/* Author: Jeff Dalton * Updated: Tue May 29 00:45:57 2001 by Jeff Dalton * Copyright: (c) 2000, AIAI, University of Edinburgh */ package ix.icore.domain; import ix.util.lisp.Symbol; /** * Defines constants that are useful when processing schemas. * It can be extended by interfaces that add constants for * use when processing schemas as they appear in files. */ public interface SchemaSymbols extends EffectSymbols { static final Symbol S_PROCESS = Symbol.intern("process"), S_ACTION = Symbol.intern("action"), // S_TYPE = Symbol.intern("type"), // S_PATTERN = Symbol.intern("pattern"), S_NODES = Symbol.intern("nodes"), S_ORDERINGS = Symbol.intern("orderings"), S_PROPERTIES = Symbol.intern("properties"), S_EFFECTS = Symbol.intern("effects"), Q_COA = Symbol.intern("?coa"), K_ALL = Symbol.intern(":all"); } // Issues: // * Does SchemaSymbols also have constants for intermediate forms // that might be produced by parsers? It would make sense only // for a standard intermediate form. // * Should they all be keywords? Should none be? // * Should there be one big interface for all Symbols?