflow system. This set includes the minimal services contemplated for this client application interface. The set includes functions to change state of a set of process or activity instances, terminating and aborting process instances, and for assigning attributes to a set of process and activity instances.

7.7.1 WMChangeProcessInstancesState

WMChangeProcessInstancesState - Change the state of the instances of the named process definition that match the specified filter criterion.
This command is defined to allow a set of process instances in the named process definition to move to a specific new state.

Execution of this command will cause a set of process instances of the named process definition change their state. If the filter pointer pproc_inst_filter is NULL, then the command is applied to all process instances. Specific state names and their semantics are dependent upon the particular WFM Engine implementation.

This call will be executed when a set of process instances of a process must have a new state, such as suspended, disabled or enabled. Specific state names and semantics must be included in implementation documentation.

Since this command operates on a set of process instances of a named process definition, it is expected to be issued by a person having the authority to do so. The scope of this operation may be different depending on the vendor's implementation.

WMTErrRetType WMChangeProcessInstancesState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_filter,

in WMTPProcInstState pproc_inst_state)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing a unique process            
                    definition ID.                                                
pproc_inst_filter   Pointer to a structure containing the filter information      
                    for this request.                                             
pproc_inst_state    An ID that indicates the process state that you want to       
                    change to.                                                    







Each process instance must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.

Each process definition must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.

This API allows the possible intervention of a process administrator in a running process. This might be for the purpose of changing the process definition and having all subsequently created instances reflect the new definition. It provides the capability of halting running process instances while changes in roles, activities, etc. are put into effect. It allows instances to be stopped while problem determination can be done on a malfunctioning process.

7.7.2 WMChangeActivityInstancesState

WMChangeActivityInstancesState - Change the state of the activity instances of a particular name associated to a process definition that match the specified filter criterion.
This command directs a WFM Engine to change the state of the named activity for a set of activity instances. It is assumed that a person who can change the state of the set of activity instances corresponding to a process definition has special authorization to do so. If the implementation supports a state such as suspended, and resumed or in-progress, then the functions for suspend and resume are implemented as state change calls. If the filter pointer pact_inst_filter is NULL, then the command is applied to all activity instances of the given activity definition.

WMTErrRetType WMChangeActivityInstancesState (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPActivityID pactivity_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pact_inst_filter,

in WMTPActivityInstState pactivity_inst_state)

Argument Name       Description                                                  
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the      
                    context for this action.                                     
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing a unique process           
                    definition ID.                                               
pactivity_def_id    Pointer to the activity definition ID.                       
pact_inst_filter    Pointer to a structure containing the filter information     
                    for this request.                                            
pactivity_inst_sta  An ID that indicates the activity instance state that you    
te                  want to change to.                                           








Each process definition must have a unique ID within an administrative scope.

Each activity must have a unique ID within a process definition.

A workflow participant may wish to modify the states of activity instances of a particular activity. Other situations might involve the malfunctioning of an application associated with an activity. A process containing the activity may be a frequently used one, and it might be issuing dumps each time it is invoked. The use of this API would allow the calling of the application to be stopped while remedial measures were taken.

7.7.3 WMTerminateProcessInstances

WMTerminateProcessInstances - Terminate the process instances of the named process definition that match the specified filter criterion.

This command provides the capability of terminating a set of process instances associated with a process definition. Execution of this command will cause a set of process instances of the named process definition to be terminated. If the filter pointer pproc_inst_filter is NULL, then the command is applied to all process instances.

WMTErrRetType WMTerminateProcessInstances (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_filter)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing the process definition      
                    for which all process instances are to be terminated.         
pproc_inst_filter   Pointer to a structure containing the filter information      
                    for this request.                                             





7.7.4 WMAssignProcessInstancesAttribute

WMAssignProcessInstancesAttribute - Assign the proper attribute to a set of process instances within a process definition that match the specific filter criterion.
This command tells the WFM Engine to assign an attribute, or to change an attribute or to change the values of an attribute of a set of process instances within a named process definition.

This command changes the value of the attribute of a process instance. These attributes of process instances are of the kind called Process Control or Process Relevant Data.

WMTErrRetType WMAssignProcessInstancesAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_filter,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

in WMTInt32 attribute_type,

in WMTInt32 attribute_length,

in WMTPText pattribute_value)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing the process definition ID   
                    for which the attribute of all process instances will be      
pproc_inst_filter   Pointer to a structure containing the filter information      
                    for this request.                                             
ppattribute_name    Pointer to the name of the attribute.                      
attribute_type      Type of the attribute.                                     
attribute_length    Length of the attribute value.                             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client            
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.      






7.7.5 WMAssignActivityInstancesAttribute

WMAssignActivityInstancesAttribute - Assign the proper attribute to set of activity instances within a process definition that match the specific filter criterion.

This command tells the WFM Engine to assign an attribute, or to change an attribute or to change the value of an attribute of a set of activity instances within a named process definition. These attributes of activity instances are of the kind called Process Control or Process Relevant Data. If pact_inst_filter is NULL, then the function is applied to ALL accessible activity instances of the given activity definition.

WMTErrRetType WMAssignActivityInstancesAttribute (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPActivityID pactivity_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pact_inst_filter,

in WMTPAttrName pattribute_name,

in WMTInt32 attribute_type,

in WMTInt32 attribute_length,

in WMTPText pattribute_value)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing the process definition      
                    ID.  In the case that the attribute will be changed for all   
                    activity instances that correspond to the process             
                    definition.  This parameter will be NULL otherwise.           
pactivity_def_id    Pointer to a structure containing the activity definition     
                    identification for which the attribute will be assigned.      
pact_inst_filter    Pointer to a structure containing the filter information      
                    for this request.                                             
pattribute_name     Pointer to the name of the attribute.                      
attribute_type      Type of the attribute.                                     
attribute_length    Length of the attribute value.                             
pattribute_value    Pointer to a buffer area provided by the client            
                    application where the attribute value will be placed.      







