comment OBase - (c) Copyright 1984, Austin Tate based on HBase by Harry Barrow Do not recompile a second time in the same POPLOG image as items will be left scattered in meanings of words leading to errors; compile('poplib/genpr.p'); cancel match; ;;; as this is an old withdrawn pop11 routine name section obase genpr genpraux genprsequence genpr_printer genprlength genprdepth => ob_version ;;; input and output itread # @ ? ?? genpr_item_prefix genpr_full set_pr_length set_pr_depth ;;; item related and storage format isitem itemof itemid itemlength clearitems makeactor subitem supitems nosupitem relspec_default ;;; usual functional interface instance general_instance match value get_one find_all get_next ;;; match specification actors hassupitem property any all eval contains has type bound ;;; context related externals newctxt pushctxt popctxt getctxt putctxt prectxt succctxts killctxt accinctxt ;;; vars open_var_trans abort_var_trans commit_var_trans review_var_trans alist_for_var_trans append_ remove_ concat_words unique_word unique_base_number alist_remove_locals alist_rename_locals find_all_vars is_var_info var_value var_restrict pr_var pr_vars; vars ob_version; '3.14 14-Jun-85' -> ob_version; comment 17-Aug-84 Started, Austin Tate. 12-Sep-84 one file made from original hbase bits ; comment HBASE-like with actors and contexts. Also provided are: - logical variable with actor restrictions - context layered values and restrictions for variables - result generators ; compile('poplib/context.p'); define modvector s f -> s; vars n; s.datalength->n; while n>0 do f(subscrv(n,s))->subscrv(n,s); n-1->n endwhile enddefine; recordclass item itemid itemrels itemval; comment 'also creates isitem consitem destitem'; cancel destitem; vars items var_items subitem supitems ?? ; define isvar x; (x.isword and subscrw(1,x)=95) enddefine; vars instance apptovector itemof addsupitem; comment declared forward; define newitem x -> t; if x.isvector then instance(x)->x; endif; consitem(x,undef,undef)->t; if x.isvar then cons(t,var_items) -> var_items else cons(t,items)->items; endif; if x.isword then t->meaning(x) elseif x.isvector then modvector(x,itemof)->itemid(t); apptovector(t,addsupitem) endif; enddefine; nil -> items; nil -> var_items; "??"-> ??; comment 'dummy routines to allow definition of match, itread to account for actors if compiled'; vars isactor practor applyact; comment [item utilities]; define lmemb x l f; while l.ispair do if f(x,l.hd) then l; return endif;>l endwhile; false enddefine; vars is_var_info var_value; comment defined forward; vars varval; comment defined forward; vars subact itemof; comment defined forward; define instance x; vars v id; if x.isitem then itemid(x) -> x; endif; if x.isvector then modvector(x.copy,instance) elseif x.ispair then cons(instance(x.hd),instance( else comment all the rest is to deal with variables. otherwise return x; (if x.isactor and subact(1,x)="given" then subact(2,x) else x endif) -> id; if id.isword and subscrw(1,id)=95 then varval(id) -> v; if v/=undef and not(v.isactor) then instance(v) else id endif; else x endif; endif; enddefine; define general_instance x; vars v; if x.isitem then itemid(x) -> x; endif; if x.isvector then modvector(x.copy,general_instance) elseif x.ispair then cons(instance(x.hd),general_instance( else if x.isactor and subact(1,x)="given" then subact(2,x) -> x; endif; if x.isword and subscrw(1,x)=95 then varval(x)->v; if v/=undef and not(v.isactor) then general_instance(v) else ?? endif; elseif x.isactor then ?? else x endif; endif; enddefine; vars match; define itemlength t; if t.isitem then t.itemid->t endif; if t.isvector then t.datalength else 0 endif; enddefine; vars minshort; 2->minshort; define getashort x; vars i y l l0 l1 s; if x.isitem then [%x%] elseif x= ?? or x.isactor then items elseif x.isword then x.meaning->x; if x.isitem then [%x%] else nil endif; elseif x.isvector then items ->l; 2.1e9->l0; comment 'large number'; x.datalength->i; while i/=0 and l0>minshort do subscrv(i,x)->y; if