comment ' 1-Dec-2002:added showfile menu option '0'. 20-Feb-90:added print to file tfin.lsp in current directory of result network when draw_flag is set true. This file is in format for input to AUTOCAD using AIAI AUTOCAD/AI Planner interface package. New procedure calculate_level added to compute out the maximum depth of any node in the network. Brian Drabble. Also added print using user provided routine domain_effect_pr to file tfin.lsp for simulation (context at node) when context_flag is true. 20-Jun-85: initial version, Austin Tate (c) Copyright 1985,1990 AIAI, University of Edinburgh'; define pr_one_gost(x); vars v; tabs(1); genpr(itemid(x)); value(x) -> v; if length(v)=1 then pr(' from only ') else pr(' from any of '); endif; genpr(value(x));; enddefine; define what_for_n(n); vars cuctxt; gost -> cuctxt;; pr('Statements that must hold for activity '); pr(n); pr(' to be executed.');; appitems({=== === === %n%},===,pr_one_gost); enddefine; define why_n(n); vars cuctxt; gost -> cuctxt;; pr('Statements that activity '); pr(n); pr(' achieves for others.');; appitems({=== === === ===},<| "contains", n |>,pr_one_gost); enddefine; ;;; autocad file creation define calculate_level(entry) -> retval; ;;; ;;; this procedure calculates the longest path to a single node ;;; vars level_count testflag entry2 nodelist seenlist addition; vars active_list centry2 centry plist; 0 -> level_count; 0 -> testflag; [^entry] -> nodelist; [] -> seenlist; 1 -> addition; until testflag = 1 do if addition = 0 then 1 -> testflag; else ;;; ;;; add sucessors at this level ;;; level_count + 1 -> level_count; 0 -> addition; [] -> active_list; for centry2 in nodelist do node(centry2) -> centry; if prenodes(centry) /= [] then for entry2 in prenodes(centry) do if entry2 /= 1 then [^^active_list ^entry2] -> active_list; 1 -> addition; endif; endfor; endif; endfor; for entry2 in nodelist do if not(member(entry2,seenlist)) then entry2 :: seenlist -> seenlist; endif; endfor; [] -> nodelist; if active_list /= [] then for entry2 in active_list do if not(member(entry2, nodelist)) then entry2 :: nodelist -> nodelist endif; endfor; [] -> active_list; endif; endif; enduntil; ;;; ;;; return the value ;;; if entry /= 1 then level_count + 1 -> level_count; endif; entry -> centry; node(entry) -> entry; succnodes(entry) -> plist; [^centry ^level_count ^plist] -> retval; ;;; ;;; end of the procedure ;;; enddefine; vars draw_flag; false -> draw_flag; vars draw_filename; 'tfin.lsp' -> draw_filename; define drawnet(); ;;; ;;; this procedure first identifies the level of each node in the network ;;; vars worklist mpoint maxdepth sorted_list ilist index_list mpoint2 maxwidth counter_list depthcounter pointslist singlewidth yvalue xvalue maxlength lineout nodeval centry slist noderec ntype offset xval yval xval2 yval2 nodelist seenlist addition active_list centry2 plist; vars oldcucharout sthing; vars clist,testflag,depthlist,level_count,entry,entry2; vars nheight,nwidth,dwidth; false -> pop_pr_ratios; 100 -> nwidth; 30 -> nheight; 20 -> dwidth; ;;; ;;; add the plan head to the list and start off the iteration ;;; [] -> worklist; for entry from 1 to numnodes do calculate_level(entry) -> retval; retval :: worklist -> worklist; endfor; ;;; ;;; we now have the results of the search, calculate the maximum ;;; width at any depth ;;; length(worklist) -> mpoint; worklist(mpoint-1)(2) -> maxdepth; syssort(worklist, procedure x y; if x(2) < y(2) then true else false endif endprocedure) -> sorted_list; [] -> ilist; for x from 1 to maxdepth do 0 :: ilist -> ilist; endfor; for entry in sorted_list do ilist(entry(2)) + 1 -> ilist(entry(2)); endfor; syssort(ilist, procedure x y; if x < y then true else false endif endprocedure) -> index_list; ;;; ;;; calculate the maximum width of the drawing area ;;; length(index_list) -> mpoint2; index_list(mpoint2) -> maxwidth; maxwidth * 200 -> maxwidth; length(index_list) * 150 -> maxlength; ;;; ;;; iterate round at each level and print the boxes ;;; sysdelete(draw_filename) -> retval; syscreate(draw_filename,2,false) -> retval; cucharout -> oldcucharout; discout(draw_filename) -> cucharout; pr('(defun C:TFIN ()'); nl(1); '(command "LIMITS" "0,0" "' >< maxlength >< ',' >< maxwidth >< '") (command "ZOOM" "ALL") ' -> lineout;; nl(1); [] -> counter_list; for entry from 1 to length(index_list) do [] :: counter_list -> counter_list; endfor; for entry in sorted_list do entry(1) :: counter_list(entry(2)) -> counter_list(entry(2)) endfor; 0 -> depthcounter; [] -> pointslist; for entry in counter_list do depthcounter + 1 -> depthcounter; maxwidth / ilist(depthcounter) -> singlewidth; for entry2 from 1 to length(entry) do ((entry2 -1) * singlewidth) + (singlewidth /2) -> yvalue; (intof((yvalue /10) + 0.5)) * 10 -> yvalue; (depthcounter -1) * 150 -> xvalue; '(command "INSERT"'.pr; entry(entry2) -> nodeval; node(nodeval)-> centry; if nodetype(centry) = "action" or nodetype(centry) = "phantom" or nodetype(centry) = "goal" then ' "NODE" "' >< xvalue >< ',' >< yvalue >< '" 1 1 0 "' ><': '><'" "' -> lineout;; genpr(pattern(centry)); '")'.pr; elseif nodetype(centry) matches "dummy" or nodetype(centry) = "planhead" then ' "DUMMY" "' >< xvalue >< ',' >< yvalue >< '" 1 1 0 )' -> lineout;; endif; nl(1); ;;; ;;; store values for future reference ;;; [^nodeval ^xvalue ^yvalue] :: pointslist -> pointslist; endfor; endfor; ;;; ;;; now print all the connected lines ;;; for entry in sorted_list do entry(3) -> slist; entry(1) -> nodeval; node(nodeval) -> noderec; nodetype(noderec) -> ntype; if ntype = "action" or ntype = "phantom" or ntype = "goal" then 100 -> offset; else 20 -> offset; endif; pointslist matches [ == [^nodeval ?xval ?yval] == ] -> sthing; xval + offset -> xval; for entry2 in slist do pointslist matches [== [^entry2 ?xval2 ?yval2] == ] -> sthing; '(command "LINE" "' >< xval >< ',' >< yval >< '" "' >< xval2 >< ',' >< yval2 >< '") (command "")' -> lineout;; nl(1); endfor; endfor; ;;; ;;; send end of data items and reset the output channels ;;; '(princ)'.pr;; ')'.pr;; cucharout(termin); oldcucharout -> cucharout; ;;; ;;; end of procedure ;;; enddefine; vars context_flag context_filename domain_effect_pr; false -> context_flag; 'tfin.lsp' -> context_filename; comment 'domain_effect_pr can be replaced by user'; define domain_effect_pr p v; genpr(p); 1.sp; genpr(v);; enddefine; define state_at_node i; vars retval oldcucharout; prnode(i);; prnodectxt(i); why_n(i); what_for_n(i); if context_flag then sysdelete(context_filename) -> retval; syscreate(context_filename,2,false) -> retval; cucharout -> oldcucharout; discout(context_filename) -> cucharout; pr('(defun C:TFIN ()');; if i.isinteger then node(i) -> i; endif; applist(qaall(===,true,i), procedure x; if x.ispair then return endif; domain_effect_pr(x,true); endprocedure); applist(qaall(===,false,i), procedure x; if x.ispair then return endif; domain_effect_pr(x,false); endprocedure); '(command "redrawall") (princ)'.pr;; ')'.pr;; cucharout(termin); oldcucharout -> cucharout; endif; enddefine; define macro tfinfo; vars ch i; 0 -> ch; while ch/=32 do clearscreen(); 'Nonlin TF WorkStation Interface - Do you want:-'.pr;; 1.tabs; '0 Show Help Text'.pr;; 1.tabs; '1 Put New TF File'.pr;; 1.tabs; '2 Put Goal Schema'.pr;; 1.tabs; '3 Get Result Network'.pr;; 1.tabs; '4 Get Actions Only Result Network'.pr;; 1.tabs; '5 Get Critical Path Data'.pr;; 1.tabs; '6 Goal Structure - Conditions'.pr;; 1.tabs; '7 Table of Multiple Effects - Effects'.pr;; 1.tabs; '8 Initial Context entries used in plan - Usewhens'.pr;; 1.tabs; '9 Context at a particular node - Simulation'.pr;; prompt('Type 0 to 9, for none:', [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 %char(32)%]) -> ch; if ch/=32 then clearscreen(); endif; if ch=ord('0') then showfile(nonlinprefix><'nonlintxt'>)'.pr; while (.itemread -> i; not(i.isnumber and i>0 and i<=numnodes)) do endwhile; state_at_node(i); endif; if ch/=32 then; prompt('Type to continue:',[%char(32)%]).erase; endif; endwhile; enddefine; nonmac tfinfo -> nonmac prinfo;