;;;;;;; HARDY generated Task Formalism code types module = (MIM NPL PL CA MR time billing disbursements), programming_team = (team_A team_B team_C), installation_engineer = (engineer_A engineer_B); task Accounting_and_management_information_system; nodes 1 start, 2 finish, 3 action {build common data dictionary system}, 4 action {master information maintenance system}, 5 action {nominal and private ledger system}, 6 action {time system}, 7 action {client accounting system}, 8 action {management reports system}, 9 action {user system}, 10 action {hardware system}; orderings 1 ---> 3, 1 ---> 4, 1 ---> 5, 1 ---> 6, 1 ---> 7, 1 ---> 8, 1 ---> 9, 3 ---> 2, 4 ---> 2, 5 ---> 2, 6 ---> 2, 7 ---> 2, 8 ---> 2, 9 ---> 2, 1 ---> 10, 10 ---> 2; effects {information system completed} at 2, {status programming_team team_A} = unallocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team team_B} = unallocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team team_C} = unallocated at begin_of 1, {status installation_engineer engineer_A} = unallocated at begin_of 1, {status installation_engineer engineer_B} = unallocated at begin_of 1; time_windows 0~09:00 at 1, 35~09:00 at 2; end_task; schema master_information_maintenance_system; vars ?team = ?{type programming_team}; expands {master information maintenance system}; nodes 1 action {specify_program MIM}, 2 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 MIM}, 3 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 MIM}, 4 action {integration_tests MIM}, 5 action {carry_out_subsystem_acceptance_and_tests MIM}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 4, 2 ---> 3, 3 ---> 5; conditions supervised {program_specification MIM} = completed at 2 from [1], unsupervised {common data dictionary system} = completed at 2, supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 MIM} = completed at 4 from [2], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 MIM} = completed at 5 from [3], unsupervised {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at 1; effects {master information maintenance system} = completed at 5, {status programming_team ?team} = allocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at begin_of 5; time_windows duration self = between 0 days and 5 days; end_schema; schema program_specification; vars ?x = ?{type module}; expands {specify_program ?x}; only_use_for_effects {program_specification ?x} = completed; end_schema; schema program_tests_1; vars ?x = ?{type module}; expands {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 ?x}; only_use_for_effects {programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 ?x} = completed; end_schema; schema program_tests_2; vars ?x = ?{type module}; expands {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 ?x}; only_use_for_effects {programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 ?x} = completed; end_schema; schema integrated_tests; vars ?x = ?{type module}; expands {integration_tests ?x}; only_use_for_effects {integrated_tests ?x} = completed; end_schema; schema subsystem_acceptance; vars ?x = ?{type module}; expands {carry_out_subsystem_acceptance_and_tests ?x}; only_use_for_effects {subsystem_acceptance_tests ?x} = completed; end_schema; schema nominal_and_private_ledger_system; vars ?team = ?{type programming_team}; expands {nominal and private ledger system}; nodes 1 action {specify_program NPL}, 2 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 NPL}, 3 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 NPL}, 4 action {integration_tests NPL}, 5 action {carry_out_subsystem_acceptance_and_tests NPL}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 2 ---> 4, 3 ---> 5; conditions supervised {program_specification NPL} = completed at 2 from [1], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 NPL} = completed at 4 from [2], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 NPL} = completed at 5 from [3], unsupervised {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at 1; effects {nominal and private ledger system} = completed at 5, {status programming_team ?team} = allocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at begin_of 5; time_windows duration self = between 0 days and 10 days; end_schema; schema time_system; vars ?team = ?{type programming_team}; expands {time system}; nodes 1 action {specify_program time}, 2 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 time}, 3 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 time}, 4 action {integration_tests time}, 5 action {carry_out_subsystem_acceptance_and_tests time}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 2 ---> 4, 3 ---> 5; conditions supervised {program_specification time} = completed at 2 from [1], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 time} = completed at 4 from [2], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 time} = completed at 5 from [3], unsupervised {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at 1; effects {time system} = completed at 5, {status programming_team ?team} = allocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at begin_of 5; time_windows duration self = between 0 days and 5 days; end_schema; schema client_accounting; vars ?team = ?{type programming_team}; expands {client accounting system}; nodes 1 action {specify_program CA}, 2 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 CA}, 3 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 CA}, 4 action {integration_tests CA}, 5 action {carry_out_subsystem_acceptance_and_tests CA}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 2 ---> 4, 3 ---> 5; conditions supervised {program_specification CA} = completed at 2 from [1], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 CA} = completed at 4 from [2], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 CA} = completed at 5 from [3], unsupervised {common data dictionary system} = completed at 2, unsupervised {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at 1; effects {client accounting system} = completed at 5, {status programming_team ?team} = allocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at begin_of 5; time_windows duration self = between 0 days and 5 days; end_schema; schema management_reports_system; vars ?team = ?{type programming_team}; expands {management reports system}; nodes 1 action {specify_program MR}, 2 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 MR}, 3 action {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 MR}, 4 action {integration_tests MR}, 5 action {carry_out_subsystem_acceptance_and_tests MR}; orderings 1 ---> 2, 2 ---> 3, 2 ---> 4, 3 ---> 5; conditions supervised {program_specification MR} = completed at 2 from [1], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_1 MR} = completed at 4 from [2], supervised {carry_out_programming_and_unit_tests_part_2 MR} = completed at 5 from [3], unsupervised {common data dictionary system} = completed at 2, unsupervised {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at 1; effects {management reports system} = completed, {status programming_team ?team} = allocated at begin_of 1, {status programming_team ?team} = unallocated at begin_of 5; time_windows duration self = between 0 days and 5 days; end_schema; schema user_system; expands {user system}; nodes 1 action {perform user and clerical procedures}, 2 action {assemble training material}, 3 action {develop screen menu instructions for terminal operators}, 4 action {document computer operations instructions and JCL}; end_schema; schema hardware_system; vars ?e = ?(type installation_engineer); expands {hardware system}; nodes 1 action {prepare_computer_room}, 2 action {install_computer}; orderings 1 ---> 2; conditions supervised {computer_room} = prepared at 2 from [1], unsupervised {status installation_engineer ?e} = unallocated at 1; effects {status installation_engineer ?e} = allocated at begin_of 1, {status installation_engineer ?e} = unallocated at begin_of 2; end_schema; schema gen11; ;;; HARDY generated expands {build common data dictionary system}; only_use_for_effects {common data dictionary system} = completed; end_schema; schema gen12; ;;; HARDY generated expands {perform user and clerical procedures}; only_use_for_effects {user and clerical procedures} = completed; end_schema; schema gen13; ;;; HARDY generated expands {assemble training material}; only_use_for_effects {training material} = completed; end_schema; schema gen14; ;;; HARDY generated expands {develop screen menu instructions for terminal operators}; only_use_for_effects {screen menu instructions for terminal operators} = completed; end_schema; schema gen15; ;;; HARDY generated expands {document computer operations instructions and JCL}; only_use_for_effects {documentation for computer operations instructions and JCL} = completed; end_schema; schema gen16; ;;; HARDY generated expands {prepare_computer_room}; only_use_for_effects {computer_room} = prepared; end_schema; schema gen17; ;;; HARDY generated expands {install_computer}; only_use_for_effects {computer} = installed; end_schema;