y.isword then y.meaning->y endif; if y.isitem then supitems(i,y)->s; if s.islist then s.length->l1; if l1l; l1->l0 endif; endif; endif; i-1->i endwhile; l else nil endif; enddefine; define getaitlist l x; lmemb(x,l,match)->l; if not(l) then false else l.hd endif enddefine; define getaitem x; if x.isitem then x elseif x= ?? then if items.ispair then items.hd else false endif; elseif x.isword then if x.meaning.isitem then x.meaning else false endif; elseif x.isvector or x.isactor then getaitlist(getashort(x),x) else false endif enddefine; define appaitlist l x f; vars appgoon; true->appgoon; while appgoon and (lmemb(x,l,match)->l; l.ispair) do f(l.dest->l) endwhile enddefine; define appaitems x f; if x.isitem then f(x) elseif x= ?? then applist(items,f) elseif x.isword then x.meaning->x; if x.isitem then f(x) endif else appaitlist(getashort(x),x,f) endif enddefine; define appsubitems x f; vars t; getaitem(x)->t; if t/=false then t.itemid->x endif; if x.isvector then appdata(x,f) endif; enddefine; define itemof x; vars t; x.getaitem->t; if t/=false then t elseif x.isword or x.isvector then newitem(x) else x endif; enddefine; vars clearlocals remsupitem; define clearitems; while items.ispair do if items.hd.itemid.isword then undef->items.hd.itemid.meaning endif;>items endwhile; while var_items.ispair do if var_items.hd.itemid.isword then undef->var_items.hd.itemid.meaning else 'inappropriate item on list of variables'.pr; endif;>var_items endwhile; .clearlocals; enddefine; define apptovector t f; vars s i ; t.itemid->s; if s.isvector.not then return; endif; s.datalength->i; while i/=0 do f(t,i,subscrv(i,s)); i-1->i; endwhile; enddefine; define killitem t; t.getaitem->t; ncdelete(t,items,match)->items; if t.itemid.isword then undef->meaning(itemid(t)) else apptovector(t,remsupitem) endif enddefine; define supitems i s; vars l; s.getaitem->s; if s.not then nil; return endif; s.itemrels->s; if s.isvector then if i/=0 then subscrv(min(i,s.datalength),s) else nil->l; s.datalength->i; while i/=0 do subscrv(i,s)<>l->l; i-1->i endwhile; l endif; elseif s=undef then nil else s endif; enddefine; comment relspec defaults and item specific overrides; vars relspec_template; {% [],[],[],[],[] %} -> relspec_template; define relspec_default v; vars len; if v.isvector then datalength(v) -> len; if len>5 then 5 -> len endif; for i from 1 to len do if subscrv(i,v)="yes" then [] -> subscrv(i,v) elseif subscrv(i,v)="no" then "nosupitems" -> subscrv(i,v) else if subscrv(i,v)/="??" then; pr('Relspec default: only yes, no or ?? allowed'); endif; endif; endfor else; pr('Relspec default: give a vector with yes, no or ?? entries'); endif; enddefine; define relspec x; copy(relspec_template); enddefine; define setsupitems v i x f; vars s; x.itemof->x; if x.isitem.not then return endif; if i=0 or i=false then v->itemrels(x); return endif; x.itemrels->s; if s=undef then relspec(x)->s; s->itemrels(x) endif; if s.isvector then min(i,s.datalength)->i; subscrv(i,s)->x; if x.islist then f(v,x)->subscrv(i,s) endif; endif; enddefine; setsupitems(%ncdelete(%nonop = %) %)->remsupitem; setsupitems(%cons%)->addsupitem; define nosupitem n t; setsupitems("nosupitem",n,t,erase) enddefine; define subitem n t; t.itemof.itemid->t; if n=0 or n=false then t else subscrv(n,t) endif; enddefine; procedure x n t; t.itemof->t; x.itemof->x; if n/=0 then remsupitem(t,n,subscrv(n,t.itemid)); x->subscrv(n,t.itemid); addsupitem(t,n,x) else if t.itemid.isword then undef->t.itemid.meaning else apptovector(t,remsupitem) endif; x.itemid->t.itemid; x.killitem; if t.itemid.isword then t->t.itemid.meaning else apptovector(t,addsupitem) endif endif; endprocedure->updater(subitem); comment [item appitems]; vars value; comment forward declared; vars s v; comment globals in appitems routines; define auxget x; value(x)->y; if y/=undef and (match(v,y)) then false->appgoon; x->s endif; enddefine; define getitlist l t v -> s; vars y; false->s; appaitlist(l,t,auxget) enddefine; define getitem t v -> s; vars