Uses of Class

Packages that use PanelController
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 

Uses of PanelController in ix.ip2

Fields in ix.ip2 declared as PanelController
(package private)  PanelController PlanMaker.controller
(package private)  PanelController PlanInstaller.controller
protected  PanelController Ip2.controller
protected  PanelController Agenda.controller

Methods in ix.ip2 that return PanelController
 PanelController Ip2.getController()
protected  PanelController Ip2.makeController()
          Called to create this agent's controller.

Constructors in ix.ip2 with parameters of type PanelController
ActivityAgenda(PanelController controller)
Agenda(PanelController controller)
IssueAgenda(PanelController controller)

Uses of PanelController in ix.test

Subclasses of PanelController in ix.test
protected static class SimpleExpandingSimulator.SimController

Methods in ix.test that return PanelController
protected  PanelController SimpleExpandingSimulator.makeController()