;;; File: pacifica-3.tf ;;; ;;; Purpose: PRECiS NEO (Non-combatant Evacuation Operations) Scenario. ;;; Domain description for transportation logistics problems. ;;; ;;; Concept: Glen A. Reece (DAI, Edinburgh) and Austin Tate (AIAI) ;;; 12th December 1992. ;;; ;;; Created: Brian Drabble and Jeff Dalton: 20th September 1994 ;;; ;;; This file contains the TF which forms the second year demonstration of ;;; the O-Plan project. The aim of the project is to show the benefits of ;;; having a rich model of resources in an activity planner, The type ;;; of resources in the O-Plan resource hierarchy which are handled in the ;;; demonstration are as follows ;;; ;;; 1. consumable-strictly: ;;; Aviation and diesel fuel in the tanks at Delta and the evacuees ;;; at Abyss, Barnacle and Calypso. ;;; ;;; 2. consumable-producible-by-agent: ;;; Aviation fuel brought by the KC-10 Tanker aircraft from Honolulu ;;; when it is there is insufficient fuel at Delta to refuel the ;;; B707 passenger aircraft prior to departure ;;; ;;; 3. consumable-producible-by-outwith-agent: ;;; This resource is not handled as expected due to the version 2.2 ;;; not having the required event handling ability ;;; ;;; 4. resusable-nonsharable: ;;; The ground transports, helicopters, C5, C141, KC-10 and B707. ;;; ;;; 5. resusable-sharable-independently: ;;; The taxi ways at both Honolulu and Delta airbases. ;;; ;;; 6. reusable-sharable-synchronoulsy: ;;; The runways at both Honolulu and Delta airbases ;;; ;;; A City contains a particular numbers of people to be evacuated. ;;; GTs and ATshave a capacity, so more than one trip to a city may be ;;; needed.The number still to be moved is tracked using techniques ;;; developed for the Missionaries and Cannibals problem. The M&C approach ;;; avoids uncertainty about the numbers (i.e. avoids PSVs). ;;; ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Domain Fact and Type Definitions types ;;; ;;; Transport Assets ;;; ground_transport = (GT1 GT2), helicopter = (AT1), air_transporter_cargo = (C5 C141), air_transporter_evacuees = (B707), air_fuel_transporter = (KC10), runway_status = (clear in_use), cargo_types = (passengers ground_transports air_transports), ;;; ;;; Geograpghic Information ;;; country = (Pacifica Hawaii_USA), location = (Abyss Barnacle Calypso Delta Honolulu), city = (Abyss Barnacle Calypso Delta), air_base = (Delta Honolulu), transport_use = (in_transit available Abyss Barnacle Calypso Delta); ;;; ;;; resource information ;;; ;;; resource_units gallons = count; resource_types consumable_strictly {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = gallons, consumable_strictly {resource diesel_fuel_delta_tank2} = gallons, consumable_strictly {resource aviation_fuel_KC10_tank1} = gallons; always {avgas_fuel_required Abyss Delta 140}, {avgas_fuel_required Barnacle Delta 160}, {avgas_fuel_required Calypso Delta 180}, {diesel_fuel_required Abyss Delta 40}, {diesel_fuel_required Barnacle Delta 60}, {diesel_fuel_required Calypso Delta 80}, {country Abyss} = Pacifica, {country Barnacle} = Pacifica, {country Calypso} = Pacifica, {country Delta} = Pacifica, {country Honolulu} = Hawaii_USA; initially ;;; {evac_status } = {<# left at city> <# safe at evac pt>} {evac_status Abyss} = { 50 0}, {evac_status Barnacle} = {100 0}, {evac_status Calypso} = { 20 0}, {evacuate_to Delta}; ;;; the evacuation point in Pacifica ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Task Definitions ;;; Task Operation_Columbus evacuates prople from Abyss, Barnacle and ;;; Calypso to Delta. task Operation_Columbus; nodes sequential 1 start, parallel 3 action {transport_ground_transports Honolulu Delta}, 4 action {transport_helicopters Honolulu Delta} end_parallel, parallel 5 action {evacuate Abyss 50}, 6 action {evacuate Barnacle 100}, 7 action {evacuate Calypso 20} end_parallel, parallel 8 action {fly_passengers Delta Honolulu}, 9 action {transport_ground_transports Delta Honolulu}, 10 action {transport_helicopters Delta Honolulu} end_parallel, 2 finish end_sequential; effects {location_gt GT1} = Honolulu at 1, {location_gt GT2} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for GT1} = in_transit at 1, {in_use_for GT2} = in_transit at 1, {location_at AT1} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for AT1} = in_transit at 1, {apportioned_forces GT} at 1, {apportioned_forces AT} at 1, {at C141} = Honolulu at 1, {at C5} = Honolulu at 1, {at KC10} = Honolulu at 1, {at B707} = Delta at 1, {runway_status_at Delta} = clear at 1, {runway_status_at Honolulu} = clear at 1, {gt_capacity 25} at 1, {at_capacity 35} at 1; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = 0 .. 