y; false->s; appaitems(t,auxget) enddefine; define auxapp x; value(x)->y; if y/=undef and (match(v,y)) then s(x) endif; enddefine; define appitlist l t v s; vars y; appaitlist(l,t,auxapp) enddefine; define appitems t v s; vars y; appaitems(t,auxapp) enddefine; define clearlocals; undef->f; undef->i; undef->l; undef->l0; undef->l1; undef->n; undef->s; undef->t; undef->v; undef->x; undef->y; enddefine; .clearlocals; cancel f i l l0 l1 n s t v x y auxget auxapp; comment [actor definitions]; vars temp_key subact initact isactor consact; conskey("actor","full") -> temp_key; class_init(temp_key) -> initact; class_subscr(temp_key) -> subact; class_recognise(temp_key) -> isactor; class_cons(temp_key) -> consact; define eval; .applyact.match enddefine; define has t s v; v,t,s.applyact.match enddefine; define non; comment used for not; .match.not enddefine; define et s x y; comment used for and; (match(s,x) and match(s,y)) enddefine; define vel s x y; comment used for or; (match(s,x) or match(s,y)) enddefine; define all t l; loop: if l.null then true elseif match(t,l.hd) then>l; goto loop else false endif; enddefine; define any t l; loop: if l.null then false elseif match(t,l.hd) then true else>l; goto loop endif; enddefine; define contains l x; while l.ispair do l.dest->l; if x.match then true; return endif; endwhile; false enddefine; define hassupitem x n s v; getitlist(supitems(n,x),s,v) enddefine; define property s p v; hassupitem(s,2,{%p,"??"%},v) enddefine; define type s t; getitem({% "type",s %},t) enddefine; vars var_value new_var_value var_in_alist trans_setvars; comment declared forward; define bound x; vars v l; if x.isactor then false else if x.isitem then x.itemid -> x endif; if x.isword and subscrw(1,x)=95 then lmemb(x,trans_setvars,var_in_alist) -> l; ((if l/=false then new_var_value(hd(l)) elseif meaning(x).isitem then value(meaning(x)) -> v; if v=undef then v else var_value(v) endif; else undef endif)/=undef) else true endif endif enddefine; define makeactor v; v.destvector.consact enddefine; vars given; ;;; forward reference define applyact s; vars i n; while (s.isword) or (s.isactor) do (if s.isword then comment dereference - but syntax words cannot be used; if s="and" then et elseif s="or" then vel elseif s="not" then non elseif s="given" then given else s.valof endif elseif s.isactor then s.datalength->n; 2->i; while i<=n do subact(i,s); i+1->i endwhile; subact(1,s) endif) -> s; endwhile; .s enddefine; vars var_value var_restrict trans_setvars var_back_trail; recordclass _var_info var_value var_restrict; recordclass vtransrec var_name old_var_value old_var_restrict new_var_value new_var_restrict; comment also created isvtransrec consvtransrec destvtransrec; comment trans_setvars is a list of variables accessed since the previous open_var_trans. It is used as a lookup cache and to keep altered variable values until a commit. Its format is [ ... ] var_back_trail in use is local to match. It keeps the vtransrec of any variable altered together with the value and restriction before the alteration. It can be used to roll back after a no match. ; define var_in_alist name elem; (var_name(elem)=name) enddefine; define varval x; vars l trec iv; if x.isword and subscrw(1,x)=95 then lmemb(x,trans_setvars,var_in_alist) -> l; (if l=false then x,(meaning(x) -> x; if x.isitem then accinctxt(x,itemval) -> iv; if iv/=undef then iv.dest_var_info,iv.dest_var_info else undef,undef,undef,undef endif else undef,undef,undef,undef endif).consvtransrec ::trans_setvars -> trans_setvars; hd(trans_setvars) else hd(l) endif) -> trec; if trec.new_var_value/=undef then trec.new_var_value else trec.new_var_restrict endif else; 'Incorrect param to varval - '; genpr(x); undef endif; enddefine; define commit_vars; vars name oldv oldr newv newr it; while trans_setvars.ispair do trans_setvars.dest -> trans_setvars; .destvtransrec -> newr -> newv -> oldr -> oldv -> name; if oldv/=newv or oldr/=newr then meaning(name) -> it; if it.isitem.not then newitem(name) -> it