;;; ;;; TF for the EUSAT Satellite Control Problem ;;; ------------------------------------------ ;;; ;;; RBK 9-Dec-91 : Adjusted to load into O-Plan2. ;;; BD 8-Jan-92 : Adjusted to be a correct version of the application. ;;; RBK 9-Jan-92 : Moved begin_of keywords into contrib list for supervised ;;; conditions; ;;; BD 7-May-92 : Moved to ~oplan2/release/demonstrations/tf as base file ;;; for release ;;; BD 14-May-92 : Functional relationships and new switch connecting ;;; schema added to reduce the search space traversed ;;; BAT 10-Jul-92 : Debugging performed ;;; BAT 29-Mar-94 : Comments added ;;; BAT 5-Jul-94 : spelling mistakes corrected (swicth -> switch twice) ;;; : schema Receive_Message, last supervised from 3 mot 2 types data_device = (nav_mag sun_sensor horizon_sensor space_dust digitalker CCD p_w telemetry transmitter), storage_device = (DSR DCE ground_buffer), antenna = (antenna_70cm antenna_2m), line = (line0 line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6 line7 line8 line9 line10 line11 line12 line13 line14 line15 line16 antenna_2m antenna_70cm ground_buffer), switch = (switch1 switch2 switch3 switch4 switch5 switch6); ;;; ;;; World statements can be: ;;; {contents } = ;;; {mode } = ;;; {status } = ;;; ;;; It is assumed that the ground_buffer is an "infinite" storage device ;;; and that any amount of data can be transferred to it, so long as the ;;; mode and status are set correctly. ;;; ;;; This TF assumes a "tidy" arrangement, whereby someone who alters a mode, ;;; changes it back again. ;;; ;;; ;;; Always defines statements which can never be undone by action effects ;;; always {switch_input_can_be switch1 line0}, {switch_input_can_be switch1 line1}, {switch_input_can_be switch1 line2}, {switch_input_can_be switch1 line3}, {switch_input_can_be switch1 line4}, {switch_output_can_be switch1 line5}, {switch_input_can_be switch2 line5}, {switch_output_can_be switch2 line6}, {switch_output_can_be switch2 line7}, {switch_input_can_be switch3 line7}, {switch_input_can_be switch3 line8}, {switch_input_can_be switch3 line9}, {switch_output_can_be switch3 line10}, {switch_input_can_be switch4 line6}, {switch_input_can_be switch4 line12}, {switch_input_can_be switch4 line13}, {switch_input_can_be switch4 line15}, {switch_output_can_be switch4 line16}, {switch_input_can_be switch5 line16}, {switch_output_can_be switch5 antenna_70cm}, {switch_output_can_be switch5 antenna_2m}, {switch_input_can_be switch6 antenna_70cm}, {switch_input_can_be switch6 antenna_2m}, {switch_output_can_be switch6 ground_buffer}; task mission_objectives_1; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {monitor_spacecraft_health}, 4 action {capture CCD}, 5 action {capture p_w}, 6 action {capture space_dust}, 7 action {DCE_communicate}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7, 7 ---> 2; effects {contents DSR} = empty at 1, {contents DCE} = empty at 1, {contents ground_buffer} = empty at 1, {mode DSR} = read at 1, {mode DCE} = read at 1, {mode ground_buffer} = read at 1, {status nav_mag} = off at 1, {status sun_sensor} = off at 1, {status horizon_sensor} = off at 1, {status space_dust} = off at 1, {status telemetry} = off at 1, {status digitalker} = off at 1, {status CCD} = off at 1, {status p_w} = off at 1, {status transmitter} = off at 1, {input switch1} = line0 at 1, {output switch1} = line5 at 1, {input switch2} = line5 at 1, {output switch2} = line7 at 1, {input switch3} = line7 at 1, {output switch3} = line10 at 1, {input switch4} = line13 at 1, {output switch4} = line16 at 1, {input switch5} = line16 at 1, {output switch5} = antenna_70cm at 1, {input switch6} = antenna_70cm at 1, {output switch6} = ground_buffer at 1; end_task; task mission_objectives_2; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {monitor_spacecraft_health}, 4 action {capture CCD}, 5 action {capture p_w}, 6 action {capture space_dust}, 7 action {DCE_communicate}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 1 ---> 4, 1 ---> 5, 1 ---> 6, 1 ---> 7, 3 ---> 2, 4 ---> 2, 5 ---> 2, 6 ---> 2, 7 ---> 2; effects {contents DSR} = empty at 1, {contents DCE} = empty at 1, {contents ground_buffer} = empty at 1, {mode DSR} = read at 1, {mode DCE} = read at 1, {mode ground_buffer} = read at 1, {status nav_mag} = off at 1, {status sun_sensor} = off at 1, {status horizon_sensor} = off at 1, {status space_dust} = off at 1, {status telemetry} = off at 1, {status digitalker} = off at 1, {status CCD} = off at 1, {status p_w} = off at 1, {status transmitter} = off at 1, {input switch1} = line0 at 1, {output switch1} = line5 at 1, {input switch2} = line5 at 1, {output switch2} = line7 at 1, {input switch3} = line7 at 1, {output switch3} = line10 at 1, {input switch4} = line13 at 1, {output switch4} = line16 at 1, {input switch5} = line16 at 1, {output switch5} = antenna_70cm at 1, {input switch6} = antenna_70cm at 1, {output switch6} = ground_buffer at 1; end_task; schema Capture; ;;;------------ vars ?data_device = ?