15000 gallons overall, consumes {resource aviation_fuel_KC10_tank1} = 0 .. 30000 gallons overall, consumes {resource diesel_fuel_delta_tank2} = 0 .. 8000 gallons overall; end_task; task Operation_Columbus_Mixed_Transports; nodes sequential 1 start, parallel 3 action {transport_ground_transports Honolulu Delta}, 4 action {transport_helicopters Honolulu Delta} end_parallel, parallel 5 action {evacuate Abyss 50}, 6 action {evacuate Barnacle 100}, 7 action {evacuate Calypso 20} end_parallel, parallel 8 action {fly_passengers Delta Honolulu}, 9 action {transport_ground_transports Delta Honolulu}, 10 action {transport_helicopters Delta Honolulu} end_parallel, 2 finish end_sequential; effects {location_gt GT1} = Honolulu at 1, {location_gt GT2} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for GT1} = in_transit at 1, {in_use_for GT2} = in_transit at 1, {location_at AT1} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for AT1} = in_transit at 1, {apportioned_forces GT} at 1, {apportioned_forces AT} at 1, {at C141} = Honolulu at 1, {at C5} = Honolulu at 1, {at KC10} = Honolulu at 1, {at B707} = Delta at 1, {runway_status_at Delta} = clear at 1, {runway_status_at Honolulu} = clear at 1, {gt_capacity 25} at 1, {at_capacity 35} at 1; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = 0 .. 40000 gallons overall, consumes {resource aviation_fuel_KC10_tank1} = 0 .. 30000 gallons overall, consumes {resource diesel_fuel_delta_tank2} = 0 .. 8000 gallons overall; end_task; task Operation_Columbus_Ground_Transports_Only; nodes sequential 1 start, parallel 3 action {transport_ground_transports Honolulu Delta}, 4 action {transport_helicopters Honolulu Delta} end_parallel, parallel 5 action {evacuate Abyss 50}, 6 action {evacuate Barnacle 100}, 7 action {evacuate Calypso 20} end_parallel, parallel 8 action {fly_passengers Delta Honolulu}, 9 action {transport_ground_transports Delta Honolulu}, 10 action {transport_helicopters Delta Honolulu} end_parallel, 2 finish end_sequential; effects {location_gt GT1} = Honolulu at 1, {location_gt GT2} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for GT1} = in_transit at 1, {in_use_for GT2} = in_transit at 1, {location_at AT1} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for AT1} = in_transit at 1, {apportioned_forces GT} at 1, {at C141} = Honolulu at 1, {at C5} = Honolulu at 1, {at KC10} = Honolulu at 1, {at B707} = Delta at 1, {runway_status_at Delta} = clear at 1, {runway_status_at Honolulu} = clear at 1, {gt_capacity 25} at 1, {at_capacity 35} at 1; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = 0 .. 40000 gallons overall, consumes {resource aviation_fuel_KC10_tank1} = 0 .. 30000 gallons overall, consumes {resource diesel_fuel_delta_tank2} = 0 .. 8000 gallons overall; end_task; task Operation_Columbus_Helicopters_Only; nodes sequential 1 start, parallel 3 action {transport_ground_transports Honolulu Delta}, 4 action {transport_helicopters Honolulu Delta} end_parallel, parallel 5 action {evacuate Abyss 50}, 6 action {evacuate Barnacle 100}, 7 action {evacuate Calypso 20} end_parallel, parallel 8 action {fly_passengers Delta Honolulu}, 9 action {transport_ground_transports Delta Honolulu}, 10 action {transport_helicopters Delta Honolulu} end_parallel, 2 finish end_sequential; effects {location_gt GT1} = Honolulu at 1, {location_gt GT2} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for GT1} = in_transit at 1, {in_use_for GT2} = in_transit at 1, {location_at AT1} = Honolulu at 1, {in_use_for AT1} = in_transit at 1, {apportioned_forces AT} at 1, {at C141} = Honolulu at 1, {at C5} = Honolulu at 1, {at KC10} = Honolulu at 1, {at B707} = Delta at 1, {runway_status_at Delta} = clear at 1, {runway_status_at Honolulu} = clear at 1, {gt_capacity 25} at 1, {at_capacity 35} at 1; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = 0 .. 40000 gallons overall, consumes {resource aviation_fuel_KC10_tank1} = 0 .. 30000 gallons overall, consumes {resource diesel_fuel_delta_tank2} = 0 .. 8000 gallons overall; end_task; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Transportation and Counting Operators schema evacuate_City; vars ?city = ?