endif; updinctxt(cons_var_info(newv,newr),it,itemval); endif; endwhile enddefine; procedure v x; vars l trec; if x.isword and subscrw(1,x)=95 then lmemb(x,trans_setvars,var_in_alist) -> l; if l=false then; 'update of var before access not possible! - '.pr; genpr(x); return else hd(l) -> trec; [%trec.new_var_restrict,trec.new_var_value,trec%] ncjoin var_back_trail -> var_back_trail; if v.isactor then v -> trec.new_var_restrict else v -> trec.new_var_value endif; endif; else; 'Incorrect param to updater of varval - '; genpr(x); endif; endprocedure -> updater(varval); define given s x; vars i iv res; comment may need to separate out "?name" and ?{not ?name} and handle specially to ensure no cyclic recursion on matching - could keep same and not-same lists in varval specification; define mergeactors a1 a2; if a2.isactor and subact(1,a2)="all" then if subact(1,a1)="all" then subact(2,a1)<>subact(2,a2) else a1::subact(2,a2) endif else if subact(1,a1)="all" then subact(2,a1)<>[% a2 %] else [%a1,a2%] endif endif enddefine; if s= ?? then true; return endif; varval(x) -> i; if s.isactor and subact(1,s)="and" then "all", [%subact(2,s),subact(3,s)%], 2.consact -> s; endif; if i=undef or i.isactor then if i.isactor then comment keep restrictions in order given; if s.isactor then "all", mergeactors(i,s),2.consact -> varval(x); else if applyact(s,i) then comment s passes current restriction; s -> varval(x); else false; return; endif; endif else comment i is undef so s defines; s -> varval(x); endif; true else comment i has a definite value - so check s matches this; match(s,i) -> res; if res and s.isactor then comment now add s as a further restriction on var; lmemb(x,trans_setvars,var_in_alist) -> l; if l=false then; 'update of var before access not possible! - '.pr; genpr(x); false else hd(l) -> trec; (if trec.new_var_restrict=undef then s else "all",mergeactors(trec.new_var_restrict,s),2.consact endif) -> trec.new_var_restrict; endif; endif; res endif enddefine; cancel i l n s t v x y initact; comment [context related definitions]; define value t; if t.isitem.not then t.getaitem->t endif; if t.isitem then accinctxt(t,itemval) else undef endif; enddefine; procedure v t; if t.isitem.not then itemof(t)->t endif; updinctxt(v,t,itemval); endprocedure->updater(value); define hbase_killctxt c; applist(items,procedure t; delcm(t,c,itemval) endprocedure); applist(var_items,procedure t; delcm(t,c,itemval) endprocedure); if c.prectxt.isctxt then ncdelete(c,succtxts(prectxt(c)),nonop =)->succtxts(prectxt(c)); endif; enddefine; vars var_update_allowed trans_setvars; [] -> trans_setvars; false -> var_update_allowed; define smatch s t; vars i n; ;;; order critical to deal with _name variables loop: if s=t or s= ?? or t= ?? then true elseif t.isitem then t.itemid->t; goto loop elseif s.isitem then s.itemid->s; goto loop elseif s.isactor then if t.isactor then if subact(1,s)="given" and subact(1,t)="given" then 'Cannot match 2 variables at present'.pr; false elseif subact(1,s)="given" then applyact(t,s) elseif subact(1,t)="given" then applyact(s,t) else; 'Cannot match 2 non-variable actors '.pr; s.genpr; ' and '.pr; t.genpr; false endif else applyact(t,s) endif elseif t.isactor then comment s is known not to be an actor here; applyact(s,t) elseif (dataword(s)/=dataword(t)) then false elseif s.isvector then s.datalength -> n; if n/=(t.datalength) then false else 1 -> i; while (i<=n) and match(subscrv(i,s),subscrv(i,t)) do i+1 -> i endwhile; i>n endif elseif s.atom.not and match(s.dest->s,t.dest->t) then goto loop else false endif; enddefine; define match; vars match res var_back_trail trec; nil -> var_back_trail; smatch -> match; match() -> res; if not(res) or not(var_update_allowed) then while var_back_trail.ispair do var_back_trail.dest.dest.dest -> var_back_trail; -> trec; -> new_var_value(trec); -> new_var_restrict(trec); endwhile; endif; res enddefine; comment result generators and retrieval in obase; recordclass gen gen_id gen_val gen_possl; cancel destgen; comment also creates consgen and isgen; define find_all