Uses of Class

Packages that use Domain
ix.icore.domain Domain descriptions. 
ix.icore.domain.event Interfaces and classes for events related to domains. 
ix.icore.plan Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. 
ix.iface.domain Domain parsers and outputters. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 
ix.test.xml Experiments with new classes that could be converted to and from XML. 

Uses of Domain in ix.icore.domain

Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type Domain
 void Domain.takeFrom(Domain other)
          Merges another domain into this one.

Uses of Domain in ix.icore.domain.event

Constructors in ix.icore.domain.event with parameters of type Domain
DomainEvent(Domain source)
RefinementEvent(Domain source, Refinement refinement)

Uses of Domain in ix.icore.plan

Subclasses of Domain in ix.icore.plan
 class PlanAsDomain
          A plan represented as a domain.

Methods in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Domain
(package private)  void DomainAsPlan.fillNodeIdToRefinementMap(Domain domain)

Constructors in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Domain
DomainAsPlan(Domain domain)

Uses of Domain in ix.iface.domain

Methods in ix.iface.domain that return Domain
 Domain LTF_Parser.readDomain()
abstract  Domain DomainParser.readDomain()
 Domain DomainParser.DomainParserWrapper.readDomain()
 Domain ChecklistParser.readDomain()
          Constructs a domain by parsing the contents of the URL.
 Domain LTF_Parser.readDomain(Domain dom)
abstract  Domain DomainParser.readDomain(Domain dom)
 Domain DomainParser.DomainParserWrapper.readDomain(Domain domain)

Methods in ix.iface.domain with parameters of type Domain
protected  void LTF_Parser.do_readDomain(Domain dom)
static DomainParser.loadDomain(java.awt.Component parentComponent, Domain domain)
          Reads a description of a domain from a file selected by the user, conducting all necessary dialogs along the way.
(package private)  void LTF_Writer.outDomain(Domain domain)
(package private)  void TF_Writer.outDomainHeader(Domain domain)
(package private)  void LTF_Writer.outDomainHeader(Domain domain)
(package private)  void LTF_Parser.processDomainHeader(Domain dom, LList header)
 Domain LTF_Parser.readDomain(Domain dom)
abstract  Domain DomainParser.readDomain(Domain dom)
 Domain DomainParser.DomainParserWrapper.readDomain(Domain domain)
static DomainWriter.saveDomain(java.awt.Component parentComponent, Domain domain)
          Writes a description of a domain to a file selected by the user, conducting all necessary dialogs along the way.
static DomainWriter.saveDomain(java.awt.Component frame, Domain domain, domainName)
          Writes a description of the domain to the specified file.
 void LTF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain domain)
abstract  void DomainWriter.writeDomain(Domain domain)
 void DomainWriter.DomainWriterWrapper.writeDomain(Domain domain)
 void ITF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain dom, file)
 void LTF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain domain, w)
 void ITF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain dom, out)

Uses of Domain in ix.ip2

Fields in ix.ip2 declared as Domain
protected  Domain Ip2.domain
(package private)  Domain Ip2Applet.AppletIp2.savedDomain

Methods in ix.ip2 that return Domain
 Domain Ip2.getDomain()
(package private)  Domain LoadDomainHandler.AbstractLoadDomainAction.getDomain(LList pattern)
(package private)  Domain LoadDomainHandler.AbstractLoadDomainAction.readDomain(java.lang.String resourceName)

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type Domain
 void Ip2.loadDomain(Domain dom)
 InternalDomainEditor PanelFrame.makeDomainEditor(IXAgent agent, Domain dom)
          Constructs the domain editor for this panel.
protected  void Ip2.readDomain(Domain domain)
          Read in any initial domain descriptions.
 void Ip2.readDomain(Domain domain, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Adds definitions to a domain.

Uses of Domain in ix.iplan

Fields in ix.iplan declared as Domain
protected  Domain DomainAnalyser.domain

Methods in ix.iplan that return Domain
protected  Domain AutoTester.TestRunner.readDomain()

Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type Domain
(package private) static boolean Slip.canBeUsedForEffect(Constraint effect, Refinement r, Domain d)
static boolean Slip.domainUsesConditionTypes(Domain dom)
(package private) static boolean Slip.isAchievableCondPattern(LList pattern, Domain decider)
 void Slip.setDomain(Domain dom)
 void Planner.setDomain(Domain domain)
          Sets this planner's domain.
 void FilteredPlanner.setDomain(Domain domain)
 void IPlan.setDomain(Domain dom)

Constructors in ix.iplan with parameters of type Domain
DomainAnalyser(Domain domain)
          Make an analyser for a domain.
PlanCheckingSimulator(Plan plan, Domain domain)
          Creates a simulator for the specified plan and domain.