{type city}, ?number = ?{satisfies numberp}; expands {evacuate ?city ?number}; conditions achieve {evac_status ?city} = {0 ?number}; end_schema; ;;; Road_transport Air Transport and people-counting ;;; Variables that refer to evac_status values are marked e_ for effect, ;;; c_ for condition. The schema must be invoked "for effects". ;;; All e_ variables must be bound by the time the schema is selected. ;;; The c_ values are then computed from the e_ values without ;;; introducing any PSVs. OTOH, ?gt does become a PSV. schema Road_Transport; vars ?from = ?{type city}, ?to = ?{type air_base}, ?gt = ?{type ground_transport}, ?e_left = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?e_safe = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?c_left = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?c_safe = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?capacity = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?take = ?{satisfies numberp}; only_use_for_effects {evac_status ?from} = {?e_left ?e_safe}; nodes 1 action {drive ?take in ?gt from ?from}, 2 dummy; conditions only_use_if {apportioned_forces GT}, only_use_if {evacuate_to ?to}, only_use_if {gt_capacity ?capacity}, compute {transport_step ?capacity ?e_left ?e_safe} = {?c_left ?c_safe}, compute {- ?e_safe ?c_safe} = ?take, achieve {evac_status ?from} = {?c_left ?c_safe} at 2, unsupervised {location_gt ?gt} = ?to at begin_of 1, unsupervised {in_use_for ?gt} = available at begin_of 1, supervised {in_use_for ?gt} = ?from at end_of 1 from begin_of 1; effects {in_use_for ?gt} = ?from at begin_of 1, {in_use_for ?gt} = available at end_of 1; end_schema; ;;; Variables that refer to evac_status values are marked e_ for effect, ;;; c_ for condition. The schema must be invoked "for effects". ;;; All e_ variables must be bound by the time the schema is selected. ;;; The c_ values are then computed from the e_ values without ;;; introducing any PSVs. OTOH, ?gt does become a PSV. schema Air_Transport; vars ?from = ?{type city}, ?to = ?{type air_base}, ?at = ?{type helicopter}, ?e_left = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?e_safe = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?c_left = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?c_safe = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?capacity = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?take = ?{satisfies numberp}; only_use_for_effects {evac_status ?from} = {?e_left ?e_safe}; nodes 1 action {fly ?take in ?at from ?from}, 2 dummy; conditions only_use_if {apportioned_forces AT}, only_use_if {evacuate_to ?to}, only_use_if {at_capacity ?capacity}, compute {transport_step ?capacity ?e_left ?e_safe} = {?c_left ?c_safe}, compute {- ?e_safe ?c_safe} = ?take, achieve {evac_status ?from} = {?c_left ?c_safe} at 2, unsupervised {location_at ?at} = ?to at begin_of 1, unsupervised {in_use_for ?at} = available at begin_of 1, supervised {in_use_for ?at} = ?from at end_of 1 from begin_of 1; effects {in_use_for ?at} = ?from at begin_of 1, {in_use_for ?at} = available at end_of 1; end_schema; ;;; Suppose we have oufe {evac_status A} = {0 100}, with capacity = 10. ;;; Well, we can do that if we can get {evac_status A} = {10 90}. So ;;; we'll post {10 90} as an achieve. The next road_transport activation ;;; will post {evac_status A} = {20 80} as an achieve, and so on until ;;; we reach {evac_status A} = {100 0} which is true initially. Each ;;; step from an oufe to the required achieve is computed by the ;;; transport_step function below. ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Transport and Passenger Movement Operators schema transport_ground_transports; ;;; ;;; This schema is used to provide ground transportation from ;;; one air base location to another air base location. This must take ;;; place by using a cargo plane to fly the nominated transportation ;;; vehicles from the source base to the destination base. ;;; ;;; fly all transport explictly from one base to another. No "forall" yet. ;;; vars ?FROM = ?{type air_base}, ?TO = ?