p v; consgen(p,v,getashort(p)) enddefine; define get_next g; vars possl x v; if g.isgen and (gen_possl(g)->possl; possl.ispair) then while possl.ispair do possl.dest -> possl -> x; value(x) -> v; if v/=undef and match(v,gen_val(g)) and match(x,gen_id(g)) then possl -> gen_possl(g); x; return endif; endwhile; endif; [] -> gen_possl(g); termin enddefine; define get_one p v; vars g; find_all(p,v) -> g; get_next(g); enddefine; define find_all_vars (); if var_update_allowed then pr('find_all_vars only allowed outside of a variable transaction');; undef else consgen(??,??,var_items) endif; enddefine; define itread; vars x y i; .itemread->x; if x="+" and proglist.hd.isnumber then .numberread elseif x="-" and proglist.hd.isnumber then -(.numberread) elseif x="[" then nil->y; [%while (.itread->x; ((x=".") or (x="|") or (x/="]"))) do if (x=".") or (x="|") then .itread->y elseif x/="]" then x endif endwhile%] ncjoin y elseif x="{" then {%while (.itread->x; x/="}") do x endwhile%} comment "?" macro performs function of following 6 lines replace these if macro has to be removed for any reason; ;;; elseif x="?" then ;;; if proglist.hd="{" then .itread.makeactor ;;; elseif proglist.hd.isword then ;;; "given",((95,(.itread.destword) ->i; i+1).consword),2.consact ;;; else x ;;; endif elseif x.isword then if x="true" then true elseif x="false" then false else x endif; else x endif; enddefine; define macro @; .itread.itemof enddefine; define macro #; .itread enddefine; define macro ? ; vars i; if hd(proglist)="{" then .itread.makeactor elseif proglist.hd.isword then "given",((95,(.itread.destword) ->i; i+1).consword),2.consact else "?" endif; enddefine; vars genpr_item_prefix genpr_full nested_prvar; '@' -> genpr_item_prefix; true -> genpr_full; false -> nested_prvar; define set_pr_depth (i); if i.isnumber and i>=1 and i<=99 then i -> genprdepth else; i.genpr; ' is not suitable for set_pr_depth'.pr; endif; enddefine; define set_pr_length (i); if i.isnumber and i>=1 and i<=99 then i -> genprlength else; i.genpr; ' is not suitable for set_pr_length'.pr; endif; enddefine; define pr_a_var x; vars i l; if x.isitem then itemid(x) -> x; endif; if x.isword and subscrw(1,x)=95 then "?".syspr; datalength(x) -> l; for i from 2 to l do cucharout(subscrw(i,x)) endfor; else; 'Var printing fails on - '.pr; genpr(x); endif; enddefine; define pritem x; vars id v; itemid(x) -> id; if genpr_full then genpraux(genpr_item_prefix); endif; genpraux(id); if genpr_full and not(nested_prvar) and id.isvar and (varval(id)->v; v/=undef) then true -> nested_prvar; syspr('='); genpraux(v); false -> nested_prvar; endif; enddefine; define practor x; vars v; if subact(1,x)="given" then pr_a_var(subact(2,x)); else '?{'.syspr; genprsequence(x); "}".syspr endif; enddefine; ;;;define genpruserproc x; ;;; if x.isitem then x.pritem; true ;;; elseif x.isactor then x.practor; true ;;; elseif x.isctxt then x.prctxt; true ;;; else false ;;; endif ;;;enddefine; pritem -> genpr_printer("item"); practor -> genpr_printer("actor"); prctxt -> genpr_printer("ctxt"); vars vars_locals; comment declared forward; define pr_var(var_name); vars val v r; pr_a_var(var_name); pr('='); value(var_name).dest_var_info -> r -> v; if v/=undef then genpr(v) elseif r/=undef then genpr(r) else pr("??") endif; enddefine; define pr_vars (); vars nested_prvar l trec v r nam; true -> nested_prvar; comment no nested variables to be printed here; trans_setvars -> l; while l.ispair do l.dest -> l -> trec; new_var_value(trec) -> v; new_var_restrict(trec) -> r; var_name(trec) -> nam; if v/=undef or r/=undef or member(nam,vars_locals) then; pr_a_var(var_name(trec)); tabs(1); pr(' = '); if v/=undef then genpr(v) else genpr(r) endif; endif; endwhile; applist(var_items, procedure x; vars l v r; lmemb(itemid(x),trans_setvars,var_in_alist) -> l; if l=false then value(x).dest_var_info -> r -> v; if v/=undef or r/=undef then; pr_a_var(x); tabs(1); pr(' = '); if v/=undef then genpr(v) else genpr(r) endif; endif; endif; comment else was printed from trans_setvars