/* Author: Jeff Dalton * Updated: Sun Jun 17 20:35:15 2001 by Jeff Dalton * Copyright: (c) 2000, AIAI, University of Edinburgh */ package ix.iface.domain; import java.io.*; import ix.icore.domain.*; import ix.util.*; import ix.util.lisp.*; import ix.util.match.*; /** * A parser for domains described in a Lisp-like syntax.

* * The parser parses a file of schema definitions to populate a Domain.

* * In the syntax definitions below, upper-case names are literals * and lower-case names are syntactic variables. The literals * can be written in either case in domain definitions. * *

 *    (DEFINE-PROCESS pattern clause*)
 *    (DEFINE-ACTION  pattern clause*)
 *    (DEFINE-SCHEMA  name pattern clause*)
 *    (DEFINE-PRODUCT (name))
 *    name ::= symbol | string
 *    pattern ::= (item*)
 *    item ::= number | symbol | string | pattern | variable
 *    variable ::= ?symbol
 *    clause ::= (NODES node*)
 *            | (ORDERINGS ordering*) 
 *            | (EFFECTS effect*)
 *            | (PROPERTIES property*)
 *    node ::= (node-number pattern)
 *    ordering ::= ({node-humber | (node-number*)}*)
 *    effect ::= (AT when pattern = value)
 *    when ::= START | FINISH
 *    value ::= item
 *    property ::= (string value)
* * @see Domain */ public class LTF_Parser extends DomainParser implements LTF_SchemaSymbols { protected String filename; protected LispReader lin; public LTF_Parser(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { this.filename = filename; this.lin = new LispFileReader(filename); } public LTF_Parser(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { this(file.getPath()); } public Domain readDomain() { return readDomain(new Domain()); } public Domain readDomain(Domain dom) { Debug.noteln("Reading schemas from", filename); try { Object item; while ((item = lin.readObject()) != Lisp.EOF) { LList def = (LList)item; Symbol defForm = (Symbol)def.elementAt(0); if (defForm == S_DEFINE_PROCESS || defForm == S_DEFINE_ACTION || defForm == S_DEFINE_SCHEMA) { dom.addSchema( new Schema( canonicalSchemaDescription(def))); } else if (defForm == S_DEFINE_PRODUCT) { dom.addProductSchema( new ProductSchema( canonicalProductDescription(def))); } else { Debug.warn("Illegal definition type " + defForm); } } } catch (LispReadException e) { Debug.noteException(e); } return dom; } /* * Process and action definitions */ public LList canonicalSchemaDescription(LList def) { LListCollector defElements = new LListCollector(def); Symbol defForm; Symbol defType; Object defName; LList defPat; LList defBody; defForm = (Symbol)defElements.popElement(); // Definition type: process or action if (defForm == S_DEFINE_PROCESS) { defType = S_PROCESS; } else if (defForm == S_DEFINE_ACTION || defForm == S_DEFINE_SCHEMA) { defType = S_ACTION; } else { defType = S_ACTION; Debug.warn("Illegal schema definition type" + defForm); } // define-schema allows a name to be given if (defForm == S_DEFINE_SCHEMA) { defName = defElements.popElement(); defPat = (LList)defElements.popElement(); } else { defPat = (LList)defElements.popElement(); defName = defPat.elementAt(0); } defBody = defElements.contents(); // Stick it all together as (name type pattern . slot-alist) return Lisp.list(defName, defType, defPat).append(parseBody(defBody)); } public LList parseBody(LList body) { LListCollector result = new LListCollector(); for (LList slots = body; slots != Lisp.NIL; slots = slots.cdr()) { Cons slot = (Cons)slots.car(); Symbol name = (Symbol)slot.car(); LList value = slot.cdr(); if (name == S_NODES) result.addElement(new Cons(name, value)); else if (name == S_ORDERINGS) { value = expandAllOrderings(value); result.addElement(new Cons(name, value)); } else if (name == S_PROPERTIES) result.addElement(new Cons(name, value)); else if (name == S_EFFECTS) { value = value.mapcar(new Function1() { public Object funcall(Object description) { return parseEffect((LList)description); } }); result.addElement(new Cons(name, value)); } else Debug.warn("Illegal schema slot:" + slot); } return result.contents(); } /* * Orderings */ /** * Expands a list of orderings into a list of simple orderings. * Each simple ordering is a pair of node numbers: (before after).

* * Each ordering is a list representing a sequence. Consider * adjacent elements A and B in such a list. Each node in A is * linked before each node in B. For example, (1 (2 3) 4) is * equivalent to the four separate lists (1 2), (1 3), (2 4), (3 4). */ public static LList expandAllOrderings(LList orderings) { LListCollector result = new LListCollector(); for (LList ords = orderings; ords != Lisp.NIL; ords = ords.cdr()) { result.concLList(expandOrdering((LList)ords.car())); } return result.contents(); } public static LList expandOrdering(LList ordering) { LListCollector result = new LListCollector(); // for adjacent elements left and right ... for (LList ords = ordering; ords != Lisp.NIL; ords = ords.cdr()) { Object left = ords.car(); Object right = ords.cdr().car(); result.concLList(expandOrderPair(left, right)); } return result.contents(); } static LList expandOrderPair(Object left, Object right) { LListCollector result = new LListCollector(); for (LList l = ensureList(left); l != Lisp.NIL; l = l.cdr()) { for (LList r = ensureList(right); r != Lisp.NIL; r = r.cdr()) { result.addElement(Lisp.list(l.car(), r.car())); } } return result.contents(); } static LList ensureList(Object a) { return a instanceof LList ? (LList)a : Lisp.list(a); } /* * Effects */ static final Object effectSyntax = Lisp.readFromString( "(at ?when ?pattern = ?value)" ); static final Symbol Q_WHEN = Symbol.intern("?when"), Q_PATTERN = Symbol.intern("?pattern"), Q_VALUE = Symbol.intern("?value"); // /\/: Shouldn't have to repeat the "at ?when" part. That is, // syntax should be (at ?when {?pattern = ?value}...). public static Effect parseEffect(LList description) { MatchEnv env = SimpleMatcher.mustMatch(effectSyntax, description); return new Effect(env.get(Q_WHEN), env.get(Q_PATTERN), env.get(Q_VALUE)); } /* Product definitions */ static Object defineProductSyntax = Lisp.readFromString( "(define-product (?name))" ); static Symbol Q_NAME = Symbol.intern("?name"); public LList canonicalProductDescription(LList def) { MatchEnv e = SimpleMatcher.mustMatch(defineProductSyntax, def); Object name = e.get(Q_NAME); return Lisp.list(Lisp.list(K_NAME, name)); } } // Issues: // * Add schemas one at a time or pass a list to new Domain()? // * Tell the domain to analyse itself or leave it "raw"? // * If we gave the domain a list of all schemas, it could // do the analysis automaticlly. When we give it schemas // one at a time, it needs to be told it has them all. // * Should new Schema() know how to precess an LList definition, // or should only the parser know? // * Should the constructor take a String or a File? // * Need to do more syntax-checking.