/******* BENCHMARK GENERATION ******/ fml GenerateModalLiteral(integer depth) { fml L; integer i; L=Var(Random1To(MaxVariables)); if (Random01(ProbNegated)) L=Not(L); for (i=0;iMaxFailures) { fprintf(stderr,"\n WARNING - Too many failures - WARNING \n"); fprintf(stderr,"There might not be enough different formulae\n"); fprintf(stderr,"With these parameters\n"); exit(1); } } } return Or(C); } sequent GenerateFormulae() { sequent S; fml A; integer num_clauses,failed_clauses; S=EMPTY_SEQUENT; failed_clauses=0; num_clauses=0; while (num_clausesMaxFailures) { fprintf(stderr,"\n WARNING - Too many failures - WARNING \n"); fprintf(stderr,"There might not be enough different formulae\n"); fprintf(stderr,"With these parameters\n"); exit(1); } } } return S; }