already; endprocedure);; enddefine; comment var transactions These could be done with extra pushctxt, popctxt, etc but these provide an extra level of barrier only for vars where appropriate; comment LOCAL variables can be nominated to open. They must start with _ . An initial restriction actor or undef is given for each. It is the users responsibility to keep local and global names separate. Where there is a name clash locals override globals. These to be kept on a list so that locals could be distinguished from globals. Otherwise locals and globals wuld behave same; vars vars_locals; nil -> vars_locals; define open_var_trans (locals); vars len nam val; nil -> vars_locals; if var_update_allowed then; 'Transaction already in progress'.pr else true -> var_update_allowed; [%while locals.ispair do locals.dest.dest -> locals -> val -> nam; if not(nam.isword and subscrw(1,nam)=95) then; genpr(nam); pr(' must be a word starting with _ for locals'); endif; nam::vars_locals -> vars_locals; consvtransrec(nam,undef,undef, (if val=undef or val="??" or val.isactor then undef else val endif), val) endwhile %] -> trans_setvars; endif; enddefine; define append_ wd; vars len; 95; wd.destword -> len; len+1; .consword enddefine; define remove_ -> res; vars len; .destword -> len; len-1; .consword -> res; .erase; enddefine; define concat_words(w1,w2); vars len; w1.destword -> len; w2.destword; len, nonop + ; .apply; .consword enddefine; vars unique_base_number; 0 -> unique_base_number; ;;; this is made external to allow it to be reset (eg as contexts are changed) define unique_word(wd); vars len_num len_wd; unique_base_number+1 -> unique_base_number; (if unique_base_number>0 and unique_base_number<10 then 1 elseif unique_base_number<100 then 2 elseif unique_base_number<1000 then 3 elseif unique_base_number<10000 then 4 elseif unique_base_number<100000 then 5 else pr('unique_words limit reached');; 1 -> unique_base_number; 1 endif) -> len_num; destword(wd) -> len_wd; applist(unpackitem(unique_base_number),nonop + (%48%)); (len_wd+len_num).consword; enddefine; define commit_var_trans; if not(var_update_allowed) then; 'Transaction not in progress'.pr else commit_vars(); false -> var_update_allowed; endif enddefine; define abort_var_trans; if not(var_update_allowed) then; 'Transaction not in progress'.pr else false -> var_update_allowed; comment set variables back to their values when the transaction started. done simply by setting trans_setvars to nil; [] -> trans_setvars; endif; enddefine; define alist_for_var_trans (); vars locval locres globval globres l trec n v; comment note that EVERY local is returned but only globals that alter value; nil -> locval; nil -> locres; nil -> globval; nil -> globres; if not(var_update_allowed) then; 'Transaction not in progress'.pr else trans_setvars -> l; while l.ispair do l.dest -> l -> trec; new_var_value(trec) -> v; var_name(trec) -> n; if member(n,vars_locals) then if v/=undef then n::(v::locval) -> locval else n::(new_var_restrict(trec)::locres) -> locres endif; else if v/=undef then if old_var_value(trec)/= v then n::(v::globval) -> globval endif; else new_var_restrict(trec) -> v; if old_var_restrict(trec)/=v then n::(v::globres) -> globres endif; endif; endif; endwhile; endif; locval,locres,globval,globres enddefine; define alist_remove_locals (locals); vars trec; comment assumes that locals named are all real locals; [% (while trans_setvars.ispair do trans_setvars.dest -> trans_setvars -> trec; if not(member(var_name(trec),locals)) then trec endif; endwhile ) %] -> trans_setvars; enddefine; define alist_rename_locals (repairs); vars nam ren l done; comment repairs is a list of pairs of old (front) and new (back) names. old should be on locals list named at open. new should start with _ ; while locals.ispair do locals.dest -> repairs -> ren; front(ren) -> nam; if member(nam,vars_locals) then trans_setvars -> l; false -> done; while l.ispair and not(done) do if var_name(hd(l))=nam then back(ren) -> var_name(hd(l)) endif; tl(l) -> l; endwhile; comment