7.7.6 WMAbortProcessInstances

WMAbortProcessInstances - Abort the set of process instances that correspond to the named process definition, that match the specific filter criterion, regardless of its state.
This command allows a set of process instances of a process definition to be aborted. All current activities within these process instances will be stopped when possible. The instances will be terminated. If pproc_inst_filter is NULL, then the function will be applied to ALL accessible process instances.

WMTErrRetType WMAbortProcessInstances (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcDefID pproc_def_id,

in WMTPFilter pproc_inst_filter)

Argument Name       Description                                                   
psession_handle     Pointer to a structure containing information about the       
                    context for this action.                                      
pproc_def_id        Pointer to a structure containing the process definition      
                    for who all processes instances is being aborted.             
pproc_inst_filter   Pointer to a structure containing the filter information      
                    for this request.                                             





This command is for use in catastrophic circumstances where nothing except clearing the process away can be done.

7.7.7 WMAbortProcessInstance

WMAbortProcessInstance - Abort the process instance specified regardless of its state.
This command allows a process instance to be aborted. All current activities within the process instance will be stopped when possible. The instance will be terminated.

WMTErrRetType WMAbortProcessInstance (

in WMTPSessionHandle psession_handle,

in WMTPProcInstID pproc_inst_id)

Argument Name      Description                                                    
psession_handle    Pointer to a structure containing information about the        
                   context for this action.                                       
pproc_inst_id      Pointer to a structure containing the process instance being   




  1. None
This command is for use in catastrophic circumstances where nothing except clearing the process away can be done.

8. Appendix A

8.1 Additional API Areas

The WFM Coalition API specification work will address the following areas. It will be determined whether API calls should be created for these areas or whether they are the sole domain of particular WFM product implementations.

8.1.1 WFM Data API calls

The types of data that applications need to manipulate through this API specification are process control data, process relevant data, and application data. The current specification addresses the access to these data through the definition and manipulation of attributes of processes, activities and work items. It is currently believed that some additional new API calls or parameter additions to existing API calls will be required for complete data manipulation.

8.1.2 Ad hoc activities

In a future release of API specifications, the API working group will consider the functionality to allow applications to add activities to an instance of a process that are not part of its definition. These ad-hoc additions will be done on an instance basis.

8.1.3 Administration and Maintenance

The API working group believes that the functions in this area correspond to interface 5. Services should include functions for:

· Purging

· Backup

· Archiving

· Download and Upload instances (for remote users)

8.1.4 Names and Roles

The API working group believes that a Workflow Engine should also provide services for definition, assignment, mapping and maintenance of roles and names (identities). The working group also believes that these services should be provided through interface 5 as well.

8.2 Additional Issues

The WFM Coalition API specification work will be expanded to take care of the following issues for future releases.

8.2.1 Error reporting and control

All WAPI function calls have a uniform error return datatype. This data type is shared among all API calls. This specification assumes that the Coalition will specify a subset of the main error return codes, leaving for vendor specific implementation the remaining main error return codes and the set of subcode codes to provide extensibility and specialization of error codes. (See section WAPI Data Types, and WAPI Error Return Codes sections).

8.2.2 Synchpoint processing

Synchpoint processing deals with recoverability. The API working group believes that this area is extremely important to WFM exploiters. However, it is also believed that it would be one of the more difficult areas to deal with in terms of member agreement. Work in this area is being deferred to the second release of the API specifications.

8.2.3 Security

The current version of the WFM API specification does not include any specific requirements or provisions for security mechanisms, except for the inclusion of user password in the WMTConnectInfo structure. Implementation of security mechanisms are left up to the specific implementations.

8.2.4 Locking

The current version of the WFM API specification does not include any specific requirements or provisions for locking mechanisms. Implementation of locking mechanisms are left up to the specific implementations.

8.2.5 Process Integrity

The current version of the WFM API specification does not include any specific requirements or provisions for mechanisms to guarantee process integrity. Implementation of process integrity mechanisms are left up to the specific implementations.

9. Appendix B: Object Bindings

This chapter provides a specification of the Workflow Application Client interface in terms of objects. An abstract object model is described and bindings to OLE and OMG IDL are defined.

9.1 Abstract Object Definition

The following diagram shows the primary objects used in the definition of the Workflow Application Client interface.

The WorkflowServer provides the context for communication with the Workflow Enactment Service. It allows for filtered queries on objects owned by the specific Enactment Service. An executable workflow model itself is represented by the ProcessDefinition ; the Process Definition serves as a Factory for creating instances of the Workflow Model that are enacted by the Workflow Management System. To execute a specific process, a ProcessInstance of the ProcessDefinition is created. During execution of the ProcessInstance, the Enactment Service creates instances (ActivityInstance) of the Activity Definitions contained in the Process Definition. Assignment of an activity instance to a participant creates a WorkItem.

The next diagram shows the auxiliary constructs that are used to complete the Object Model.

A set of standardized Attributes is defined for each of the objects - attributes specific to a particular Enactment Service or user-defined attributes that determine the specifics of a Workflow object in a particular Workflow Model. Access to filtered lists of objects owned by the Enactment Service is managed via Collection-type interfaces; Filter objects support definition of selection criteria for those lists.

Workflow Object Collections are realized as OLE-Collections in the OLE binding; in the OMG IDL binding an Iterator-type interface is defined for each of the fundamental Workflow Object interfaces.

9.1.1 Mapping WAPI to the OLE and IDL Bindings

The following table describes how the ingredients of the Common Object Model described above map to the WAPI constructs defined in this specification.

       WAPI Element         OLE Object                  IDL Interface               
WMTSession                  WorkflowApplicationServer   Server                      
WMTFilter                   Filter                      Filter                      
WMTQueryHandle              OLE-Collection              ProcessDefinitionsList      
                                                        WorkList AttributeList      
WMTProcessDefinition        ProcessDefinition           ProcessDefinition           
WMTProcessInstance          ProcessInstance             ProcessInstance             
WMTActivityInstace          ActivityInstance            ActivityInstance            
WMTWorkItem                 WorkItem                    WorkItem                    
WMTAttributeName            Attribute                   Attribute                   

9.2 OLE Automation Binding

This appendix describes the OLE automation binding for the Workflow Management Coalition Interface 2 (WAPI2). It is based on:

· the WAPI specified in this document, and

· Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0, Professional Features, Creating OLE Servers, Chapter 3, Standards and Guidelines

This binding has two goals:

1. To accurately reflect the functionality specified by WAPI2.

2. To conform to the standards and guidelines for OLE automation interfaces.

Note that this version of the binding does not yet include the "entitiy" functions.

