Class AbstractTreeTableModel

  extended by javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
      extended by ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
          extended by ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractTreeTableModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
TableMouseListener, java.io.Serializable, javax.swing.table.TableModel
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionTreeTableModel, AgendaItemTableModel, AROEditorPanel.ClassTreeTableModel

public abstract class AbstractTreeTableModel
extends AbstractIXTableModel
implements TableMouseListener

An abstract class for tree table models. Creates IXTreeTableNode objects to wrap around the data objects. These IXTreeTableNode objects hold id information (base-object and parent line) and expansion information (indentation of the node and whether it is expanded or not).

Will add a column 0 or 1 that uses icons to show tree information (right arrow for collapsed nodes, down arrow for expanded nodes, nothing for leaf nodes). The column is 0 if the table is not markable, 1 if it is (marks are always in column 0) Will indent the string in column 1 or 2 to show tree structure. By default, the children of nodes are not displayed When clicking on the node's tree-icon column, the following happens:

Multiple parents are no problem because by default nodes children are not displayed. When a child is displayed more than once, it has a different parent-line and different IXTreeTableNode obejcts are used.

As an example, see ix.iview.table.ActionTreeTableModel

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
Field Summary
static char CLOSEDC
          the character used to indicate an un-expanded node
static javax.swing.ImageIcon CLOSEDI
static int INDENT_STEP
          the indentation steps used to indent children
static char LEAFC
          the character used to indicate a leaf (no children)
static javax.swing.ImageIcon LEAFI
 int nameColumn
          the column to be used as a name column
 java.util.HashMap nodeMap
          A map for looking up a TreeNode for a Object.
protected  java.util.ArrayList nodes
          a collection of IXTreeTableNodes that have been generated
static char OPENC
          the character used to indicate an expanded node
static javax.swing.ImageIcon OPENI
 int treeIconColumn
          the column to be used as a tree-icon column
Fields inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
columnClasses, columnFields, columnNames, markedRows, objectClass, rows, rowsMarkable
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
Constructor Summary
AbstractTreeTableModel(boolean markable)
          Makes an empty model.
AbstractTreeTableModel(boolean markable, javax.swing.tree.TreeNode[] theNodes)
          Makes a model that contains the given nodes at top level.
Method Summary
 void addData(java.lang.Object data)
          Adds the given TreeNode object to the table's rows and notifies listeners.
 void addTreeNode(java.lang.Object object, javax.swing.tree.TreeNode tNode)
          Associate the given TreeNode to the given object
 void addTreeTableModelListener(TreeTableStructureListener l)
 void cellClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me, int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
          If the left button was clicked on the tree-column, expand/collapse node.
 void clearData()
          Removes all data objects from the table's rows and notifies listeners.
 void clearTable()
protected  void deriveColumnFields()
          Collects usable fields from the objectClass; puts the name field in front.
 void expandNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode, int rowIndex)
          Gathers the node's children and splices them into the table.
 void fireNodeStructureChanged(IXTreeTableNode node)
          A node gained or lost children
 void fireObjectChanged(java.lang.Object o)
          The given object changed - find its tree node, fire that and redo children
 void fireTreeStructureChanged()
          The tree lost/gained nodes (more drastic than nodeStructureChanged
 void forceExpandNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode, int rowIndex)
abstract  java.lang.Object getCellValueAt(java.lang.Object node, int columnIndex)
          Gets the object's value for the given column index.
abstract  java.lang.String getNameString(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode node)
          Gets the string to use for the tree-column (the name of the node).
 int getNodeRow(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode tNode)
 int getObjectRow(java.lang.Object object)
          Gets the row index of the given object
 boolean getParentsBold()
          Returns the flag that determines whether the names of parent nodes are displayed bold or not.
 java.lang.Object getRowNode(int rowIndex)
 java.lang.Object getRowObject(int rowIndex)
          Gets the object that is in the given row.
 javax.swing.tree.TreeNode getTreeNode(java.lang.Object object)
          Get the (possibly new) TreeNode that is associlated with the given Object.
 javax.swing.tree.TreeNode getTreeNode(java.lang.Object object, java.util.List parents, int indentation)
 java.lang.Object getTreeNodeType(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
          Gets a character or icon to use as a reflection of the node's tree-status.
protected  java.lang.Object getTreeValueAt(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
          Gets the value that indicates the tree-position (indented name).
 java.lang.Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
          Get the value for a cell in the table defined by the parameters.
 boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
 boolean isExpanding()
 boolean isParentsBold()
          Returns the flag that determines whether the names of parent nodes are displayed bold or not.
 java.lang.String ixTTNListToString(java.util.List nodes)
abstract  IXTreeTableNode makeIXTreeTableNode(java.lang.Object node)
 IXTreeTableNode makeIXTreeTableNode(java.lang.Object node, java.util.List parents, int indentation)
          indentation is number of blanks to put in front of node (n*INDENT_STEP)
protected  boolean removeChildData(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
protected  void removeChildren(IXTreeTableNode eNode, int index)
 void removeData(java.lang.Object data)
          Removes the given TreeNode object from the table's rows (including its children) and notifies listeners.
 void removeDataNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
          Completely forget about the node (and its children)
 void removeNodes(int number, int place)
          Removes the given number of nodes from the given index place in the table.
 void removeTreeNode(java.lang.Object object)
          Forget the association of the given TreeNode to the given object
 void setColumnFields(java.lang.Class objectClass, java.lang.String[] fieldNames)
          Sets the fields to be used as columns in the table
 void setColumnNames(java.lang.String[] fieldNames)
          Sets the column titles to be used in the table
 void setColumnPlaces()
          Sets the column fplaces for tree info and name depending on whether the table is markable or not.
 void setData(java.util.Collection theNodes)
          Sets the table's rows to the given TreeNode objects and notifies listeners.
 void setData(java.lang.Object[] theNodes)
          Sets the table's rows to the given TreeNode objects and notifies listeners.
 void setParentsBold(boolean boldParents)
          Sets the flag that determines whether the names of parent nodes are displayed bold or not.
 void unexpandNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode, int index)
          Removes the node's children from the table and notes it as unexpanded.
 void updateData(java.util.Collection theNodes)
          Sets the table's rows to the given TreeNode objects, maintaining current expansions and notifies listeners.
Methods inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
addData, addMarkListener, clearMarks, defaultGetCellValueAt, defaultSetColumnFields, fireTableMarkAdded, fireTableMarkCleared, fireTableMarkedAll, fireTableMarkRemoved, getColumnClass, getColumnCount, getColumnName, getColumnNames, getData, getMarkedObjects, getMarkedRows, getRowCount, isMarkable, isMarked, isMarkedEmpty, markAll, markRow, removeMarkListener, replaceData, setColumnClasses, setValueAt, unmarkRow
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
addTableModelListener, findColumn, fireTableCellUpdated, fireTableChanged, fireTableDataChanged, fireTableRowsDeleted, fireTableRowsInserted, fireTableRowsUpdated, fireTableStructureChanged, getListeners, getTableModelListeners, removeTableModelListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int treeIconColumn
the column to be used as a tree-icon column