{type air_base}; expands {transport_ground_transports ?FROM ?TO}; nodes 1 action {load ground_transports}, 2 action {take_off_from ?FROM}, 3 action {fly_to ?TO}, 4 action {land_at ?TO}, 5 action {unload ground_transports}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5; conditions achieve {at C5} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {location_gt GT1} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {location_gt GT2} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at begin_of 2, supervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at end_of 2 from begin_of 2, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at begin_of 4, supervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at end_of 4 from begin_of 4; effects {at C5} = ?TO at 5, {location_gt GT1} = ?TO at 5, {location_gt GT2} = ?TO at 5, {in_use_for GT1} = available at 5, {in_use_for GT2} = available at 5, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at begin_of 2, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at end_of 2, {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at begin_of 4, {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at end_of 4; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema transport_extra_fuel; ;;; ;;; This schema is used to provide air transportation of fuel from Honolulu ;;; to Delta. Planes transport explictly from one base to another. ;;; No "forall" yet. ;;; vars ?FROM = ?{type air_base}, ?TO = ?{type air_base}; expands {transport_fuel_reserves ?FROM ?TO}; nodes 1 action {take_off_from ?FROM}, 2 action {fly_to ?TO}, 3 action {land_at ?TO}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3; conditions achieve {at KC10} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at begin_of 1, supervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at end_of 1 from begin_of 1, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at begin_of 3, supervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at end_of 3 from begin_of 3; effects {at KC10} = ?TO, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at begin_of 1, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at end_of 1, {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at begin_of 3, {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at end_of 3; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema transport_helicopters; ;;; ;;; This schema is used to provide air transportation from ;;; one air base location to another air base location. This must take ;;; place by using a cargo plane to fly the nominated transportation ;;; helicopters from the source base to the destination base. ;;; ;;; fly all transport explictly from one base to another. No "forall" yet. ;;; ;;; vars ?FROM = ?{type air_base}, ?TO = ?{type air_base}; expands {transport_helicopters ?FROM ?TO}; nodes 1 action {load air_transports}, 2 action {take_off_from ?FROM}, 3 action {fly_to ?TO}, 4 action {land_at ?TO}, 5 action {unload air_transports}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5; conditions achieve {at C141} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {location_at AT1} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at begin_of 2, supervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at end_of 2 from begin_of 2, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at begin_of 4, supervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at end_of 4 from begin_of 4; effects {at C141} = ?TO, {location_at AT1} = ?TO at 5, {in_use_for AT1} = available at 5, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at begin_of 2, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at end_of 2, {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at begin_of 4, {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at end_of 4; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema fly_passengers; ;;; ;;; This schema transports the evacuees from the airport at Delta to ;;; Honolulu. The passenger transport needs 20,000 gallons of fuel for the ;;; journey which it obtains from the tanks at Delta. . ;;; The evacuees must be moved by passenger aircraft. ;;; vars ?TO = ?{type air_base}, ?FROM = ?