Interface ConstructFraming

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AConstructFramePanel, ActionEditorPanel, AROEditorPanel, GlobalFramePanel, GrammarEditorPanel, SimpleEditorPanel

public interface ConstructFraming
extends FramePanel

An interface to be implemented by any FramePanel that is part of a DomainEditor

Method Summary
 boolean checkConstruct()
          Checks a construct of the panel's type for errors and inconsistencies.
 boolean frameActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
          Tries to process an action generated in the panel's frame.
 java.util.List getAllConstructs()
          Gets a full list of the constructs of the panel's type in the domain.
 Domain getDomain()
          Gets the current Domain.
 Named getNamedConstruct(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a named construct of the panel's type from the domain
 UIDomain getUIDomain()
          Gets the current UIDomain.
 UIObject makeNewConstruct()
          Makes a new construct of the panel's type.
 void newConstruct()
          Makes a new construct of the panel's type and gets ready to edit it.
 void saveConstruct()
          Saves a construct of the panel's type into the draft domain.
 void setConstruct(IXObject construct)
          Puts a given domain construct of the panel's type into the panel ready for editing
 void setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Put a given UI construct of the panel's type into the panel ready for editing
 void setUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Sets the current UIDomain.
 void viewChanges()
          Collects the construct's changes since last noted to draft (to base object) and shows them to the user.
 void viewChangesFromOriginal()
          Collects the construct's changes since last published and shows them to the user.

Method Detail


Domain getDomain()
Gets the current Domain.


UIDomain getUIDomain()
Gets the current UIDomain.


void setUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
Sets the current UIDomain.


void newConstruct()
Makes a new construct of the panel's type and gets ready to edit it.


UIObject makeNewConstruct()
Makes a new construct of the panel's type.


void saveConstruct()
Saves a construct of the panel's type into the draft domain.


Named getNamedConstruct(java.lang.String name)
Gets a named construct of the panel's type from the domain


void setConstruct(IXObject construct)
Puts a given domain construct of the panel's type into the panel ready for editing


void setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
Put a given UI construct of the panel's type into the panel ready for editing


boolean checkConstruct()
Checks a construct of the panel's type for errors and inconsistencies.


void viewChanges()
Collects the construct's changes since last noted to draft (to base object) and shows them to the user.


void viewChangesFromOriginal()
Collects the construct's changes since last published and shows them to the user.


java.util.List getAllConstructs()
Gets a full list of the constructs of the panel's type in the domain.


boolean frameActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
Tries to process an action generated in the panel's frame.

Specified by:
frameActionPerformed in interface FramePanel
event - the event to be processed.
true if the event is recognised, false if not.