Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeEndRef
ix.icore.domain Domain descriptions. 
ix.icore.process Classes for representing processes. 
ix.iface.domain Domain parsers and outputters. 

Uses of NodeEndRef in ix.icore.domain

Fields in ix.icore.domain declared as NodeEndRef
protected  NodeEndRef Ordering.from
protected  NodeEndRef ConstraintRange.from
protected  NodeEndRef
protected  NodeEndRef

Methods in ix.icore.domain that return NodeEndRef
 NodeEndRef AtNodeEnd.getAt()
 NodeEndRef Ordering.getFrom()
 NodeEndRef NodeEndRange.getFrom()
 NodeEndRef ConstraintRange.getFrom()
 NodeEndRef Ordering.getTo()
 NodeEndRef NodeEndRange.getTo()
 NodeEndRef ConstraintRange.getTo()

Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type NodeEndRef
 void AtNodeEnd.setAt(NodeEndRef at)
 void Ordering.setFrom(NodeEndRef from)
 void NodeEndRange.setFrom(NodeEndRef from)
 void ConstraintRange.setFrom(NodeEndRef from)
 void AcrossNode.setFrom(NodeEndRef from)
 void Ordering.setTo(NodeEndRef to)
 void NodeEndRange.setTo(NodeEndRef to)
 void ConstraintRange.setTo(NodeEndRef to)
 void AcrossNode.setTo(NodeEndRef to)

Constructors in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type NodeEndRef
AtNodeEnd(NodeEndRef at)
ConstraintRange(NodeEndRef from, NodeEndRef to)
Ordering(NodeEndRef from, NodeEndRef to)

Uses of NodeEndRef in ix.icore.process

Methods in ix.icore.process with parameters of type NodeEndRef
static PNodeEnd PNodeEnd.fromRef(java.util.Map idToNodeMap, NodeEndRef ref)
 PNodeEnd PNode.refToTimePoint(NodeEndRef ref)
          Returns the node-end that corresponds to the node-end-ref.

Uses of NodeEndRef in ix.iface.domain

Methods in ix.iface.domain that return NodeEndRef
protected  NodeEndRef LTF_Parser.theNodeEndRef(Name nodeId, End defaultEnd)

Methods in ix.iface.domain with parameters of type NodeEndRef
(package private)  void TF_Writer.outNodeEndRef(NodeEndRef ref)
(package private)  void LTF_Writer.outNodeEndRef(NodeEndRef ref, End defaultEnd)