Opensim I-Room Resources Opensim Virtual Collaboration Centre - 8 Zone Building Image at XML objects saved from Opensim (version 4160 8-Apr-2008) Linked in major sections for foundations, walls, floors and roof - opensim-iroom-linked-169.xml Unlinked separate parts - opensim-iroom-unlinked-169.xml To load into an Opensim region do the following: Amend the UUIDs in the XML for OwnerId, lastOwnerId and CreatorId to be the UUID of an avatar in the new setup. You can obtain that from the Opensim console when a Viewer is connected. Place the XML file into the base directory of the Opensim system to make it easily accessible. change-region load-xml -newUID offsetX offsetY offsetZ -newUID flag is important to ensure that new UUIDs are generated for all the objects created.. rather than this being treated as a reload of the saved contents for a region. Offset is from 100,100,50. Offsets can also be negative. If not given, the objects will be centred on 100 100 50. Take care to ensure all the building is above ground level where loaded, or parts may be shifted vertically to stay above the ground. E.g. change-region AIAI NW load-xml opensim-iroom-linked-169.xml -newUID 28 28 -20 would load the I-Room building at AIAI NW (128,128,30) --------------- In versions earlier than 4160 - 8-Apr-2008 - due to a bug, pelase amend the Opensim.ini entry to not use physics = basicphysics e.g. use physics = OpenDynamicsEngine