comment '[PROMPT] Austin Tate, 12-Jan-84'; section sec_prompt => prompt matchresponse uppercase ord char; define ord x -> i; comment 'get character code of 1st item in x'; if isword(x) then subscrw(1,x) -> i elseif isstring(x) then subscrs(1,x) -> i else comment 'return large negative number as failure'; -2e9 -> i endif; enddefine; define char i -> ch; if i>=0 and i<=255 then consword(i,1) -> ch else comment 'NUL on error'; consword(0,1) -> ch endif; enddefine; define uppercase ch1 -> ch2; if islowercode(ch1) then (ch1-ord('a'))+ord('A') -> ch2 else ch1 -> ch2 endif; enddefine; define charset l fn; maplist(l, procedure x; if isword(x) then subscrw(1,x) elseif isstring(x) then subscrs(1,x) elseif isinteger(x) then if x<10 then x+ord('0') else x endif; else comment 'remove from list'; endif; endprocedure pdcomp fn); enddefine; comment 'e.g. [A a b C %' ', char(8)% 1 2 3 13 27 ] with fn=uppercase gives A B C 1 2 3 '; define matchresponse l fn -> ch; comment 'fn is uppercase or identfn normally'; sysflush(popdevout); charset(l,fn) -> l; fn(rawcharin()) -> ch; while not(member(ch,l)) do fn(rawcharin()) -> ch endwhile; enddefine; define prompt p cset -> ch;; matchresponse(cset,uppercase) -> ch; if ch>31 then pr(char(ch)) endif;; enddefine; endsection; '[PROMPT] ready'.pr;;