;;; for version 15.5 onwards global vars nlversion = 'Poplog V15.5 1-Dec-2002', nonlinprefix = 'nonlin/', nonlinpostfix = nullstring, libprefix = 'poplib/', libpostfix = '.p', tfprefix = 'nonlin/tf/', tfpostfix = '.tf'; ;;; this is used in showfile in nonlin.p ;;; should be able to get it from stty ;;; This value will be OK if you have been in an out of ved. Default 24 global vars screenlength = vedscreenlength; screenlength=> true -> pop_longstrings; 2500000 -> popmemlim; compile_mode :pop11 +oldvar; ;;; prevent input and output locals defaulting to lvars ;;; stop autoloading of symbols used in TF files in Poplog 15.5 global vars syntax ---> <: :> ; lib pop2; sysunprotect("&&"); compile('nonlin/nonlin.p'); compile('nonlin/tfinfo.p'); nonmac tfinfo -> nonmac prinfo; false -> draw_flag; false -> context_flag; ;;; compile('poplib/saver.p');