vars oplan_terminal_type; undef -> oplan_terminal_type; define clearscreen; comment can be done with vedscreenclear() vedscreenflush() if VED present; comment can be done in a terminal independent way on UNIX with sysobey('clear'); comment can be done in a Windows Command Window with sysobey('cls'); comment can be done slowly on any system by scrolling the screen up n lines nl(n); comment can be done with rawcharout of appropriate characters for the particular VDU in use followed by a flush and delay if needed rawcharout() ... sysflush(popdevraw) syssleep(); comment particular form that follows may be altered before NONLIN creation; if oplan_terminal_type == undef then systranslate('$TERM') -> oplan_terminal_type; endif; switchon oplan_terminal_type case = 'xterm' or 'vt100' then rawcharout(27); rawcharout(`[`); rawcharout(`;`); rawcharout(`H`); rawcharout(27); rawcharout(`[`); rawcharout(`2`); rawcharout(`J`); else rawcharout(12); ;;; simple Form Feed. endswitchon; sysflush(popdevraw); syssleep(1); enddefine;