9.2.1 Expressing WAPI2 as an OLE Automation Interface

WAPI2 is defined in terms of data structures and functions. An OLE automation interface consists of object classes, each with properties and methods. The OLE automation binding for WAPI2 was derived using the following rules:

1. Define an OLE automation object class for each WAPI2 data structure. However, if a WAPI2 data structure consists of a single WMTText field, use the OLE automation String class.

2. Define a read-only OLE automation property for each field in each WAPI2 data structure, on the object class corresponding to the data structure.

3. For each WAPI2 function, define a method on the appropriate object class. Omit the session handle parameter from the methods (except for the Server methods).

4. Use OLE automation collections for each Open/Fetch/Close...List combination of functions, and for fields in data structures that hold multiple values (e.g. participants).

5. Errors are reported via exceptions. Object Classes

The OLE automation binding defines an OLE automation object (class) for each WAPI2 data structure. For example, WAPI2 defines a process instance data structure as follows:

typedef struct


// This is the minimum list of elements at this time. Future versions to provide extensibility for this structure.

WMTText process_name[NAME_STRING_SIZE];

WMTProcInstID proc_inst_id;

WMTProcDefID proc_def_id;

WMTProcInstState state;

WMTInt32 priority;

WMTText data_reference[DATA_REFERENCE_SIZE];

// private element containing vendor specific information

WMTWflParticipant proc_participants[20];

//up to 20 63 character long participant identifiers

} WMTProcInst;

The OLE automation binding defines a ProcessInstance object class with properites Name, ID, ProcessDefinitionID, State, Priority, DataReference, and Participants. This ProcessInstance object class defines Start and Terminate methods, corresponding to the WMStartProcess and WMTerminateProcessInstance WAPI2 functions.

The table below lists the object classes in the WAPI2 OLE automation binding, and the corresponding WAPI2 data structures. Note that there are exceptions to the rules stated above. There is no ConnectionInfo object class - the information is passed as separate parameters to the Connect method of the Server class. There is an Attribute object class - its properties are passed as separate parameters in the WAPI2 attribute functions.

OLE Automation Object  WAPI 2 Data Type   
Server                 WMTSessionHandle   
Filter                 WMTFilter          
Collection             WMTQueryHandle     
ProcessDefinition      WMTProcDefID       
ProcessInstance        WMTProcInst        
ActivityInstance       WMTActivityInst    
WorkItem               WMTWorkItem        
String                 WMTWflParticipant  
                       WMTProcInstState Object Hierarchy

The object classes in an OLE automation interface are organized into an object hierarchy. This is not an inheritance hierarchy based on "is a" relationships. Rather, it is a navigational hierarchy that "organizes the objects in a way that makes programming easier". The top level objects in the hierarchy are "externally creatable", which means that a program can obtain such objects directly. All other objects in the OLE automation interface are obtained indirectly, through the properties and methods of the top level objects. Here is the object hierarchy for the WAPI2 OLE automation interface:


Process Definitions


Process Instances




Activity Instances




Work Items




WAPI2 requires a program to first obtain a session handle, and then use it to get process, activity, and work item handles. In the OLE automation binding, Server and Filter are the top level objects. The Server object class has methods for listing process definitions, process instances, activity instances, and work items. Collections and Queries

WAPI2 supports several retrieval operations that return multiple values:

· a list of process definitions, process instances, activity instance, or work items,

· the states of a process definition, process instance, or activity instance

· the attributes of a process instance, activity instance, or work item

For each such retrieval operation, WAPI2 defines three functions:

· WMOpen...List

· WMFetch...

· WMClose...List

The open functions take a filter parameter. The fetch functions are used to iterate through the values retrieved.

OLE automation uses the Collection object class to navigate such one-to-many relationships in the object hierarchy. The Server object class has list methods which take a Filter object as a parameter and return a collection of ProcessDefinition, ProcessInstance, ActivityInstance, or WorkItem objects. The ProcessDefinition, ProcessInstance, and ActivityInstance object classes have a States property whose value is a collection of states. . The ProcessInstance, ActivityInstance, and WorkItem object classes have an Attributes property whose value is a collection of attributes. These properties have a Filter parameter.

The Collection object class has a Count property (the number of elements in the collection) and provides methods for iterating through its elements. For example, here is the VBA code to populate a list box with a user's work items:

Dim mySession As Session

Dim myWorkList As Filter

Dim myWorkItem As WorkItem

Set mySession = CreateObject("WAPI2.Session")


For Each myWorkItem In Session.ListWorkItems(myWorkList)

ListBox.AddItem myWorkItem.Name

Next myWorkItem

The ProcessDefinition, ProcessInstance, ActivityInstance, and WorkItem classes each have collection-valued properties for their states, attributes, and participants. The elements of the state and participant collections are strings. The elements of the attribute collections are Attribute objects, which have two properties: Name and Value. The Value property is expressed as an OLE automation Variant, which provides methods for determining its data type and length. Exceptions

OLE automation supports exceptions. OLE automation servers can report errors by raising an exception rather than returning an error code. This allows chaining calls to an OLE automation interface in a single expression. For example, the following expression


makes three calls to the OLE automation interface to return the name of the process definition for the process instance that contains the work item. These expressions commonly appear in programs or macros that call an OLE automation interface. Any one of the calls could encounter an error, which would be reported to the calling program through an exception.

The OLE automation binding for WAPI2 uses exceptions to report errors. The exception object carries a text description of the error with it. The Server object also has ErrorCode and ErrorSubCode properties. When a program calls the WAPI2 OLE automation interface, and the server encounters an error, it sets the Server properties to the error codes in the WMTErrRetType data structure, and raises an exception.

