;;; Single schema block stacking domain for O-Plan2 ;;; ;;; BAT 5-Jan-90: Initially created. ;;; BD 12-May-92: Validated as adhering to new TF syntax. ;;; BAT 27-Jul-92: Task schemas made regular. ;;; BAT 30-Apr-93: Comments added. ;;; BAT 25-Jul-12: Typo on breadth corrected. ;;; ;;; ;;; give conditions and effects at same end of a node so they are instantaneous ;;; defaults condition_node_end = begin_of, condition_contributor_node_end = begin_of, effect_node_end = begin_of; ;;; ;;; Always defines statements which can never be refuted by action effects ;;; always {cleartop table}; ;;; ;;; Objects in the world. ;;; types objects = (a b c table), movable_objects = (a b c); ;;; ;;; The single schema can be used in many ways ;;; This differs from the tailored schemas which can only be used ;;; in defined ways in the blocks_2.tf domain ;;; schema puton; vars ?x = ?{type movable_objects}, ?y = ?{type objects}, ?z = ?{type objects}; vars_relations ?x /= ?y, ?y /= ?z, ?x /= ?z; expands {puton ?x ?y}; ;;; the actual action name only_use_for_effects {on ?x ?y} = true, {cleartop ?y} = false, ;;; satisfy conditions in plan {on ?x ?z} = false, {cleartop ?z} = true; conditions only_use_for_query {on ?x ?z}, ;;; used to bind one or ;;; more free variables achieve {cleartop ?x}, ;;; conditions have value true achieve {cleartop ?y}; end_schema; ;;; ;;; The above schema is intended to be a reasonable definition for many tasks. ;;; Note that the only_use_for_query condition type places a restriction on ;;; the ways in which the schema can be used. This certainly limits the ;;; plans that can be generated. To allow for any possible plan to be ;;; generated, including ones with redundant actions, it is necessary to ;;; employ the most general condition type, achieve. Such a replacement will ;;; allow for very large search spaces in which plans for many problems may ;;; not be found in any reasonable time. ;;; ;;; Problem 1 - the Sussman Anomaly ;;; +---+ ;;; | A | ;;; +---+ +---+ ;;; | C | ---------> | B | ;;; +---+ +---+ +---+ ;;; | A | | B | | C | ;;; -----+---+--+---+----- -----+---+----- ;;; TABLE task stack_ABC; nodes 1 start, 2 finish; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions achieve {on a b} at 2, achieve {on b c} at 2; effects {on c a} at 1, {on a table} at 1, {on b table} at 1, {cleartop c} at 1, {cleartop b} at 1; end_task; ;;; Problem 2 ;;; +---+ ;;; | A | ;;; +---+ +---+ ;;; | A | ---------> | B | ;;; +---+ +---+ +---+ ;;; | B | | C | | C | ;;; -----+---+--+---+----- -----+---+----- ;;; TABLE ;;; ;;; This task performs poorly with a search alternatives selector ;;; which is breadth orientated. Try a depth orientated selector ;;; by using the DM Developer's Menu Break-in option and typing in ;;; the following evaluation function (see O-Plan2 Demonstration Guide): ;;; (defun atm-alt-rating-fn (alt) 100 ) task stack_ABC_2; nodes 1 start, 2 finish; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions achieve {on a b} = true at 2, achieve {on b c} = true at 2; effects {on a b} at 1, {on c table} at 1, {on b table} at 1, {cleartop c} at 1, {cleartop a} at 1; end_task; ;;; Problem 3 ;;; +---+ ;;; | C | ;;; +---+ +---+ ;;; | C | ---------> | B | ;;; +---+ +---+ +---+ ;;; | A | | B | | A | ;;; -----+---+--+---+----- -----+---+----- ;;; TABLE task stack_CBA; nodes 1 start, 2 finish; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions achieve {on c b} = true at 2, achieve {on b a} = true at 2; effects {on c a} at 1, {on a table} at 1, {on b table} at 1, {cleartop c} at 1, {cleartop b} at 1; end_task; ;;; Problem 4 ;;; +---+ ;;; | B | ;;; +---+ +---+ ;;; | C | ---------> | A | ;;; +---+ +---+ +---+ ;;; | A | | B | | C | ;;; -----+---+--+---+----- -----+---+----- ;;; TABLE task stack_BAC; nodes 1 start, 2 finish; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions achieve {on b a} = true at 2, achieve {on a c} = true at 2; effects {on c a} at 1, {on a table} at 1, {on b table} at 1, {cleartop c} at 1, {cleartop b} at 1; end_task;