Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemEditor
ix.iface.util Interface utilities. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 

Uses of ItemEditor in ix.iface.util

Methods in ix.iface.util with parameters of type ItemEditor
static java.awt.Image IconImage.getIconImage(ItemEditor ed)

Uses of ItemEditor in ix.ip2

Subclasses of ItemEditor in ix.ip2
(package private)  class ActivityEditor
          A simple editor for entering and viewing Activities
(package private)  class ActivityInsertionEditor
          A simple editor for entering and viewing Activities
(package private)  class IssueEditor
          A simple editor for entering and viewing Issues.

Fields in ix.ip2 declared as ItemEditor
(package private)  ItemEditor AgendaTableViewer.itemEditor
(package private)  ItemEditor AgendaViewTable.itemEditor

Methods in ix.ip2 that return ItemEditor
protected  ItemEditor IssueTableViewer.makeItemEditor()
protected abstract  ItemEditor AgendaTableViewer.makeItemEditor()
protected  ItemEditor ActivityTableViewer.makeItemEditor()
protected  ItemEditor IssueViewTable.makeItemEditor()
protected abstract  ItemEditor AgendaViewTable.makeItemEditor()
          Creates the item editor.
protected  ItemEditor ActivityViewTable.makeItemEditor()

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type ItemEditor
 void AgendaTableViewer.setItemEditor(ItemEditor itemEditor)