Uses of Domain in ix.iview

Fields in ix.iview declared as Domain
(package private)  Domain SimpleDomainEditor.dom

Methods in ix.iview that return Domain
 Domain DomainObjectManager.getDomain()
 Domain DomainEditorFrame.getDomain()
 Domain DomainEditor.getDomain()
 Domain ConstructFraming.getDomain()
          Gets the current Domain.
 Domain AbstractUISetEditor.getDomain()
 Domain AConstructFramePanel.getDomain()

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type Domain
 boolean DomainObjectManager.isSaving(Domain domain)
protected static void DomainEditorFrame.readDomain(Domain domain)
protected static void DomainEditor.readDomain(Domain domain)
static void DomainEditorFrame.readDomain(Domain domain, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Adds definitions from a given resource to a given domain.
static void DomainEditor.readDomain(Domain domain, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Adds definitions from a given resource to a given domain.
 void AbstractUISetEditor.removeFromDomain(Domain domain, java.lang.Object object)
 void AbstractUISetEditor.saveToDomain(Domain domain)
protected  void DomainEditorFrame.setDomain(Domain domain)
          Sets the given domain as current both in this frame and the domain editor panel.
 void DomainEditor.setDomain(Domain domain)
          Sets the given domain as current in te uiDomain.

Constructors in ix.iview with parameters of type Domain
DomainEditor(Domain domain)
          Makes the editor with the given domain - simple, stand-alone by default.
DomainEditor(Domain domain, boolean standAlone)
          Makes the editor with the given mode and load the given domain.
DomainEditor(IXAgent theAgent, Domain domain)
          Makes the editor with the given domain in not-stand-alone mode.
DomainEditorFrame(DomainEditor editor, Domain domain)
          Makes the editor with the given domain - simple, stand-alone by default.
DomainEditorFrame(DomainEditor editor, Domain domain, boolean alone)
          Makes the editor with the given mode and load the given domain.
SimpleDomainEditor(IXAgent agent, Domain dom)

Uses of Domain in ix.iview.domain

Methods in ix.iview.domain that return Domain
 Domain UIRefinement.getDomain()
 Domain UIObjectClass.getDomain()
 Domain UIObject.getDomain()
          Gets the base domain.
 Domain UIDomain.getDomain()

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type Domain
 void UIRefinement.addToDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIObjectClass.addToDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIObject.addToDomain(Domain domain)
          Adds the contents of this UIObject to the domain (part of publish).
 void UIDomain.addToDomain(Domain domain)
 java.util.List UIDomain.collectAllChanges(Domain domain)
 java.util.List UIDomain.collectChanges(Domain domain)
 java.util.List UIDomain.collectChanges(Domain domain, java.lang.String which)
 void UIDomain.fireDomainSet(Domain domain)
 boolean UIDomain.hasChanged(Domain domain)
          Finds out whether the domain has changed from the given one.
 boolean UIDomain.hasChangedAll(Domain domain)
          Finds out whether anything in the domain (inc. constructs) have changed from the given one.
 boolean UIDomain.isSaving(Domain domain)
 void UIRefinement.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIObjectClass.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIObject.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
          Removes the object's corresponding base object from the domain.
 void UIDomain.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIDomain.setCurrentDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIDomain.setDomain(Domain domain)
          clears this domain, then sets it to the new one.
 void UIRefinement.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIObjectClass.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
 void UIObject.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
          Updates the base object in the domain with the contents of this object.
 void UIDomain.updateInDomain(Domain domain)

Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type Domain
UIDomain(Domain baseDomain, DomainEditor editor)

Uses of Domain in ix.test

Fields in ix.test declared as Domain
protected  Domain BlockStacker.baseDomain
protected  Domain PlanningTest.domain

Methods in ix.test that return Domain
 Domain BlockStacker.problemDomain()
 Domain BlockStacker.problemDomain(java.util.List initialTowers, java.util.List finalTowers)

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type Domain
 void BlockStacker.setBaseDomain(Domain dom)

Constructors in ix.test with parameters of type Domain
SimpleRSim(Plan plan, Domain domain)
          Creates a simulator for the specified plan and domain.

Uses of Domain in ix.test.xml

Methods in ix.test.xml that return Domain
protected  Domain BlockStackingTest.BlockTestRunner.readDomain()