public int nameColumn
the column to be used as a name column


public static final int INDENT_STEP
the indentation steps used to indent children

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char LEAFC
the character used to indicate a leaf (no children)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char OPENC
the character used to indicate an expanded node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char CLOSEDC
the character used to indicate an un-expanded node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final javax.swing.ImageIcon LEAFI


public static final javax.swing.ImageIcon OPENI


public static final javax.swing.ImageIcon CLOSEDI


protected java.util.ArrayList nodes
a collection of IXTreeTableNodes that have been generated


public java.util.HashMap nodeMap
A map for looking up a TreeNode for a Object. Use: put(Object, TreeNode)

Constructor Detail


public AbstractTreeTableModel(boolean markable)
Makes an empty model.


public AbstractTreeTableModel(boolean markable,
                              javax.swing.tree.TreeNode[] theNodes)
Makes a model that contains the given nodes at top level.

Method Detail


public void addTreeTableModelListener(TreeTableStructureListener l)


public void fireTreeStructureChanged()
The tree lost/gained nodes (more drastic than nodeStructureChanged


public void fireNodeStructureChanged(IXTreeTableNode node)
A node gained or lost children


public void setData(java.util.Collection theNodes)
Sets the table's rows to the given TreeNode objects and notifies listeners. Creates a top-level IXTreeTableNode object for each data object. Overwrites the super method.


public void setData(java.lang.Object[] theNodes)
Sets the table's rows to the given TreeNode objects and notifies listeners. Creates a top-level IXTreeTableNode object for each data object. Overwrites the super method.

setData in class AbstractIXTableModel


public void clearData()
Description copied from class: AbstractIXTableModel
Removes all data objects from the table's rows and notifies listeners.

clearData in class AbstractIXTableModel


public void clearTable()


public void updateData(java.util.Collection theNodes)
Sets the table's rows to the given TreeNode objects, maintaining current expansions and notifies listeners. As setData, but it maintains current expansions whereas setData removes them.


public void addData(java.lang.Object data)
Adds the given TreeNode object to the table's rows and notifies listeners. Creates a top-level IXTreeTableNode object for the data object. Overwrites the super method.

addData in class AbstractIXTableModel


public void removeData(java.lang.Object data)
Removes the given TreeNode object from the table's rows (including its children) and notifies listeners. Overwrites the super method.

