/* Author: Jeff Dalton * Updated: Tue Jul 17 23:55:49 2001 by Jeff Dalton * Copyright: (c) 2001, AIAI, University of Edinburgh */ package ix.ideel.event; import java.util.EventListener; import ix.ideel.IssueOption; import ix.icore.Report; public interface IssueListener extends EventListener { public void statusChanged(IssueEvent e); public void priorityChanged(IssueEvent e); public void newOption(IssueEvent e, IssueOption opt); public void newReport(IssueEvent e, Report report); public void issueEdited(IssueEvent e); // covers any other changes } // Issues: // * It looks like the JDK way to handle something like newOption // would be to define IssueOptionEvent as a subclass of IssueEvent // and include the option in the IssueOptionEvent rather than // passing it as a second parameter.