{type data_device}; expands {capture ?data_device}; nodes 1 action {load_DSR ?data_device}, 2 action {dump_DSR ?data_device}; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions supervised {contents DSR} = ?data_device at 2 from [1]; end_schema; schema Load_DSR_CCD; ;;;----------------- expands {load_DSR CCD}; nodes 1 action {connect switch3 line8 line10}, 2 action {set_to DSR write}, 3 action {turn_on CCD}, 4 action {fill_up DSR CCD}, 5 action {turn_off CCD}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5; conditions supervised {input switch3} = line8 at end_of 4 from [1], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 4 from [1], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 4 from [2], supervised {status CCD} = on at end_of 4 from [3]; end_schema; schema Load_DSR_p_w; ;;;----------------- expands {load_DSR p_w}; nodes 1 action {connect switch3 line9 line10}, 2 action {set_to DSR write}, 3 action {turn_on p_w}, 4 action {fill_up DSR p_w}, 5 action {turn_off p_w}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5; conditions supervised {input switch3} = line9 at end_of 4 from [1], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 4 from [1], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 4 from [2], supervised {status p_w} = on at end_of 4 from [3]; end_schema; schema Load_DSR_Nav_Mag; ;;;--------------------- expands {load_DSR nav_mag}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line0 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line7}, 3 action {connect switch3 line7 line10}, 4 action {set_to DSR write}, 5 action {turn_on nav_mag}, 6 action {fill_up DSR nav_mag}, 7 action {turn_off nav_mag}; orderings 1 ---> 5, 2 ---> 5, 3 ---> 5, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line0 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line7 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {input switch3} = line7 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 6 from [4], supervised {status nav_mag} = on at end_of 6 from [5]; end_schema; ;;; may also go directly via line0 -> line6 -> line 16 and an antenna to ground schema Load_DSR_Sun_Sensor; ;;;------------------------ expands {load_DSR sun_sensor}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line1 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line7}, 3 action {connect switch3 line7 line10}, 4 action {set_to DSR write}, 5 action {turn_on sun_sensor}, 6 action {fill_up DSR sun_sensor}, 7 action {turn_off sun_sensor}; orderings 1 ---> 5, 2 ---> 5, 3 ---> 5, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line1 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line7 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {input switch3} = line7 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 6 from [4], supervised {status sun_sensor} = on at end_of 6 from [5]; end_schema; ;;; may also go directly via line1 -> line6 -> line 16 and an antenna to ground schema Load_DSR_Horizon_Sensor; ;;;---------------------------- expands {load_DSR horizon_sensor}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line2 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line7}, 3 action {connect switch3 line7 line10}, 4 action {set_to DSR write}, 5 action {turn_on horizon_sensor}, 6 action {fill_up DSR horizon_sensor}, 7 action {turn_off horizon_sensor}; orderings 1 ---> 5, 2 ---> 5, 3 ---> 5, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line2 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line7 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {input switch3} = line7 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 6 from [4], supervised {status horizon_sensor} = on at end_of 6 from [5]; end_schema; ;;; may also go directly via line2 -> line6 -> line 16 and an antenna to ground schema Load_DSR_Space_Dust; ;;;------------------------ expands {load_DSR space_dust}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line3 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line7}, 3 action {connect switch3 line7 line10}, 4 action {set_to DSR write}, 5 action {turn_on space_dust}, 6 action {fill_up DSR space_dust}, 7 action {turn_off space_dust}; orderings 1 ---> 5, 2 ---> 5, 3 ---> 5, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line3 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line7 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {input switch3} = line7 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 6 from [4], supervised {status space_dust} = on at end_of 6 from [5]; end_schema; ;;; may also go directly via line3 -> line6 -> line 16 and an antenna to ground schema Load_DSR_Digitalker; ;;;------------------------ expands {load_DSR digitalker}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line4 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line7}, 3 action {connect switch3 line7 line10}, 4 action {set_to DSR write}, 5 action {turn_on digitalker}, 6 action {fill_up DSR digitalker}, 7 action {turn_off digitalker}; orderings 1 ---> 5, 2 ---> 5, 3 ---> 5, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line4 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at end_of 6 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line7 at end_of 6 from [1], supervised {input switch3} = line7 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {output switch3} = line10 at end_of 6 from [3], supervised {mode DSR} = write at end_of 6 from [4], supervised {status digitalker} = on at end_of 6 from [5]; end_schema; ;;; may also go directly via line4 -> line6 -> line 16 and an antenna to ground schema Dump_DSR; ;;;------------- vars ?data = ?