9.2.2 Server

The Server object class corresponds to the WMTSessionHandle data type. Server objects are externally creatable. A program must successfully call the Connect method on a Server object before it can be used to access other objects. Properties

A Server object has the following properties:

Name            Type            Description                          
ErrorCode       Integer         WMTErrRetType.main_code              
ErrorSubCode    Integer         WMTErrRetType.sub_code               

These properties are read-only. They are set when the OLE automation interface raises an exception. Methods

A Server object has the following methods:

Signature                          Description                       
Connect     in String User         WMConnect                         
in String Password                                                   
Disconnect                         WMDisconnect                      
Collection                         WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList      
ListProcessDefinitions     in                                        
Filter ProcDefFilter                                                 
Collection ListProcessInstances    WMOpenProcessInstancesList        
in Filter ProcInstFilter                                             
ProcessInstance                    WMGetProcessInstance              
GetProcessInstance     in String                                     
Collection ListActivityInstances   WMOpenActivityInstancesList       
in Filter ActivityInstFilter                                         
ActivityInstance                   WMGetActivityInstance             
GetActivityInstance     in                                           
String ProcInstID     in String                                      
Collection ListWorkItems     in    WMOpenWorkItemsList               
Filter WorkItemFilter                                                
WorkItem GetWorkItem     in        WMGetWorkItem                     
String ProcInstID     in String                                      
WorkItemID                                                    Connect

This method is the binding for the WMConnect function. . Note that the engine name and scope parameters to the WMConnect function are omitted here. This information is encoded in the parameters to the call to the OLE function (CreateObject or GetObject) which returns the server object.

Connect (

in String User,

in String Password)

Argument           Description (WMConnect Argument)                              
User               pconnect_info.user_identification                             
Password           pconnect_info.password                                 WMDisconnect

This method is the binding for the WMDisconnect function.

Disconnect () ListProcessDefinitions

This method is the binding for the WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList function.

Collection ListProcessDefinitions (

in Filter ProcDefFilter)

Argument           Description (WMOpenProcessDefinitionsList Argument)           
ProcDefFilter      pproc_def_filter                                              
Collection         pquery_handle                                          ListProcessInstances

This method is the binding for the WMOpenProcessInstancesList function.

Collection ListProcessInstances (

in Filter ProcInstFilter)

Argument           Description (WMOpenProcessInstancesList Argument)             
ProcInstFilter     pproc_inst_filter                                             
Collection         pquery_handle                                          GetProcessInstance

This method is the binding for the WMGetProcessInstance function.

ProcessInstance GetProcessInstance (

in String ProcInstID)

Argument           Description (WMGetProcessInstance Argument)                   
ProcInstID         pproc_inst_id                                                 
ProcessInstance    pproc_inst                                             ListActivityInstances

This method is the binding for the WMOpenActivityInstancesList function.

Collection ListProcessInstances (

in Filter ActivityInstFilter)

Argument           Description (WMActivityInstancesList Argument)                
ActivityInstFilte  pactivity_inst_filter                                         
Collection         pquery_handle                                          GetActivityInstance

This method is the binding for the WMGetActivityInstance function.

ActivityInstance GetActivityInstance (

in String ProcInstID,

in String ActivityInstID)

Argument           Description (WMGetActivityInstance Argument)                  
ProcInstID         pproc_inst_id                                                 
ActivityInstID     pactivity_inst_id                                             
ActivityInstance   pactivity_inst                                         ListWorkItems

This method is the binding for the WMOpenWorkList function.

Collection ListWorkItems (

in Filter WorkListFilter)

Argument           Description (WMOpenWorkList Argument)                         
WorkListFilter     pworklist_filter                                              
Collection         pquery_handle                                          GetWorkItem

This method is the binding for the WMGetWorkItem function.

WorkItem GetWorkItem (

in String ProcInstID,

in String WorkItemID)

Argument           Description (WMGetWorkItem Argument)                          
ProcInstID         pproc_inst_id                                                 
WorkItemID         pwork_item_id                                                 
WorkItem           pwork_item                                                    

9.2.3 Filter

The filter object class corresponds to the WMTFilter data type. Filter objects are externally creatable. Properties

Filter objects have the following properties:

Name            Type            Description                          
Type            Integer         WMTFilter.filter_type                
Length          Integer         WMTFilter.filter_length              
AttributeName   String          WMTFilter.attribute_name             
Comparison      Integer         WMTFilter.comparison                 
FilterString    String          WMTFilter.filter_string       Methods

There are no methods for Filter objects.

9.2.4 Process Definition

The process definition class corresponds to the WMTProcDefID data type. Process definition objects are not externally creatable. They are returned by the Server object's ListProcessDefinitions method, and by the ProcessDefinition property of a ProcessInstance object. Properites

A ProcessDefinition object has the following read-only properties:

Name            Type            Description                          
ID              String          WMTProcDefId.proc_def_id             
States          Collection      WMOpenProcessDefinitionStatesList    

All of these properties are read-only. The States property takes a Filter parameter. Methods

A ProcessDefinition object has the following methods:

Signature                          Description                       
ProcessInstance CreateInstance     WMCreateProcessInstance           
ChangeInstancesState     in        WMChangeProcessInstancesState     
Filter InstanceFilter     in                                         
String InstanceState                                                 
ChangeActivityInstancesState       WMChangeActivityInstancesState    
in String ActivityDefinitionID                                       
in Filter InstanceFilter     in                                      
String InstanceState                                                 
TerminateInstances     in Filter   WMTerminateProcessInstances       
AssignInstancesAttribute     in    WMAssignProcessInstancesAttribut  
Filter InstanceFilter     in       e                                 
String Name     in Variant Value                                     
AssignActivityInstancesAttribute   WMAssignActivityInstancesAttribu  
in String ActivityInstanceID       te                                
in Filter InstanceFilter     in                                      
String Name     in String Value                                      
AbortInstances     in Filter       WMAbortProcessInstances           

Note that the Server parameters to these methods is implicit. They use the server from which the process definition was obtained. CreateInstance

This method is the binding for the WMCreateProcessInstance function.