{type air_base}; expands {fly_passengers ?FROM ?TO}; nodes 1 action {load passengers}, 2 action {take_off_from ?FROM}, 3 action {fly_to ?TO}, 4 action {land_at ?TO}, 5 action {unload passengers}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5; conditions unsupervised {at B707} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at begin_of 2, supervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at end_of 2 from begin_of 2, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at begin_of 4, supervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at end_of 4 from begin_of 4; effects {at B707} = ?TO at 5, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at begin_of 2, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at end_of 2, {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at begin_of 4, {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at end_of 4, {nationals out} = true at 5; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = 20000 gallons; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema fly_passengers_and_refuel_transporter; ;;; ;;; This schema transports the evacuees from the airport at Delta to ;;; Honolulu. The passenger transport needs 20,000 gallons of fuel for the ;;; journey which has to be brought from Honolulu in a KC-10 tanker transport. ;;; The evacuees must be moved by passenger aircraft. ;;; vars ?TO = ?{type air_base}, ?FROM = ?{type air_base}; expands {fly_passengers ?FROM ?TO}; nodes 1 action {load passengers}, 2 action {take_off_from ?FROM}, 3 action {fly_to ?TO}, 4 action {land_at ?TO}, 5 action {unload passengers}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5; conditions achieve {passenger_transporter_refuelled} at 2, unsupervised {at B707} = ?FROM at 1, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at begin_of 2, supervised {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at end_of 2 from begin_of 2, unsupervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at begin_of 4, supervised {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at end_of 4 from begin_of 4; effects {at B707} = ?TO at 5, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = in_use at begin_of 2, {runway_status_at ?FROM} = clear at end_of 2, {runway_status_at ?TO} = in_use at begin_of 4, {runway_status_at ?TO} = clear at end_of 4, {nationals out} = true at 5; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_KC10_tank1} = 20000 gallons; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema refuel_transporter; only_use_for_effects {passenger_transporter_refuelled}; nodes 1 action {transport_fuel_reserves Honolulu Delta}, 2 action {refuel_transporter}, 3 action {transport_fuel_reserves Delta Honolulu}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Primitive Level Schemas schema drive; vars ?from = ?{type city}, ?take = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?fuel_required = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?gt = ?{type ground_transport}; expands {drive ?take in ?gt from ?from}; conditions only_use_if {diesel_fuel_required ?from Delta ?fuel_required}; resources consumes {resource diesel_fuel_delta_tank2} = ?fuel_required gallons; time_windows duration self = 3 hours .. 4 hours; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema fly; vars ?from = ?{type city}, ?take = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?fuel_required = ?{satisfies numberp}, ?at = ?{type helicopter}; expands {fly ?take in ?at from ?from}; conditions only_use_if {avgas_fuel_required ?from Delta ?fuel_required}; resources consumes {resource aviation_fuel_delta_tank1} = ?fuel_required gallons; time_windows duration self = 3 hours .. 4 hours; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema load_cargo; vars ?cargo = ?{type cargo_types}; expands {load ?cargo}; effects {loaded ?cargo}; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema Add_fuel_to_transporter; expands {refuel_transporter}; effects {transporter_refuelled}; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema take_off_from_airbase; vars ?airbase = ?{type air_base}; expands {take_off_from ?airbase}; effects {taken_off_from ?airbase}; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema Fly_to_Airbase; vars ?airbase = ?{type air_base}; expands {fly_to ?airbase}; effects {in_transit_to ?airbase}; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema Land_at_airbase; vars ?airbase = ?{type air_base}; expands {land_at ?airbase}; effects {cargo_landed_at_airbase ?airbase}; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; schema Unload_cargo; vars ?cargo = ?{type cargo_types}; expands {unload ?cargo}; effects {unloaded ?cargo}; end_schema; ;;; ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Language Lisp Definitions language lisp; (defun transport_step (capacity e_left e_safe) ; -> (c_left c_safe) (let ((take (min e_safe capacity))) (list (+ e_left take) (- e_safe take)))) end_language; ;;; End