AktCommunicationStrategy - README.txt 14/9/01 Stephen Potter, AIAI. This directory contains the java source and compiled classes for AktCommunicationStrategy. This code implements message- passing between the various I-X packages using the Aktbus protocol (developed independently at the University of Aberdeen as part of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies project). The code to which this readme relates assumes v.0.1.1(b) of the Aktbus (released 12/9/01). Since this is an early (and practically untried) version of the Aktbus, changes to this package should be expected - hopefully, any changes will be compatible with earlier versions, though. Consequently, some alterations to the AktCommunicationStrategy contained in this directory *may* be necessary in the future. At the moment, the code assumes that all I-X components are running on the same host machine, and accept messages on the following ports: IDEEL 5040 ILEED 5050 ITEST 5060 In order to compile (& run) AktCommunicationStrategy, the following must be included in the classpath: I-X-System/Imports/jdom.jar I-X-System/Imports/xerces.jar (run only) I-X-System/Imports/aktbus-core.jar I-X-System/Imports/xml.jar I-X-System/Imports/brazil-util-http.jar Within the I-X-System, the final 3 of these jars are solely used in this context to implement the Aktbus communications. Sample compile command (run from I-X-System/I-X): javac -classpath .:../Imports/jdom.jar:../Imports/xml.jar: ../Imports/brazil-util-http.jar:../Imports/aktbus-core.jar ix/akt/AktCommunicationStrategy.java Sample run command (running I_TEST): java -classpath .:../Imports/jdom.jar:../Imports/xerces.jar: ../Imports/aktbus-core.jar:../Imports/brazil-util-http.jar: ../Imports/xml.jar ix.itest.I_TEST -ipc=akt