will always find the value - ie done is true; if not(done) then; pr('illegal trans_setvars in alist_rename_locals'); endif; else; genpr(nam); pr(' is not a local - so cannot be renamed.'); endif; endwhile; enddefine; define review_var_trans; vars l x trec nam; trans_setvars -> l;; 'In context '.pr; pr(ctxtnum(cuctxt)); '. '.pr; if var_update_allowed then pr('Variable transaction in progress'); if trans_setvars/=[] then pr(' - vars set are:'); while l.ispair do; tabs(1); l.dest -> l -> trec; var_name(trec) -> nam; genpr(nam); tabs(1); if member(nam,vars_locals) then pr(' local ') else pr(' global') endif; ' was = '.pr; trec.old_var_value.genpr; '/'.pr; trec.old_var_restrict.genpr; ' now = '.pr; trec.new_var_value.genpr; '/'.pr; trec.new_var_restrict.genpr; endwhile; else pr(' - no vars changes'); endif; else pr('No var transaction in progress'); endif;; enddefine; comment the following would have advantage that ANY db changes would also be reflected in the transaction structure. open_var_trans pushctxt() abort_var_trans popctxt() commit_var_trans nothing But leave in the note on var_update_allowed to ensure that such var transactions are not nested; vars hbase_newctxt hbase_pushctxt hbase_popctxt hbase_prectxt hbase_succtxts; newctxt -> hbase_newctxt; pushctxt -> hbase_pushctxt; popctxt -> hbase_popctxt; prectxt -> hbase_prectxt; succtxts -> hbase_succtxts; cancel prectxt newctxt succtxts pushctxt popctxt; comment to ensure hbase self use works; comment should not allow obase user to access globalctxt to ensure newctxt always gives an empty context not contaminated by values given in globalctxt; hbase_newctxt(undef) -> cuctxt; define getctxt () -> c; cuctxt -> c; enddefine; define putctxt (c); if c.isctxt then if var_update_allowed then; 'Variable transaction was in progress - it was aborted'.pr; abort_var_trans(); endif; c -> cuctxt; else; 'putctxt parameter is not a context - '.pr; c.genpr; endif; enddefine; define newctxt (); if var_update_allowed then; 'Variable transaction was in progress - it was aborted'.pr; abort_var_trans(); endif; hbase_newctxt(globalctxt) -> cuctxt; enddefine; define pushctxt (); if var_update_allowed then; 'Variable transaction was in progress - it was aborted'.pr; abort_var_trans(); endif; hbase_pushctxt(); enddefine; define popctxt (); if hbase_prectxt(cuctxt)/=globalctxt and hbase_prectxt(cuctxt)/=undef then if var_update_allowed then; 'Variable transaction was in progress - it was aborted'.pr; abort_var_trans(); endif; hbase_popctxt(); else; 'Cannot popctxt from a root context'.pr; endif; enddefine; define prectxt (); hbase_prectxt(cuctxt); enddefine; define succctxts (); hbase_succtxts(cuctxt); enddefine; define killctxt (c); if c=cuctxt then; 'Cannot kill current context'.pr; else hbase_killctxt(c) endif; enddefine; endsection;; 'Obase version - '.pr;;; '@' -> genpr_item_prefix; true -> genpr_full; define testmatch (); vars alist p1 p2; until false do; pr('Give 1st pattern (end to stop)'); itread() -> p1; if p1="end" then return; endif; pr('Give 2nd pattern '); itread() -> p2; pr('Matching '); genpr(p1); pr(' and '); genpr(p2);; pr('Result is '); genpr(match(p1,p2));; enduntil enddefine; define teststore (); vars p v;; pr('To Finish type end for pattern');; until false do; pr('Give pattern'); .itread -> p; if p="end" then return; endif; pr('Give value '); .itread -> v; v -> value(p); enduntil enddefine; define testdb (); vars p v g res;; pr('To Finish type end for pattern');; until false do; pr('Give pattern spec'); .itread -> p; if p="end" then return; endif; pr('Give value spec'); .itread -> v; find_all(p,v) -> g; while (get_next(g)->res; res/=termin) do; tabs(1); genpr(res); pr(' = '); genpr(value(res)); endwhile;; enduntil enddefine; define title (); sysobey('clear'); 'OBase - version '.pr;;; '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'.pr;; 'Use teststore(); to set up a data base'.pr;; ' testdb(); to try data base retrievals or'.pr;; ' testmatch(); to try out matches'.pr;; enddefine;