{type data_device}; expands {dump_DSR ?data}; nodes 1 action {package_down antenna_70cm line12}, 2 action {set_to DSR read}, 3 action {read_from DSR ?data}, 4 action {fill_up ground_buffer ?data}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4; conditions supervised {input switch4} = line12 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch4} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch5} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch5} = antenna_70cm at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch6} = antenna_70cm at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch6} = ground_buffer at 4 from [1], supervised {mode ground_buffer} = write at 4 from [1], supervised {mode DSR} = read at end_of 3 from [2]; end_schema; schema Monitor_Spacecraft_Health; ;;;------------------------------ expands {monitor_spacecraft_health}; nodes 1 action {package_down antenna_70cm line13}, 2 action {turn_on telemetry}, 3 action {fill_up ground_buffer telemetry}, 4 action {turn_off telemetry}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4; conditions supervised {input switch4} = line13 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch4} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch5} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch5} = antenna_70cm at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch6} = antenna_70cm at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch6} = ground_buffer at 4 from [1], supervised {mode ground_buffer} = write at 4 from [1], supervised {status telemetry} = on at 4 from [2]; end_schema; schema DCE_Communicate; ;;;-------------------- expands {DCE_communicate}; nodes 1 action {receive_message}, 2 action {transmit_message}; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions supervised {contents DCE} = message at 2 from [1]; end_schema; schema Receive_Message; ;;;-------------------- expands {receive_message}; nodes 1 action {set_to DCE write}, 2 action {set_to ground_buffer read}, 3 action {turn_on transmitter}, 4 action {read_from ground_buffer message}, 5 action {fill_up DCE message}, 6 action {turn_off transmitter}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6; conditions supervised {mode DCE} = write at 5 from [1], supervised {mode ground_buffer} = read at 5 from [2], supervised {status transmitter} = on at 5 from [3]; end_schema; schema Transmit_Message; ;;;--------------------- expands {transmit_message}; nodes 1 action {package_down antenna_70cm line15}, 2 action {set_to DCE read}, 3 action {read_from DCE message}, 4 action {fill_up ground_buffer message}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4; conditions supervised {input switch4} = line15 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch4} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch5} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch5} = antenna_70cm at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch6} = antenna_70cm at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch6} = ground_buffer at 4 from [1], supervised {mode ground_buffer} = write at 4 from [1], supervised {mode DCE} = read at 4 from [2]; end_schema; schema Capture_Nav_Mag; ;;;-------------------- expands {capture nav_mag}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line0 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line6}, 3 action {data_dump antenna_70cm nav_mag}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line0 at 3 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at 3 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at 3 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line6 at 3 from [2]; end_schema; schema Capture_Sun_Sensor; ;;;----------------------- expands {capture sun_sensor}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line1 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line6}, 3 action {data_dump antenna_70cm sun_sensor}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line1 at 3 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at 3 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at 3 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line6 at 3 from [2]; end_schema; schema Capture_Horizon_Sensor; ;;;--------------------------- expands {capture sun_sensor}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line2 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line6}, 3 action {data_dump antenna_70cm horizon_sensor}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line2 at 3 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at 3 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at 3 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line6 at 3 from [2]; end_schema; schema Capture_Space_Dust; ;;;----------------------- expands {capture space_dust}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line3 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line6}, 3 action {data_dump antenna_70cm space_dust}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line3 at 3 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at 3 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at 3 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line6 at 3 from [2]; end_schema; schema Capture_Digitalker; ;;;----------------------- expands {capture digitalker}; nodes 1 action {connect switch1 line4 line5}, 2 action {connect switch2 line5 line6}, 3 action {data_dump antenna_2m digitalker}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 2 ---> 3; conditions supervised {input switch1} = line4 at 3 from [1], supervised {output switch1} = line5 at 3 from [1], supervised {input switch2} = line5 at 3 from [2], supervised {output switch2} = line6 at 3 from [2]; end_schema; schema Data_Dump; ;;;-------------- vars ?antenna = ?