I-Room - A Room for Intelligent Interaction

An "intelligent room" or "knowledgeable room" to act as a knowledge aid to support collaborative teleconferences and meetings initially but later to provide a knowledge assistant in any location a user wishes via whatever presentation methods are appropriate. The project could be a good base for all sorts of collaborative developments, plug-ins, and student projects.


Initial work is focused on the creation of a Virtual Collaboration Centre in Second Life. I-Room will provide a generic technology basis for a wide range of potential collaborative applications and uses. There will be three communities for initial focus:

  • PLAY
    • a personal, family, friends related group - focus on some community shared experience such as the planning, run up to and the day of a wedding for example.
    • a shared access game lobby
  • WORK
    • support to a professional related group and event - such as the planning, run up to and day of a scientific workshop for example.
    • virtual tutorials and tours
    • design to product - business group support for distributed participants dealing with all aspects of a prodyct life-cycoe, and perhaps many localised variants of a product in servuice, with many local sub-contractors, and prolonged timescales.
    • Team workflow and process management in a wide range of application areas
  • HELP
    • A help centre for a technical product
    • rapid establishment and adaptation of a highly dynamic collaborative emergency response coordination centre.

I-Room for the Games Industry Slam Games Informatics Prospekt ERDF
Whisky Tutorial Room & Tour Whisky Shop Beattie Communications Informatics Prospekt ERDF

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Page maintained by a.tate@ed.ac.uk, Last updated: Thu Jun 9 09:00:49 2016