;;; House Building Domain - with time windows ;;; ;;; BAT 5-Dec-76: Nonlin TF. ;;; KWC 9-Sep-85: Converted to O-Plan1 TF. ;;; BD 12-May-92: Converted to O-Plan TF. ;;; BAT 20-Nov-92: Time Windows set, multiple kitchen options, ;;; ground_condition waiting added ;;; JD 30-Nov-92: Adjusted time windows. ;;; task build_house; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {build house}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 2; effects {ground_condition} = ready at 1; end_task; task build_house_to_time_0; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {build house}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 2; effects {ground_condition} = unsuitable at begin_of 1; time_windows duration 3 = 0..35 days; end_task; task build_house_to_time_1; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {build house}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 2; effects {ground_condition} = ready at begin_of 1; time_windows duration 3 = 0..30 days; end_task; task build_house_to_time_2; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {build house}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 2; effects {ground_condition} = ready at begin_of 1; time_windows 0~09:00 at begin_of 1, ;;; start day 0 at 09:00 35~09:00 at end_of 2; ;;; finish by day 35 at 09:00 end_task; schema build; expands {build house}; ;;; this expands the top level action nodes 1 action {excavate and pour footers }, ;;; some are primitive 2 action {pour concrete foundations }, 3 action {erect frame and roof }, 4 action {lay brickwork }, 5 action {finish roofing and flashing }, 6 action {fasten gutters and downspouts}, 7 action {finish grading }, 8 action {pour walks and landscape }, 9 action {install services }, ;;; some are not. 10 action {decorate }; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5, 5 ---> 6, 6 ---> 7, 7 ---> 8; ;;; actions 9 & 10 are not ordered wrt other actions - they are in parallel conditions supervised {footers poured } at 2 from [1], supervised {foundations laid } at 3 from [2], supervised {frame and roof erected} at 4 from [3], supervised {brickwork done } at 5 from [4], supervised {roofing finished } at 6 from [5], supervised {gutters etc fastened } at 7 from [6], unsupervised {storm drains laid } at 7, supervised {grading done } at 8 from [7]; end_schema; schema service_1; expands {install services}; only_use_for_effects {installed services 1}; nodes 1 action {install drains }, 2 action {lay storm drains }, 3 action {install rough plumbing }, 4 action {install finished plumbing}, 5 action {install rough wiring }, 6 action {finish electrical work }, 7 action {install kitchen equipment}, 8 action {install air conditioning }; orderings 1 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 5 ---> 6, 3 ---> 7, 5 ---> 7; conditions supervised {drains installed } at 3 from [1], supervised {rough plumbing installed} at 4 from [3], supervised {rough wiring installed } at 6 from [5], supervised {rough plumbing installed} at 7 from [3], supervised {rough wiring installed } at 7 from [5], unsupervised {foundations laid } at 1, unsupervised {foundations laid } at 2, unsupervised {frame and roof erected } at 5, unsupervised {frame and roof erected } at 8, unsupervised {basement floor laid } at 8, unsupervised {flooring finished } at 4, unsupervised {flooring finished } at 7, unsupervised {painted } at 6; time_windows duration self = 0 days .. 24 days; end_schema; schema decor; expands {decorate}; nodes 1 action {fasten plaster and plaster board}, 2 action {pour basement floor }, 3 action {lay finished flooring }, 4 action {finish carpentry }, 5 action {sand and varnish floors }, 6 action {paint }; orderings 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 4, 4 ---> 5, 1 ---> 3, 6 ---> 5; conditions unsupervised {rough plumbing installed } at 1, unsupervised {rough wiring installed } at 1, unsupervised {air conditioning installed } at 1, unsupervised {drains installed } at 2, unsupervised {plumbing finished } at 6, unsupervised {kitchen equipment installed} at 6, supervised {plastering finished } at 3 from [1], supervised {basement floor laid } at 3 from [2], supervised {flooring finished } at 4 from [3], supervised {carpentry finished } at 5 from [4], supervised {painted } at 5 from [6]; time_windows duration self = 0 days .. 23 days; end_schema; ;;; Now for completeness a list of primitive actions. Primitives are ;;; defined as having no nodes list and must have an expands pattern. schema excavate_when_unsuitable; expands {excavate and pour footers}; only_use_for_effects {footers poured} = true; conditions only_use_if {ground_condition} = unsuitable; effects {ground_condition} = ready; time_windows duration self = 14 days; end_schema; schema excavate_when_ready; expands {excavate and pour footers}; only_use_for_effects {footers poured} = true; conditions only_use_if {ground_condition} = ready; time_windows duration self = 4 days; end_schema; schema pour_concrete; expands {pour concrete foundations}; only_use_for_effects {foundations laid} = true; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema erect_frame; expands {erect frame and roof}; only_use_for_effects {frame and roof erected} = true; time_windows duration self = 4 days; end_schema; schema brickwork; expands {lay brickwork}; only_use_for_effects {brickwork done} = true; time_windows duration self = 7 days; end_schema; schema finish_roofing; expands {finish roofing and flashing}; only_use_for_effects {roofing finished} = true; time_windows duration self = 3 days; end_schema; schema fasten_gutters; expands {fasten gutters and downspouts}; only_use_for_effects {gutters etc fastened} = true; time_windows duration self = 1 days; end_schema; schema finish_grading; expands {finish grading}; only_use_for_effects {grading done} = true; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema pour_walks; expands {pour walks and landscape}; only_use_for_effects {landscaping done} = true; time_windows duration self = 5 days; end_schema; schema install_drains; expands {install drains}; only_use_for_effects {drains installed} = true; time_windows duration self = 1 days; end_schema; schema lay_storm; expands {lay storm drains}; only_use_for_effects {storm drains laid} = true; time_windows duration self = 1 days; end_schema; schema rough_plumbing; expands {install rough plumbing}; only_use_for_effects {rough plumbing installed} = true; time_windows duration self = 1 days; end_schema; schema install_finished_plumbing; expands {install finished plumbing}; only_use_for_effects {plumbing finished} = true; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema rough_wiring; expands {install rough wiring}; only_use_for_effects {rough wiring installed} = true; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema finish_electrical; expands {finish electrical work}; only_use_for_effects {electrical work finished} = true; time_windows duration self = 1 days; end_schema; schema install_kitchen_luxury; expands {install kitchen equipment}; only_use_for_effects {kitchen equipment installed} = true, {installed_level kitchen} = luxury; time_windows duration self = 3 days; end_schema; schema install_kitchen_standard; expands {install kitchen equipment}; only_use_for_effects {kitchen equipment installed} = true, {installed_level kitchen} = standard; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema install_air; expands {install air conditioning}; only_use_for_effects {air conditioning installed} = true; time_windows duration self = 3 days; end_schema; schema fasten_plaster; expands {fasten plaster and plaster board}; only_use_for_effects {plastering finished } = true; time_windows duration self = 7 days; end_schema; schema pour_basement; expands {pour basement floor}; only_use_for_effects {basement floor laid } = true; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema lay_flooring; expands {lay finished flooring}; only_use_for_effects {flooring finished} = true; time_windows duration self = 3 days; end_schema; schema finish_carpentry; expands {finish carpentry}; only_use_for_effects {carpentry finished} = true; time_windows duration self = 3 days; end_schema; schema sand; expands {sand and varnish floors}; only_use_for_effects {floors finished} = true; time_windows duration self = 2 days; end_schema; schema paint; expands {paint}; only_use_for_effects {painted} = true; time_windows duration self = 3 days; end_schema;