ProcessInstance CreateInstance ()

Argument           Description (WMCreateProcessInstance Argument)                
ProcessInstance    pproc_inst_id                                          ChangeInstancesState

This method is the binding for the WMChangeProcessInstancesState function.

ChangeInstancesState (

in Filter InstanceFilter,

in String InstanceState)

Argument           Description (WMChangeProcessInstancesState Argument)          
InstanceFilter     pproc_inst_filter                                             
InstanceState      process_inst_state                                     ChangeActivityInstancesState

This method is the binding for the WMChangeActivityInstancesState function.

ChangeActivityInstancesState (

in String ActivityDefID,

in Filter InstanceFilter,

in String InstanceState)

Argument           Description (WMChangeActivityInstancesState Argument)         
ActivityDefID      pactivity_def_id                                              
InstanceFilter     pact_inst_filter                                              
InstanceState      activity_inst_state                                    TerminateInstances

This method is the binding for the WMTerminateProcessInstances function.

TerminateInstances (

in Filter InstanceFilter)

Argument           Description (WMTerminateProcessInstances Argument)            
InstanceFilter     pproc_inst_filter                                      AssignInstancesAttribute

This method is the binding for the WMAssignProcessInstancesAttribute function.

AssignInstancesAttribute (

in Filter InstanceFilter,

in String Name,

in Variant Value)

Argument           Description (WMAssignProcessInstancesAttribute Argument)      
InstanceFilter     pact_inst_filter                                              
Name               attribute_name                                                
Value              pattribute_value                                       AssignActivityInstancesAttribute

This method is the binding for the WMAssignActivityInstancesAttribute function.

AssignActivityInstancesAttribute (

in String ActivityDefID,

in Filter InstanceFilter,

in String Name,

in Variant Value)

Argument           Description (WMAssignActivityInstancesAttribute Argument)     
ActivityDefID      pactivity_def_id                                              
InstanceFilter     pact_inst_filter                                              
Name               attribute_name                                                
Value              pattribute_value                                       AbortInstances

This method is the binding for the WMAbortProcessInstances function.

AbortInstances (

in Filter InstanceFilter)

Argument           Description (WMAbortProcessInstances Argument)                
InstanceFilter     pproc_inst_filter                                             

9.2.5 Process Instance

The ProcessInstance object class corresponds to the WMTProcessInst data type. Process instance objects are not externally creatable. They are returned by the Server object's ListProcessInstances method, and by the ProcessInstance property of an ActivityInstance or WorkItem object. Properties

A ProcessInstance object has the following read-only properties:

Name              Type            Description                         
Attributes        Collection      WMOpenProcessInstanceAttributesLis  
DataReference     String          WMTProcessInst.data_reference       
ID                String          WMTProcessInst.proc_inst_id         
Name              String          WMTProcessInst.process_name         
Participants      Collection      WMTProcessInst.proc_participants    
Priority          Integer         WMTProcessInst.priority             
ProcessDefinitio  ProcessDefinit  WMGetProcessDefinition              
n                 ion                                                 
ProcessDefinitio  String          WMTProcessInst.proc_def_id          
State             String          WMTProcessInst.state                
States            Collection      WMOpenProcessInstanceStatesList     

All of these properties are read-only, except for the State property. Updating this property has the same effect as calling the ChangeState method. The Attributes and States properties take a Filter parameter.

The ProcessDefinition property is a convenience. It calls the GetProcessDefinition method on the session from which the process instance was obtained, passing the ProcessDefinitionID property value. Methods

A ProcessInstance object has the following methods:

Signature                          Description                       
ProcessInstance Start              WMStartProcess                    
Terminate                          WMTerminateProcess                
ChangeState     in String State    WMChangeProcessInstanceState      
AssignAttribute     in String      WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute  
Name     in Variant Value                                            
Abort                              WMAbortProcessInstance            

Note that the Server parameters to these methods is implicit. They use the server from which the process instance was obtained. Start

This method is the binding for the WMStartProcess function.

ProcessInstance Start ()

Argument           Description (WMStartProcess Argument)                         
ProcessInstance    pnew_proc_inst_id                                      Terminate

This method is the binding for the WMTerminateProcessInstance function.

Terminate () ChangeState

This method is the binding for the WMChangeProcessInstanceState function.

ChangeState (

in String State)

Argument           Description (WMChangeProcessInstanceState Argument)           
State              pproc_inst_state                                       AssignAttribute

This method is the binding for the WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute function.

AssignAttribute (

in String Name,

in Variant Value)

Argument           Description (WMAssignProcessInstanceAttribute Argument)       
Name               attribute_name                                                
Value              pattribute_value                                       Abort

This method is the binding for the WMAbortProcessInstance function.

Abort ()

9.2.6 Activity Instance

The ActivityInstance class corresponds to the WMTActivityInst data type. Activity instance objects are not externally creatable. They are returned by the Server object's ListActivityInstances method, and by the ActivityInstance property of a WorkItem object. Properties

An ActivityInstance object has the following properties:

Name            Type            Description                          
Attributes      Collection      WMOpenActivityInstanceAttributesLis  
DataReference   String          WMTActivityInst.data_reference       
ID              String          WMTActivityInst.activity_inst_id     
Name            String          WMTActivityInst.activity_name        
Participants    Collection      WMTActivityInst.proc_participants    
Priority        Integer         WMTActivityInstance.priority         
ProcessInstanc  ProcessInstanc  WMGetProcessInstance                 
e               e                                                    
ProcessInstanc  String          WMTActivityInstance.proc_inst_id     
State           String          WMTActivityInstance.state            
States          Collection      WMOpenActivityInstanceStatesList     

All of these properties are read-only, except for the State property. Updating this property has the same effect as calling the ChangeState method. The Attributes and States properties take a Filter parameter.

The ProcessInstance property is a convenience. It calls the GetProcessInstance method on the server from which the activity instance was obtained, passing the ProcessInstanceID property value. Methods

An ActivityInstance object has the following methods:

Signature                          Description                       
ChangeState     in String State    WMChangeActivityInstanceState     
AssignAttribute     in String      WMAssignActivityInstanceAttribut  
Name     in Variant Value          e                                 

Note that the Server parameters to these methods is implicit. They use the server from which the activity instance was obtained. ChangeState

This method is the binding for the WMChangeActivityInstanceState function.

