1. Introduction
    1. Purpose
    2. Overview
    3. Workflow Definition Management
    4. Goals
    5. Reference Documents
    6. History of this Document
    7. Conformance
  2. Handles, Entities, Attributes, and Lists
    1. Handles
    2. Entities
    3. Attributes
    4. Lists
    5. Generic Commands
    6. Workflow Specific Commands
  3. API Commands (Alphabetical)
        1. Append_Item
        2. Create_Entity
        3. Clear_List
        4. Close_Workflow_Definition
        5. Connect
        6. Delete_Entity
        7. Disconnect
        8. Free_Handle
        9. Free_List
        10. Get_Attribute
        11. Get_Directory_List
        12. Get_Handle
        13. Get_List
        14. Get_Next_Item
        15. New_List
        16. Open_Workflow_Definition
        17. Remove_Item
        18. Seek_List
        19. Set_Attribute
        20. Set_List
  4. C Language Version API
  5. Standard Entity Classes and Attributes
        1. All Entities
        2. Session Handle
        3. Workflow Directory Item
    1. Exact Name
        1. Workflow Definition Entity
  6. Level B Required Entities
    1. Minimal Vendor Strategy
  7. Level C Required Entities
        1. Format Entity
        2. Class_Definition Entity
        3. Attribute_Definition Entity