removeData in class AbstractIXTableModel


public void removeDataNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
Completely forget about the node (and its children)


public void removeNodes(int number,
                        int place)
Removes the given number of nodes from the given index place in the table. Also notifies listeners. This happens when nodes are collapsed.


public void setColumnPlaces()
Sets the column fplaces for tree info and name depending on whether the table is markable or not.


public void setColumnNames(java.lang.String[] fieldNames)
Sets the column titles to be used in the table

setColumnNames in class AbstractIXTableModel


public void setColumnFields(java.lang.Class objectClass,
                            java.lang.String[] fieldNames)
Sets the fields to be used as columns in the table

setColumnFields in class AbstractIXTableModel


public java.lang.Object getRowObject(int rowIndex)
Description copied from class: AbstractIXTableModel
Gets the object that is in the given row.

getRowObject in class AbstractIXTableModel
the object or null if there is no such row.


public java.lang.Object getRowNode(int rowIndex)


public int getObjectRow(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from class: AbstractIXTableModel
Gets the row index of the given object

getObjectRow in class AbstractIXTableModel
the object's index or -1 if there is no such object.


public int getNodeRow(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode tNode)


public void setParentsBold(boolean boldParents)
Sets the flag that determines whether the names of parent nodes are displayed bold or not.


public boolean getParentsBold()
Returns the flag that determines whether the names of parent nodes are displayed bold or not.


public boolean isParentsBold()
Returns the flag that determines whether the names of parent nodes are displayed bold or not.


public boolean isCellEditable(int row,
                              int col)
Specified by:
isCellEditable in interface javax.swing.table.TableModel
isCellEditable in class AbstractIXTableModel


public java.lang.Object getValueAt(int rowIndex,
                                   int columnIndex)
Get the value for a cell in the table defined by the parameters. only the node name is different from normal node tables, so the other cells can be done by any old table model.

Specified by:
getValueAt in interface javax.swing.table.TableModel
getValueAt in class AbstractIXTableModel


protected java.lang.Object getTreeValueAt(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
Gets the value that indicates the tree-position (indented name).

an object that can be rendered by the table.


public boolean isExpanding()


public void expandNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode,
                       int rowIndex)
Gathers the node's children and splices them into the table.


public void forceExpandNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode,
                            int rowIndex)


public void unexpandNode(IXTreeTableNode eNode,
                         int index)
Removes the node's children from the table and notes it as unexpanded.


protected void removeChildren(IXTreeTableNode eNode,
                              int index)


protected boolean removeChildData(IXTreeTableNode eNode)


public java.lang.Object getTreeNodeType(IXTreeTableNode eNode)
Gets a character or icon to use as a reflection of the node's tree-status. E.g. + for collapsed with children, - for expanded with children, empty for no children.


public void cellClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent me,
                        int rowIndex,
                        int columnIndex)
If the left button was clicked on the tree-column, expand/collapse node.

Specified by:
cellClicked in interface TableMouseListener
me - the original MouseEvent.
rowIndex - the index of the row that has been clicked
columnIndex - the index of the column that has been clicked


public abstract java.lang.Object getCellValueAt(java.lang.Object node,
                                                int columnIndex)
Gets the object's value for the given column index. The index has been adjusted to ignore mark column and tree-icon column.

Specified by:
getCellValueAt in class AbstractIXTableModel
an object that can be rendered by the table.


public abstract java.lang.String getNameString(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode node)
Gets the string to use for the tree-column (the name of the node).


public void fireObjectChanged(java.lang.Object o)
The given object changed - find its tree node, fire that and redo children


protected void deriveColumnFields()
Collects usable fields from the objectClass; puts the name field in front. Does not adjust for tree-icon or markings.

deriveColumnFields in class AbstractIXTableModel


public javax.swing.tree.TreeNode getTreeNode(java.lang.Object object)
Get the (possibly new) TreeNode that is associlated with the given Object.


public javax.swing.tree.TreeNode getTreeNode(java.lang.Object object,
                                             java.util.List parents,
                                             int indentation)


public void addTreeNode(java.lang.Object object,
                        javax.swing.tree.TreeNode tNode)
Associate the given TreeNode to the given object


public void removeTreeNode(java.lang.Object object)
Forget the association of the given TreeNode to the given object


public abstract IXTreeTableNode makeIXTreeTableNode(java.lang.Object node)


public IXTreeTableNode makeIXTreeTableNode(java.lang.Object node,
                                           java.util.List parents,
                                           int indentation)
indentation is number of blanks to put in front of node (n*INDENT_STEP)


public java.lang.String ixTTNListToString(java.util.List nodes)