ChangeState (

in String State)

Argument           Description (WMChangeActivityInstanceState Argument)          
State              pactivity_inst_state                                   AssignAttribute

This method is the binding for the WMAssignActivityInstanceAttribute function.

AssignAttribute (

in String Name,

in Variant Value)

Argument           Description (WMAssignActivityInstanceAttribute Argument)      
Name               attribute_name                                                
Value              pattribute_value                                              

9.2.7 WorkItem

The WorkItem class corresponds to the WMTWorkItem data type. Work item objects are not externally creatable. They are returned by the Server object's ListWorkItem method.. Properties

A WorkItem object has the following properties:

Name             Type            Description                         
ActivityInstanc  ActivityInstan  WMGetActivityInstance               
e                ce                                                  
ActivityInstanc  String          WMTWorkItem.activity_inst           
Attributes       Collection      WMOpenWorkItemAttributesList        
DataReference    String          WMTWorkItem.data_reference          
ID               String          WMTWorkItem.workitem_id             
Name             String          WMTWorkItem.workitem_name           
Participant      String          WMTWorkItem.proc_participant        
Priority         Integer         WMTWorkItemance.priority            
ProcessInstance  ProcessInstanc  WMGetProcessInstance                
ProcessInstance  String          WMTWorkItemance.proc_inst_id        

All of these properties are read-only. The Attributes property takes a Filter parameter. The ActivityInstance and ProcessInstance properties are a convenience. They call the GetProcessInstance and GetActivityInstance methods, respectiively, on the server from which the work item was obtained, passing the ProcessInstanceID or ActivityInstanceID property value. Methods

A WorkItem object has the following methods:

Signature                          Description                       
AssignAttribute     in String      WMAssignWorkItemAttribute         
Name     in Variant Value                                            
Complete                           WMCompleteWorkItem                
Reassign     in String             WMReassignWorkItem                
SourceUser     in String                                             

Note that the Server parameters to these methods is implicit. They use the server from which the work item was obtained. AssignAttribute

This method is the binding for the WMAssignWorkItemAttribute function.

AssignAttribute (

in String Name,

in Variant Value)

Argument           Description (WMAssignWorkItemAttribute Argument)              
Name               attribute_name                                                
Value              pattribute_value                                       Complete

This method is the binding for the WMCompleteWorkItem function.

Complete () Reassign

This method is the binding for the WMRessignWorkItem function.

Reassign (

in String SourceUser,

in String TargetUser)

Argument           Description (WMReassignWorkItem Argument)                     
SourceUser         psource_user                                                  
TargetUser         ptarget_user                                                  

9.2.8 Attribute

The Attribute object class corresponds to the attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_length, and attribute_value parameters of the WMFetch...Attribute and WMAssign...Attribute functions. The attributes of a process instance, activity instance, or work item are accessed through their Attributes property. The value of this property is a collection of Attribute objects. This collection is indexed by attribute name. Attibute objects have two properties: Name and Value. For example, the following expression

WorkItem.Attributes("Due Date").Value

evaluates to the value of the "Due Date" attribute of a work item. The data type of the Value property is the OLE automation Variant type. This data type provides functions for determining the data type of its value, and converting its value to a basic data type. Properties

An Attribute object has the following properties:

Name            Type            WMFetch...Attribute Parameter        
DataType        Integer         attribute_type                       
Name            String          attribute_name                       
Value           Variant         pattribute_value                     

All of these properties are read-only. To modify an attribute value, call the object's AssignAttribute method.

9.3 OMG IDL Binding

This chapter provides a detailed description of the Workflow Facility Client Application components in terms of OMG IDL. The specification is split into two modules, one providing generic interfaces and operations, the other defining the specific interfaces and functions for the Application Client Interface.

9.3.1 The Workflow Facility Base Module

The Workflow Facility Base module contains definitions common to all of the various interfaces described in the Workflow Reference Model.

The interfaces defined by this module are:

· Attribute interface, which provides access to attributes of various types of workflow objects.

· AttributeList interface, which provides operations to handle filtered lists of Attributes.

· Filter interface, which is used to define queries for workflow objects issued agaist the Workflow Enactment Service who owns these objects.

· WorkflowObject interface, which defines generic operations and attributes common to many workflow objects

The following abbreviated IDL summarizes the interfaces contained in the CfWFBase module.

module CfWorkflowFacilityBase {

... // data type and general exception definitions

interface Filter {

... // query filter object definitions


interface Attribute {

... // workflow object attribute definitions


interface AttributeList {

... // workflow object attribute list definitions


interface WorkflowObject {

... // workflow object definitions



The following sections describe the contents of the CfWFBase module in detail. Data Types and General Exceptions

The following data types and exceptions are defined in the CfWFBase module and are used in various interfaces of the Workflow Facility.


typedef string WMTName;

typedef WMTName WMTState;

typedef sequence<WMTState> WMTStates;

typedef string WMTId;

typedef integer WMTErrorCode


exception InvalidFilter (WMTErrorCode badFilter);

exception NoMoreData ();

exception InvalidState();

exception TransitionNotAllowed();

exception AttributeAsignmentFailed();

exception InvalidAttribute();

Each workflow object has a name and a state. WMTName and WMTState define the types to specifiy the corresponding attributes. In addition, the WMTName type is used to define any kind of name-like attribute, e.g., to specifiy named references to objects outside the scope of the Workflow Facility specification. WMTStates handles a list of states. The WMTId type is used for identification of persistent object references. The WMTErrorCode type is used to provide additional information with some Exceptions, e.g., the InvalidFilter exception uses the Error Code to indicate the specific problem with the Filter.

The InvalidFilter and NoMoreData exceptions are related to processing of filtered queries and query result lists. InvalidState and TransitionNotAllowed exceptions are raised by state-changing operations on workflow objects. Filter Interface

The Filter interface is used to specify the filter criteria for a query against the set of objects of a specific type.

interface Filter {

attribute long filterType;

attribute long filterLength;

attribute WMTName attributeName;

attribute integer comparison;

attribute string filterString;

}; Attribute Interfaces

The Attribute interface is used to access attributes of workflow objects. Attribute data are accessed by value; the attributeValue is of type any and is further specified by attributeType.

