Changes for Version 1.0_Grid_3.1.2 New Grid version and KAoS Grid Helper. Don't need any KAoS classes in the Grid download "lib" folder. ------------------------------------------- Changes for Version 1.0_Grid_3.1.0 (Apart from the Grid version changes by IHMC) Added new ServiceQuery class with no-args constructor [10 July patch]. Added patch 28 June ('net' folder tree in served class, and correct name for servedClasses folder) Added patch 25 June (new XMLMatcher class to fix matching bug). Added patch 20 June 2001, fixing inconsistency between service queries and their DTDs. This required changing "Data" to "data" all the XML service descriptions. KAoS_Apps moved to root level and scripts added to allow easy change between Grid versions 1.5.1 and 3.1.0. NB - other parts of the demo, such as Nomads, need to be told which KAoS version to use! KAoS_Apps\Servlets\startserver.bat has been edited to remove dependency on KAoS version, by using existing KAoS environment variables. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some changes to the CoAX 9-month demo following the upgrade to KAoS 1.0 from versions 0.93alpha_Before_JAAS and 0.93alpha_Malvern: Persistent JNDI objects are now stored in TempFileSystem\Persist rather than C:\KAoSPersist, to minimise the number of root level directories needed for KAoS. This required changes to the XML files and also the security policies for the domains used by MBPProxy and the Observer agents. The KAoS_Environment, CoABS_Environment and Machine_Environment batch files are called using relative paths (following Rob C's example) as this is less brittle when changing versions. The Sun XML API jarfile has been moved into the KAoS_Core\AddOns directory, for the same reason. Various batch files were altered to take account of this. The extra copy of the CoABS Grid inside the CAMPS distribution has been removed; as well as saving space this avoids the strange problems encountered if one forgets to edit the coabsgrid.props file 8-). Some unnecessary levels of subdirectories have been removed for faster navigation. Naming of directories has been made more intuitive. Scripts for the Nomads demo and others have been (re)numbered to make startup easier. Many agents/services have been migrated to Java JDK 1.3. Some parts of the demo will not work under 1.3 however, since they put classes in the package, which seems to be prohibited under 1.3. Also, some problems were found with CAMPS-MP with JDK 1.3, although other causes are possible here. David Allsopp 27 April 2001 Fixed bug in 13 June 2001