{type antenna}, ?device = ?{type data_device}; expands {data_dump ?antenna ?device}; nodes 1 action {package_down ?antenna line6}, 2 action {turn_on ?device}, 3 action {fill_up ground_buffer ?device}, 4 action {turn_off ?device}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4; conditions supervised {input switch4} = line6 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch4} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch5} = line16 at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch5} = ?antenna at 4 from [1], supervised {input switch6} = ?antenna at 4 from [1], supervised {output switch6} = ground_buffer at 4 from [1], supervised {mode ground_buffer} = write at 4 from [1], supervised {status ?device} = on at 4 from [2]; end_schema; schema Package_Down; ;;;----------------- vars ?antenna = ?{type antenna}, ?line = ?{type line}; expands {package_down ?antenna ?line}; nodes 1 action {connect switch4 ?line line16}, 2 action {connect switch5 line16 ?antenna}, 3 action {connect switch6 ?antenna ground_buffer}, 4 action {set_to ground_buffer write}; ;;; no orderings end_schema; schema Turn_On; ;;;------------ vars ?data_device = ?{type data_device}; expands {turn_on ?data_device}; only_use_for_effects {status ?data_device} = on; conditions unsupervised {status ?data_device} = off; end_schema; schema Turn_Off; ;;;------------- vars ?data_device = ?{type data_device}; expands {turn_off ?data_device}; only_use_for_effects {status ?data_device} = off; conditions unsupervised {status ?data_device} = on; end_schema; schema Fill_Up_Ground; ;;;------------------- vars ?data = ?{not empty}; expands {fill_up ground_buffer ?data}; only_use_for_effects {contents ground_buffer} = ?data; conditions unsupervised {mode ground_buffer} = write; end_schema; schema Fill_Up_On_Board; ;;;--------------------- vars ?storage_device = ?{and ?{type storage_device} ?{not ground_buffer}}, ?data = ?{not empty}; expands {fill_up ?storage_device ?data}; only_use_for_effects {contents ?storage_device} = ?data; conditions unsupervised {contents ?storage_device} = empty, unsupervised {mode ?storage_device} = write; end_schema; schema Read_From_Ground; ;;;--------------------- vars ?data = ?{not empty}; expands {read_from ground_buffer ?data}; only_use_for_effects {contents ground_buffer} = empty; ;;; should not be used for effect - only for expands ;;; ?data is assumed to be available at any time conditions unsupervised {mode ground_buffer} = read; end_schema; schema Read_From_On_Board; ;;;----------------------- vars ?storage_device = ?{and ?{type storage_device} ?{not ground_buffer}}, ?data = ?{not empty}; expands {read_from ?storage_device ?data}; conditions unsupervised {mode ?storage_device} = read; effects {contents ?storage_device} = empty; end_schema; schema Set_To_Write_Ground; ;;;------------------------ expands {set_to ground_buffer write}; only_use_for_effects {mode ground_buffer} = write; end_schema; schema Set_To_Write_On_Board; ;;;-------------------------- vars ?storage_device = ?{and ?{type storage_device} ?{not ground_buffer}}; expands {set_to ?storage_device write}; only_use_for_effects {mode ?storage_device} = write; conditions unsupervised {contents ?storage_device} = empty, unsupervised {mode ?storage_device} = read; end_schema; schema Set_To_Read_Ground; ;;;----------------------- expands {set_to ground_buffer read}; only_use_for_effects {mode ground_buffer} = read; end_schema; schema Set_To_Read_On_Board; ;;;------------------------- vars ?storage_device = ?{and ?{type storage_device} ?{not ground_buffer}}; expands {set_to ?storage_device read}; only_use_for_effects {mode ?storage_device} = read; conditions unsupervised {mode ?storage_device} = write; end_schema; ;;; ;;; The following schema is used to connect a pathway across the satellite ;;; through the switches. The representation of "connectedness" hopefully ;;; cuts down the amount of search required. ;;; schema Connected_One_Switch; ;;;------------------------ ;;; ;;; Primitive for one step connect ;;; vars ?x = ?{and ?{type line} ?{bound}}, ?y = ?{and ?{type line} ?{bound}}, ?sw = ?{type switch}; expands {connect ?sw ?x ?y}; only_use_for_effects {input ?sw} = ?x, {output ?sw} = ?y; conditions only_use_for_query {switch_input_can_be ?sw ?x}, only_use_for_query {switch_output_can_be ?sw ?y}; ;;; note these two should be able to be only_use_if when more ;;; flexible handling is allowed by the O-Plan2 implementation end_schema;