There are basically three types of attributes of a workflow object that can be accessed via this interface:

· The standard attributes described in this document (e.g., Name)

· Vendor specific attributes associated with a particular object type (e.g., `ProcessClass' attribute of a ProcessDefinition)

· User defined attributes associated with particular object instances (e.g., `CustomerNumber' attribute of a particular ProcessInstance)

interface Attribute {

attribute WMTName attributeName;

attribute string attributeType;

attribute long attributeLength;

attribute any attributeValue;


typedef sequence<Attribute> Attributes;

The AttributeList interface provides iterator operations for handling of a list of Attributes; the corresponding factory operation for this interface can be found in an workflow object interface. The fetchAttribute operation gets the next Attribute from the list, the fetchAttributes operation gets the next howMany Attributes from the list; if the list is empty, the NoMoreData exception is raised.

interface AttributeList {

attribute long count;

Attribute fetchAttribute()

raises (NoMoreData);

Attributes fetchAttributes(in long howMany)

raises (NoMoreData);

}; Workflow Object Interface

The Workflow Object interface defines the attributes and operations common to most workflow objects. Each WorkflowObject has a Name, a State and a set of Attributes associated with it.

A list of valid states for a particular WorkflowObject can be obtained using the listValidStates operation; the InvalidState exception is raised when a state change to an unknown state is requested. getState obtains the current State of a workflow object and setState changes the State; the TransitionNotAllowed exception is raised when the transition from the current state to the new state is not allowed.

OpenAttributesList is the factory operation for an AttributeList, allowing for a query for attributes; getAttributeValue supports access to attributes by name. The AssignAttribute(s) operations assign new values to Attributes. The InvalidAttribute exception is raised on requests for attributes not defined for the workflow object; tha AttributeAssignmentFailed exception is raised when the Attribute could not be modified, e.g., is read-only.

interface WorkflowObject {

attribute WMTName name;

attribute WMTId id;

WMTStates listValidStates (

in Filter filter);

void changeState (in WMTState newState)

raises (TransitionNotAllowed, InvalidState);

WMTState getState ();

AttibuteList openAttributeList (

in Filter filter,

in boolean countFlag)

raises (InvalidFilter);

Attribute getAttributeValue (in WMTName name)

raises (InvalidAttribute);

void assignAttribute ( in Attribute attribute)

raises (InvalidAttribute, AttributeAssignmentFailed);

void assignAttributes ( in Attributes attributes)

raises (InvalidAttribute, AttributeAssignmentFailed);


9.3.2 The Workflow Application Client Module

The Worflow Application Client Module contains the interfaces used to exchange information between a workflow client application and the Enactemnt Service. It allows workflow participants to control execution of workflow processes and to process their worklists.

The module defines the following interfaces:

· ApplicationClientServer interface, which handles connection of a workflow participant with a particular Enactment Service and provides factory interfaces for access to filtered list of workflow objects owned by that Enactment Service.

· ProcessDefinition interface, which represents an executable workflow model; this interface serves as a factory for instances of a workflow model.

· ProcessInstance interface, which represents an active workflow process model and provides operations to control execution of that model

· ActivityInstance interface, which represents an active node in a workflow process instance

· WorkItem interface, which represents a piece of work assigned to a particular workflow participant and allows for controlling the execution of this work.

The following abbreviated IDL summarizes the interfaces contained in the CfWFApplicationClient module.

#include "CfWFBase.idl"

module CfWFApplicationClient {

... // Data type and specific exception definitions

interface ProcessDefinition; // Forward declaration

interface ProcessInstance; // Forward declaration

interface ActivityInstance; // Forward declaration

interface WorkItem; // Forward declaration

interface ProcessDefinitionList {

... // Iterator for process definition query result


interface ProcessInstanceList {

... // Iterator for process instance query result


interface ActivityInstanceList {

... // Iterator for activity instance query result


interface WorkList {

... // Iterator for work item query result


interface ApplicationClientServer {

... // application client server object definitions


interface ProcessDefinition : CfWFBase::WorkflowObject{

... // process definition object definitions


interface ProcessInstance : CfWFBase::WorkflowObject {

... // process instance object definitions


interface ActivityInstance : CfWFBase::WorkflowObject {

... // activity instance object definitions


interface WorkItem : CfWFBase::WorkflowObject {

... // work item object definitions


}; Data Types and Specific Exceptions

The following data types and exceptions are specific to the Workflow Application Client module.


typedef string WMTDataReference;

typedef WMTName WMTWflParticipant;

typedef sequence<WMTWflParticipant> WMTWflParticipants;


exception NotConnected();

exception ConnectFailed( CfWFBase::WMTErrorCode);

exception InvalidId();

A WMTDataReference provides information on data associated with a workflow object; WMTWflParticipant provides info on workflow participants. Interpretation of the contents of these slots is left to the Workflow Application Client.

The exceptions defined here deal with poblems related to management of the connection to the Enactment Service. Workflow Application Client Server Interface

The Workflow ApplicationClientServer interface handles the connection of a particular workflow user to an Enactment Service and provides access oto the workflow objects accessible through this Enactment Service.

The connect operation initializes the ApplicationClientServer; the context of the connection is defined by the engineName and the scope. The ConnectFailed excpetion is raised when a connection could not be established. The disconnect operation serves as a destructor for the ApplicationClientServer.

Access to the workflow objects accessible through the connection is supported by providing factory methods for interfaces managing access to lists of workflow objects: the Open...sList operation take a filter as their first argument (see the CfWFBase module descritpion for details), the countFlag parameter indicates whether the number of elements in the query result should be returned. A NotConnected exception is raised when no connection was established. The query results are bound to a connection and are invalidated when the connection is terminated.

Operations are provided to get a ProcessInstance, ActivityInstance or WorkItem object via its identifier.

interface ApplicationClientServer {

attribute CfWFBase :: WMTName engineName;

attribute CfWFBase :: WMTName scope;

void connect(

in CfWFBase :: WMTName userId,

in string password)

raises (ConnectFailed);

void disconnect()

raises (NotConnected);

ProcessDefinitionList openProcessDefinitionsList(

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in boolean countFlag)

raises (InvalidFilter, NotConnected);

ProcessInstanceList openProcessInstancesList (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in boolean countFlag)

raises (InvalidFilter, NotConnected);

ActivityInstanceList openActivityInstancesList (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in boolean countFlag)

raises (InvalidFilter, NotConnected);

WorkList openWorkList (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in boolean countFlag)

raises (InvalidFilter, NotConnected);

ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(

in CfWFBase :: WMTId processInstanceId)

raises (InvalidId);

ActivityInstance getActivityInstance(

in CfWFBase :: WMTId processInstanceId,

in CfWFBase :: WMTId activityInstanceId)

raises (InvalidId);

Workitem getWorkitem(

in CfWFBase :: WMTId processInstanceId,

in CfWFBase :: WMTId workItemId)

raises (InvalidId);

}; Process Definition Interface

The Process Definition interface provides factory operation for Process Instances and supports Process Management operations on workflow objects related to the Process Definition: change of State and change of a specific Attribute's value for all members of a filtered set of Process Instances and Activity Instances.

The ProcessDefinition interface inherits attributes and operations from WorkflowObject.

interface ProcessDefinition : CfWFBase :: WorkflowObject {

ProcessInstance createProcessInstance (

in CfWFBase :: WMTName instanceName)

raises (NotConnected);

void changeProcessInstancesState (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in CfWFBase :: WMTState newState)

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed InvalidState);

void abortProcessInstances (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter)

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

void terminateProcessInstances (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter )

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

void assignProcessInstancesAttribute (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in CfWFBase :: Attribute attribute)

raises (NotConnected, InvalidFilter, InvalidAttribute, AttributeAssignmentFailed);

void changeActivityInstancesState (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in CfWFBase :: WMTState newState)

raises (NotConnected, InvalidFilter, TransitionNotAllowed, InvalidState);

void assignActivityInstancesAttribute (

in CfWFBase :: Filter filter,

in CfWFBase :: Attribute attribute)

raises (NotConnected, InvalidFilter, InvalidAttribute, AttributeAssignmentFailed);

}; Process Instance Interface

The ProcessInstance interface provides operations to access and modify the state and the attributes of a Process Instance object.

State changes can be performed using the start, terminate or abort operations. Additional state transitions may be supported by an EnactmentService(see the WorkflowObject :: changeState() operation described above). The getParentProcessDefinition operation returns the ProcessDefinition object that was used to create the specific ProcessInstance. The listAssignedParticipants operation provides the list of workflow Participants associated to the Process Instance. The ProcessInstance interface inherits attributes and operations from WorkflowObject. All operations require an active connection to the Enactment Service.

interface ProcessInstance : CfWFBase :: WorkflowObject{

attribute CfWFBase :: WMTDataRef dataReference;

attribute long priority;

ProcessDefinition getParentProcessDefinition ();

void start ()

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

void terminate();

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

void abort();

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

CfWFBase :: WMTWflParticipants listAssignedParticipants ()

raises (NotConnected);

}; Activity Instance Interface

The Activity Instance interface provides operations to access and modify the attributes and the state of an ActivityInstance object.

The getParentProcessInstance operation returns the ProcessInstance object that owns the specific ActivityInstance. The listAssignedParticipants operation provides the list of workflow Participants associated to the Activity Instance. The ActivityInstance interface inherits attributes and operations from WorkflowObject. All operations require an active connection to the Enactment Service.

interface ActivityInstance : CfWFBase :: WorkflowObject {

attribute CfWFBase :: WMTDataRef dataReference;

attribute long priority;

ProcessInstance getParentProcessInstance ();

CfWFBase :: WMTWflParticipants listAssignedParticipants ()

raises (NotConnected);

}; Work Item Interface

The WorkItem interface provides operations to access and modify the attributes and the state of a WorkItem object.

The get- and completeWorkitem operations change the State of a WorkItem. getAssignedParticipant returns the workflow participant currently assigned to the work item; reassignWorkItem assigns it to another participant.

interface WorkItem : CfWFBase :: WorkflowObject {

attribute CfWFBase :: WMTDataRef dataReference;

attribute long priority;

ProcessInstance getParentProcessInstance ();

ActivityInstance getParentActivityInstance ();

void reassign (

in CfWFBase::WMTWflParticipant sourceUser,

in CfWFBase::WMTWflParticipant targetUser)

raises (NotConnected, InvalidSourceUser, InvalidTargetUser);

void get ()

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

void complete()

raises (NotConnected, TransitionNotAllowed);

CfWFBase :: WMTWflParticipant getAssignedParticipant()

raises (NotConnected);

}; Filtered List Processing

The following interfaces provide iterators for results returned from filtered list requests; see the section on Attributes for a description of the iterator functions.

typedef sequence<ProcessInstance> ProcessInstances;

typedef sequence<Activitynstance> ActivityInstances;

typedef sequence<WorkItem> WorkItems;

interface ProcessDefinitionList {

attribute long count;

ProcessDefinition fetchProcessDefinition()

raises (NoMoreData);

ProcessDefinitions fetchProcessDefinitions(

in unsigned long howMany)

raises (NoMoreData);


interface ProcessInstanceList {

attribute long count;

ProcessInstance fetchProcessInstance()

raises (NoMoreData);

ProcessInstances fetchProcessInstances(

in unsigned long howMany)

raises (NoMoreData);


interface ActivityInstanceList {

attribute long count;

ActivityInstance fetchActivityInstance()

raises (NoMoreData);

ActivityInstances fetchActivityInstances(

in unsigned long howMany);

raises (NoMoreData);


interface WorkList {

attribute long count;

WorkItem fetchWorkItem()

raises (NoMoreData);

WorkItem fetchWorkItems(

in unsigned long howMany);

raises (NoMoreData);
